Chapter 15

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Dinner was finally over and after a couple more talking with each other with a glass of wine. Caden and Olivia had to leave.  Both of them promised that they would come again soon and I couldn't wait.

Charles was in the kitchen, cleaning a few dishes. I watched as he stayed solely focused on getting the job done.

"Why didn't you tell him the truth?" I asked. It was the first time in the evening we talked to each other.

"I didn't think he needed to know. Plus they already like you." He assured, still keeping his eyes content on the dishes.

I rolled my eyes. "He's your best friend. I don't care if he has to like me or not as long as you tell him the truth." I argued. "It'll make it easier for both of us." I urged.

He lunged at me and we were a few feet apart. He looked me darkly straight in the eyes. "Don't tell me how I should live my life. It's not like I can anyways." He looked at me cruelly.

I was outraged. I couldn't believe he had said that. Did he think that I wanted this, for us to happen? Why was he still bitter about it. I stared back at him and gave him a mean stare. "Don't blame this on me. We both lost a part of real love. Not only you." I said, still raging but persistent until he'd stopped looking on my eyes.

We stayed like this for seconds but it felt like minutes yet I was still standing, arms crossed. He finally stopped looking and I fell victory. I felt like I'd won a box of cookies.

"I'm sorry, you're right." I heard him say. I gaped at what he said. Of course I knew I was right but it felt weird that he admitted it.

I shook my head in agreement. It was now awkward without saying much. I chose to leave and go to my room.

Once I entered and closed the door behind me, I quickly jumped on my bed and lay down for a bit. I shook off both boots from my feet and went further up to the bed and lay my head on it, curling myself until I could confide in peace.


I woke up and noticed I was still in the clothes I had on yesterday. I was still tired and wanted to rest but I also remembered that I needed to finish up an essay for school. I grabbed my phone on the table and checked what time it was. It was 11. I got up and took a shower and changed into some comfortable clothes.

I grabbed my laptop from my desk and went back on the bed to lay and start working to finish up my essay.

It was 3 in the afternoon when I finished and heard a knock on my door.

I replied for the person to come in. It was Ms.Gonzales who entered. "Sorry to bother you darling but you haven't come out since this morning to eat something. I prepared lunch for you." She pestered.

I gave her a small smile. "Thank you so much, I'll eat it right now." I told her.

She left the lunch on my table and closed the door behind her. I closed my laptop and went to sit on the couch and start eating the turkey sandwich.

I decided to go through my social media. I liked a few pictures of some friends and celebrities and I checked my message. A few people texted me last night but I forgot about my phone the whole night.

My sister contacted me to see how I was doing and how the view of the house looked like. I took a goofy picture of me eating and sent it to her. After I texted Cassandra and she asked me if I was available today to go ice skating with her. I jumped when I heard skating and quickly texted her back with a response.

I hope she would answer and agree because this was since the morning and I didn't even see it until now. I was such a horrible friend.

Luckily she answered quickly and I was glad to say that she was going at 8. Thank goodness I answered her as soon.

I responded back and I put my phone down to finish eating.

After I was done, I got up and went downstairs to wash my dish and to tell Ms. Gonzales that I wouldn't eat dinner at home today.

She was already cleaning the dishes and when I insisted to clean mine she still refused and I finally let her do mine. "I'm going out with a friend tonight so I won't eat dinner." I told her.

"Does Mr.Storm know?" She asked.

"No, and I don't think he needs to know," I replied back. Ms.Gonzales looked at me disappointed at what I said. I forgot that she doesn't know about this fake marriage. I dropped my head down. "But I'll tell him just in case." I settled.

I looked back up and she was smiling again. "Wonderful, Have a good time then." She exclaimed.

I went back upstairs and did some workout and stretching. Ice skating was one of my favorite sports but if you don't stretch before you go on the ice, it may not end the best. I've come to find out it lessens the probability of me not getting a cramp and so every time I go I always prep myself.

After the workout and stretching, I went to take a cold shower and got ready for tonight. I put some black leggings on and layered on a yoga pant. I put on a grey sweater and put my favorite white Hilfiger. I grabbed some grey gloves and stuffed them inside my pocket. I finished with putting on some socks and black short ankle boots.

I went downstairs to grab a snack while I waited for Cassandra to pick me up.

I was silently eating some dried cranberries when I heard steps come into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" I snapped my head to the voice that spoke.

"I'm going ice skating with a friend tonight," I answered.

"And you didn't tell me this before?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I didn't think you'd care."

He looked at me deeply and intimidatingly. "I'm going with you."

"No!" I almost yelled. "Did you not hear me? I'm going with a friend so you don't have to worry about me." I clarified.

He was still looking at me. "I heard you." He stepped towards a few steps, close enough to touch my arm. "I want to know if you heard me?" His eyes were filled with determination. I gulped. "I'm going, end of discussion.

"But what about dinner?" I probed hoping to stall some time.

"I'll buy something to eat. Tell your friend you'll meet them there." He replied while going up the stairs. I was afraid he'd say that.

"What if I don't?" I asked him, still wishing there was a chance to get out of this.

"You will." I could almost picture him smirking as he said that. I rolled my eyes and took out my phone to call Cassandra.

"Hello?" Luckily she picked up at the first tone.

"Hey! Slight change of plans. You don't have to pick me up anymore and Charles is going with us." I sighed after saying this. I expected Cassandra to be upset but she laughed and off and agreed.

I guess I shouldn't have gotten so worked up about him coming then. "That's great, it'll be a chance to finally meet him!" She replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay,

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, I'll meet you soon."


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