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Evanora sighed, flipping a gold coin around before taking a swig of ale. She hunched over, hiding in her pitch-black hood. Here she was, an hour away from hell and gulping down copious amounts of alcohol. Not that her immortal blood allowed the effects of it to soak in. The beasts will be let out, she scoffed remembering the over dramatic speech Leader Quinn gave earlier on. She must mean the tavern rats that call themselves ravenous beasts when really they're just drunkards. As if they could catch her anyways.

Evanora didn't realize how much it hurt to be thrown out of the high council after they had given her a home for so many years. She forced down more ale, halting incoming tears. Stupid bitch, she sniffled. She couldn't show pain or sorrow. She couldn't sit here like a weeping fool. The council took away her love, she retaliated and now Evanora must face the consequences.

A black haired boy chuckled to her right. She shifted, observing him from under her hood. He swayed and chocked on ale as it dribbled down his cheeks. She slightly smiled, knowing exactly what he was feeling. Pathetic and useless. Evanora glided towards him and chuckled a few gold coins at the bar tender before conversing with the boy.

"Are you from Donveil?"

"No. Sora, actually. I know I don't look it," Lukas frowned and poked at the table awkwardly. Evanora leaned closer and grabbed the boy's chin before surveying his features. Lukas flinched as his cheeks reddened. She kept her face blank as realization hit her. It couldn't be. Maragnus was burned to the ground. She hadn't detected it at first. Maybe her senses were off.

"Aren't your parents worried about their little son venturing out into Thordon?" she teased as she flicked his chin. Lukas stared at the ground.

"Well, my mum died quite a few years ago and my father left my mother when I was a baby."

"Your father is Soran?"

"A Soran stupe," he giggled and swayed, the effect of more drinks increasing. Evanora kept her eyes locked onto the boy. He couldn't be, she repeated in her head. The pair sat in silence as they shared more ale.

Evanora paused as a devilish grin spread across her face. A lost prophecy would surely be the perfect gift for the high council. She chuckled maniacally. They couldn't possibly refuse her return then. She turned her body and opened her mouth to speak, but froze when the boy staggered outside the tavern singing a slurred song.

She shot up just as the bell tower struck eight. Gods, she must have lost track of time. Evanora rushed over to the exit before a gruff man shoved her. "Not so fast, girly. You've got a hefty price to your name and I'm itching for a brawl."


Lukas stumbled onto the street, the world turning and contorting. He breathed in the air. Gods, it was sweet. And the sky! He twirled around as the stars fused into a circle of light. He paused and pointed to the moon before waving. Hi, mum.

"You sure are having fun there." Lukas squealed childishly as a peasant witch emerged from the walls and limped over to him. Her face horribly covered in dirt and blemishes. He glanced at her torn clothing and scar filled body.

"You. You are like me," he swooned before tearing his leather pants. "Cheap, cheap, cheap. Always cheap."

"That's a fine jewel on yer wrist. It would be a shame if a certain cunning witch were to—" The peasant witch snatched the onyx bracelet and sprinted down the road.

Lukas cursed before disorderly running after her. Panic rushed through his veins. He stupidly let that rat steal his mother's bracelet. Lukas pushed his drunken body to sprint. The witch headed for an alleyway and whirled to the left. Lukas skidded along the dirt before regaining balance and shooting after her.

His head throbbed and stomach churned. He felt as if gravity was pushing his body down all whilst clenching his organs together. Gods, gods, gods. That bracelet was all he had of his mother's. He couldn't—

Pain boomed in his head as the world flipped and his body pounded into the ground. Warm blood trickled from his nose. That peasant bitch slammed her damned fist into his face. He rolled around the floor, yelping. Gods, he was confused. For a moment, he questioned whether he was in some hellish nightmare.

Lukas carefully opened his eyes. A blurry figure drifted towards him. Words faded distantly, yet he couldn't make them out. A groan to his left thundered in his head. Every sound hitting him at once. The figure outstretched a hand and mumbled a few words. A plead. A question. An insult. Lukas did not know as darkness claimed his vision.


Deep blue ocean surrounded Lukas. The tranquillity of moving water relaxed him as his body drifted along with the calm waves. He glanced at the endless pit below him, but felt no fear. He embraced the astounding depths and allowed himself to hear the sea.

Lukas thrusted his arms and took a deep breath as he threw his head out of water. An auburn haired woman smiled kindly. She mouthed silent words. Lukas tilted his head and swam closer, attempting to hear the words. He too opened his mouth yet no words escaped. The still quiet of the ocean remained yet he was out of water.

Suddenly, his mother frowned before vanishing under the water as if a force ripped her down. Lukas screamed, the sound echoing through his mind like the booming crack of an iron tipped whip. He threw himself into the water and reached for the woman descending further. Lukas furiously propelled his arms, his throat clenching as the remaining amounts of air escaped him.

"Mum! No," he cried. Sounds reverberated through the water, sending waves into the air. Her faint image flailed as the ocean claimed her body. Arms wrapped around his waist and yanked him upwards. Lukas kicked and screamed. The image of her mother's lifeless body floating through the ocean burned into his mind. 

Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}Where stories live. Discover now