Chapter 19

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Imagine my surprise to find a cat in front of my face, staring intently at me. His soft purr scared me straight away. I jumped and yelled, moving back a bit. I heard a booming laugh near me and I sat up straight on my bed to see who could've disturbed my sleep.

Horror was written on my face and the person was just there dying on the side of my beds' headboard. "Yo- You should've seen your face." my obnoxious roommate exchanged.

I was confused as to why she was here and with her cat. "What are you even doing here?" my voice sounding like a shriek from yelling.

I honestly wished this was a dream but it sure looked real. Surely it was Emily in the flesh. "Nice way to start a conversation." She sat down on my bed with a plop. Her smile was still intact as she held her cat in her arms, patting it. Mr.Fuzzles made a purring sound again as he snuggled on his owner. "Your maid let me in. I just told her that we're friends and I had a surprise for you."

I looked at her in amazement. How long was I even asleep. I checked the time on my phone and noticed I slept 2 hours in. It was now 12 pm. I sighed deeply. "I always wake up the latest on Saturdays."

"Yeah, I know." She still had a smile on her face and I could tell she was still thinking of what happened a while ago. "Anyways I came over because I happened to be in the neighborhood." Then I remembered texting her yesterday and not getting a response for the 7 messages I sent her.

"Where were you? I thought you were dead." I questioned with dull eyes. My voice was still raspy from just waking up.

Her smile faded quickly as it was never there once she started speaking. "My mom is sick. She fainted yesterday morning and I went to go and see them."

I looked at her with sympathy. I remember back at the beginning of the school year when Emily had to go meet her parents for a week because her mom got cancer. 2 years later and her mom was now suffering again. "Does that mean the disease is back?" It felt weird talking about it again when I know it hurt Emily to talk about it.

Emily had turned into someone else at that time. She had cut her hair and changed for the worse during that day and at a point, she lost hope. I was always there with her when she couldn't handle what happened but a year and a half later, her mother had recovered. She was happy but I know even I couldn't imagine how she was feeling right now. Anger, hurt, sad, bitter? It was all I could think of how she was feeling.

She looked at me, knowing I understood but her eyes held despair and so much pain. "We don't know yet. The doctors need to do some tests and it's gonna take a few days."

I nodded. I guess that's why she had her cat with her. She was planning to return back home again. I didn't want her to think over it for too much so I had a plan. "Why don't I get ready and we can make some fun desserts and lunch. After we can watch a movie while we eat." I laid out what we could do for the day.

Emily had a grin on her face and she sounded pleased with the plan I had.

After coming out of the bathroom and changing into an off-shoulder floral romper. I made my way downstairs and caught Emily laughing about something on her phone. I noticed Ms. Goncales was not around.

"Where is Ms. Goncales?" I asked Emily.

She spun around on the stool. "She just let me in and left." She answered. I forgot that she had to get her kids at her parent's house today since the kids liked to annoy her mother too much.

"Okay, Do you have suggestions we could make today?" Today was her day so I wanted her to be happy.

"We have to make Cinnamon Buns and Mozzarella sticks!" I agreed with the idea.

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