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Yevvi's ephemeral daze of darkness ended as he gazed upon the blinding light cleaving his realm. A mix of helpless whimpers and incredulous gasps sounded as two figures flanked him, a towering brute and lithe woman. Behind him cowered a small, shining silhouette, like a ray of sunlight. Murmurs of shock abated as the rip crystallized. Yevvi suddenly felt unwieldly, his confusion festering as he swayed. He stared out across the vast gloom, the withered charcoal surface, the desolate grey sky, the lonely figure wrapped around herself in the centre. As if all control slipped his grasp, Yevvi took a step forward, reaching for the forlorn realm. As he grazed the opening, he found nothing but a phantom barrier.

Yevvi ran a hand through his tawny hair, tearing his intent gaze from the shattered realm. Willing a tendril of black mist to his fingertips, he nudged his magic across the king's quarters, surrounding an oak chest and heaving it towards the large door. Invading the king's quarters merits lawful apprehension, yes. But, the assumed association with the evil magic of Elasta's realm...if that was where this realm sprouted. He couldn't be too cautious. Taking a deep, calming breath, Yevvi glanced around the room, surveying the steady face of Arvin and the anxious jittering of Theos. Cesca stood poised against the realm's barrier, staring across its boundless scape.

She whispered something under her breath, enough to alert the figure inhabiting the realm. Yevvi was greeted with dusty blonde hair and emerald eyes, though only one, as the other gleamed violet with a pentagram as a pupil. Who he assumed to be Khandi rushed to the barrier, placing her hands to where Cesca's now lied. There was a certain sharpness in Yevvi's heart, of jealously or of sorrow, he did not know. A portion of him considered the impossible fact that, perhaps, the woman whom held his heart years ago may have fell into such a realm. He shut down the thought and any misery that came with it. Instead, he edged towards the rip and looked to Cesca for guidance.

"You halted your communication. Why?" she muttered through streaming tears, fingernails tearing at the stone-hard barrier.

"I'm no god, Cesca. I was never given a chance to explore what it is that lingers within me let alone control it," Khandi replied with a soft croon, laughing softly.

"I read some books, you know. Of divine beings and mythical creatures and whatnot. It gave me some insight on what it is you may be harbouring."

"So, you think I'm some ancient beast with divine powers?" Khandi mused, grinning as she pressed her forehead against the rip. Cesca chocked on her tears as she fumbled with a laugh.

Khandi flicked her eyes to Arvin, who stood unwavering as he surveyed the new person, then to Yevvi. He tensed, hypnotized by that violet eye glaring at him. She turned back to Cesca, raising an eyebrow in silent discussion. Yevvi wondered if they spoke with each other right then, expressing the words deprived of release through their years spent apart. He tried to dissemble, hiding his tremulous hands and not seem too perturbed by the realm. He had questions, many of them, most in which inquiring how it felt to be ensnared in this alternate world with no way to leave.

"Can you find Krest Andel?" Yevvi beseeched urgently, breaking the silence.

"Right," Cesca blurted, straightening her back. "You used to contact the dead. It's quite a long story, but we need you to locate the former king of Sora. He is alive, but I thought that maybe—"

"When you told me of leaving the royal house, I did not think you meant joining a fallen court in their dangerous endeavours," Khandi chimed in, voice clipped. She paused, noticing the puzzlement. "I may be locked in this damned realm, but I am not unaware of yours."

Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}Where stories live. Discover now