Chapter 9

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I awoke with a sudden hunger the next day. I checked the time on my phone and it was 8 am. I got up to get ready and after got on a sweatpant with a white slim-fit t-shirt on, adding on a black cardigan so my bare arms weren't as cold.

I skipped down the steps and made my way to the kitchen when I abruptly stopped and made a giant yelp. There was a woman already in the kitchen making breakfast. She turned around when she heard the sound of my panic and smiled. I wondered if she was the maid.

"Hello dear! You must be Mrs. Storm." I tentatively shook my head. I was still getting used to my new name. Maria Storm sounded ruthless. While Quinn was more delicate. Though who was I to judge how a name sounded like.

I looked at the cheerful petite woman who looked to be in her 30s. "Are you the maid?" I felt my cheeks turn into a beet red. "Not that it's a bad thing." I quickly implied.

Instead of being offended by the comment, she shrugged it off. "Don't worry, It is my title after all. But you can call me Mary if it makes you feel any better." I nodded, reminding myself to call her Mary next time. It also looked like she didn't know that this marriage was arranged nor real.

"I was going to make breakfast," I spoke.

"Oh! Well, Mr. Storm always likes it when I make the food so I thought it was only natural if I made the food for you as well." She responded.

"That won't be necessary, I can handle cooking and baking." I quickly replied. I know it restrained to what her job was for but cooking was what I found peace in, I hoped she would understand it.

"Not to worry dear, I'll make sure I don't make 2 servings the next time." She said understandably.

I decided I'd rather make breakfast for her instead. "You look like you hadn't eaten yet, why don't I make you breakfast?" I inquired. She looked like she was going to deny but I  beat her to it first. "I insist." She had nothing else to say but agree.

A few minutes later I had cooked a nice breakfast wrap for her with orange juice to the side. We then sat down and started eating and talking about anything. I asked her if she had any kids and she told me she was married and had 2 kids named Molly and Samantha. They were twins. She also complimented on my breakfast and I also complimented on her healthy choice of meal. We were laughing while she was making jokes about Charles and how picky he gets if he doesn't get the right amount of protein.

We were just talking about how long she has been working for Charles when he came around the corner dressed in a fancy Navy Armani tuxedo. He looked attractive with his hair slicked back. "I see you ladies are enjoying yourselves?" He asked, raising one eyebrow firmly.

"Why yes, Mr. Storm. Your wife is very interactive and beautiful!" I turned my head slightly embarrassed by her comment.

"Wonderful. I won't be having breakfast today Ms. Gonzales. I'll see you tonight." I didn't hear him move so I turned around and noticed that the last part was meant for me. I nodded my head. Where else would I be it's not like I have a car.

He gave us a smile and left. I turned back facing Mary again. "You didn't have to say that about me." I said meekly.

"Nonsense! I meant what I said." She said enthusiastically. I shook my head hiding a smile. "I should go clean up a few things." I heard the reluctance in her voice. I knew she would have to leave at some point but I didn't want it to be so soon. This place felt gloomy and like I was imprisoned.

"I'll be back  tonight, to make dinner for Mr. Storm, we'll talk then?" She asked if it was okay.

"How about I make the dinner and you come over so we can chat tomorrow?" I requested. She seemed to agree with the plan and I left her so she could do her job. I went back upstairs and remembered that I needed to call Cassandra.

After three ringtones, she finally picked up. "It took you two days to call me back!" She sounded mad and I didn't blame her but then I remember her not picking up a week ago.

I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me. "I'm sorry," I was about to tell her why when she cut me off.

"Also why did I have to find out from your parents that you're suddenly married?!" She stated in a disbelieving tone.

Leave it to my parents to spoil everything to my best friend. "I was going to tell you."

"Oh really, when?" I heard her scoff.

"Over lunch. Perhaps today at 2?" I replied shyly.

She sighed and stayed silent for a moment. "Only if you're paying." She responded. I laughed and heard her join in two seconds after. We agreed that she would come to pick me up and after, we hung up and I got up to find something to wear.

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