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Theos thumped open the door, wood clanking against wood. His father shifted in the sodden gauze, damp from the rain piling in from the open window near the roof. Theos ignored the trickling droplets and ripped the thin linen from the bed, shouting his father's name. He snapped awake, groaning and patting the sheets.

Theos threw the gems and crumpled letter, his wrath beyond repression. His breaths drew heavy and long, whilst his heart pounded rapidly. He had never felt such overpowering outrage before, his legs quivering with the sudden flash of emotions. His father ran his calloused hands through his aged silver hair, speechless.

"You lied to me," he seethed through gritted teeth. His father slowly lifted himself off the small bed, collecting shards of jewels and letters. Sorrow glimmered in his eyes as he ran them over the symbols.

"I only ever wanted to keep you safe," his father weakly whispered, clutching to the paper as if it were the most precious item.

Theos lurched backwards, pain spiking his heart. He didn't know what he expected, a confession or a refusal. Everything seemed so clouded, shrouded in the unknown. His life a mere clump of questions, theories and small bits of half knowledge. Now, his entire past flipped, those questions stirring with the possibility of an answer. An angel with a mother whose wings can soar high. Not a simple being, trapped by orders of the gods.

"How can I believe anything you say?" Theos murmured, almost a whisper, "I bet the world beyond is full of joys and freedom unlike this, this shithole." His eyes widened, anger shooting from him like a swift bolt of lightning. He stared down his father before whirling around, that oak door beckoning him to brace it.

"Stop," his father boomed, a strong hand clawing at his arm. Theos tensed, shivering at the sheer viciousness in his voice and the ruthless grip. "You will never go outside again."

Theos whimpered as his father forcefully dragged him out of the room passing the oak door and turning into the hallway. He struggled to release the grasp, digging his heels into the wood and screaming. The hallway's shadows grew violently, flickering and whispering demonic threats. Theos never dared to trail down this hallway, fearing the beasts that inhibit its corners. Something dark and menacing vibrated in the darkness.

The hallway seemed more torn and destroyed as Theos was dragged deeper, his father's footsteps thundering. Those demons prowling close behind, salivating at the thought of meek prey. His father thrusted his powerful arms, throwing Theos into the furthest room. He glazed over his son, pain lining his eyes, before shutting the door. The dreaded click sending shivers down Theos's spine, a lock.

Like the hidden jewels and letters, Theos was trapped in a box. A tattered, mouldy, sodden and beast infested box. Theos dragged himself to a corner, wrapping his trembling arms around his waist and whispering desperate prayers to the god that may or may not exist. Tears shot from his eyes, a never-ending stream. Demons of horrific shapes and mutilated flesh clawed on the scattered wood, slithering towards Theos with hungry hollow eyes. Theos yelled, quivering violently and holding his body.


Theos closed his eyes, whispering his usual prayers to Aera that he will release him from this wretched room. He has spent a few days now in this prison, maybe two or three. Time seemed to jumble and contort. No window to gaze out of or signal the jolly hound. No light to indicate the days. Only darkness lined the walls, the demons stationary until what he assumed to be nighttime.

"Your god cannot save you now," Lin mumbled beside him in that bland tone she always uses. Somehow even with her at his side, he still felt lonely and empty.

"Easy for you to say. You must worship some cruel brute from the underworld," Theos retorted, sharper than his usual tone.

A wicked smile tugged at her lips, her hollow eyes just barely twinkling with cruel delight. "You could say that. Besides, Aera isn't worshipped anymore."

Theos twisted his body, opening his mouth to question her statement but was interrupted by the soft squeal of a door. His father stumbled into the room carrying a small platter of food and jug of water. The only visit he ever got from his father was the delivery of necessities. It felt cold to be ignored by his own blood.

He silently placed down the platter, sorrow flickering in those identical eyes. Theos huddled in the corner, avoiding eye contact and wishing Lin hadn't vanished. His father gazed at him for a while before swivelling and heading towards the door.

"Wait," Theos called, "Why did you lie to me?" His lip trembled, betrayal striking his heart like a poison tipped dagger.

"There are so many things I want to tell you, Theos. But I can't and I won't. No matter how much it hurts me, I will always keep you safe."

Theos shot up, tears streaming down his cheeks. So many more secrets drifted through the air like a cloud of dread. "Please, just tell me what she looks like."

His father pursed his lips and nodded in understanding. "She had the curliest white hair, like pure snow, and these oceanic blue eyes so deep and wise. I really loved her." Theos smiled, putting together his mother's image in his mind.

"Is she still alive?" His father frowned, silence encompassing the room, before turning his back and locking the door. Theos yelled desperately after him, throwing himself against the door and furiously slamming his hands on the wood. "Tell me more. Please."

For a moment, he pictured his father and him seated by a warm fire discussing the wonderful stories of his mother and bonding over a luscious meal. Lin's presence slithered into existence, her bony arm draped around Theos. It felt light and distant but no doubt real. Theos turned to her, her hollow eyes seeming calmer and kinder.

"You feed me those dreams. You can tell me more, right? Please," he begged desperately. Pity flickered in her eyes before that lethal gaze returned. Lin stood up, her movements always so serpentine.

"At night, I will help you escape this torturous enclosure." Theos staggered from the ground, adrenaline shooting through his veins at the chance of freedom. "In exchange for something."

"I'll do anything," he breathed, that desperation bitter in his mouth.

Lin grinned mischievously. "Find Evanora Gannon and tell her El sent you." She reached into that thick cloak and pulled out a black marble, swirls of red dancing in it. "Keep this safe and give it to her."

Theos rolled the marble in his hand, the power something deep and mystical yet...evil. No wonder it was such a dark object, coming from Lin. Theos opened his mouth to question her more but clamped his teeth shut, not risking his luck. He just nodded and huddled back into the corner awaiting nightfall, whenever that may be in this forever dark room. 

Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}Where stories live. Discover now