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Evanora perched atop the crumbling roof, surveying the shadowed streets as night fell. Every now and then, she shifted, sending a bundle of rusty debris to roll off and hit the ground. A wave of brisk wind brushed past her face. She held out her still burning hand and let the coolness soak in.

Evanora despised the kingdom of Sora and its filthy street peasants. No sense of class or wealth. She preferred enticing street merchants who sell fine jewels and the sweetest perfume or the extravagantly designed stores holding glorious gowns of silk. She glanced at her current clothing, longing for the intricate blouses and dresses from her usual tailor in Thordon. She bore a velvet shirt, tight fitting with pockets made for the storage of blades. Not that she had many weapons. She could only swipe Estof before evading the flock of people who desired her lifeless body and the gold that came with it. A deep black cloak draped over her entire body with a thick hood to keep her shielded from sight.

After the Maragnian war, Sora seemed to collapse. Their king vanishing and their prince refusing the throne. Thordon took no part in the war. The flame king, Krest Andel, had barged into the council one day begging for the assistance of Thordon's warriors. He had been so frantic and forceful as if in a rush. He failed to explain his reasoning and the alliance between Sora and Thordon ended there. Evanora still had no idea as to why the war started or particularly cared.

She gripped a solid part of the roof, cautiously moving her feet to the edge. Evanora gripped the rim and lifted herself down, dangling so far from the surface. She swung, thrusting her body through a tattered window. The floorboards creaked as her body rolled against it. She crouched keeping her head low and her movements silent as to not awake the sleeping family in the common room.

Thankfully, the basement stairs remained silent as she trotted down them. Lukas cradled himself in a corner, shivering from the cold air. His pitch-black hair fell onto his face, fuzzy from lack of attention. His pale cheeks tear stained. Evanora scowled, questioning how such a timid and quick-tempered boy could be the saviour of Maragnus.

She wondered whether the orange-head man realized the absence of crucial pages in the prophecy. On a scouting mission, she discovered the prophecy and carefully tore the pages foretelling Lukas's rise in an army to rebuild the fallen kingdom and his magic growing stronger than the world has ever seen. She never believed in the importance of prophecies nor the accuracy. Useless drivel created to uphold a kingdom's mighty reputation.

Her cloak swayed as she walked as if moving darkness. Evanora nudged Lukas with her foot, signalling him to get up. He groaned and sluggishly lifted himself up, his wrists still restricted by rope. Not that he seemed to have any will to leave after his breakdown. Evanora admitted his sudden burst of fire shocked her at first, but she knew it held no threat to her.

Soon, the pair wandered onto the open streets, relieved at the lack of people. Finally, she could stroll along without fear of capture or immediate death. Gods, she regretted killing Quinn. Her bounty had been moderate before, the destruction of a council building and the death of a few members. That calls for a national hunt. The murder of a prime council leader, however. Evanora shook her head, clearing the fear of her own death.

The placid clouds hovered in the sea of blue, the moon illuminating her path. She wasted these precious moments outside, to bask in the calm serenity of nighttime. She had felt this warmth once before. Evanora changed her path, taking a slight detour. Lukas waddled behind her, his head kept down. The nearer she got to her destination, the more memories flooded into her mind. She took a moment, recalling of him.


Evanora nestled her head onto Aleks's shoulder. They sat comfortably on a suave sofa, facing a crackling fire. The mantel draped in stone carvings, thanks to Aleks. She often watched him with his four arms, delicately engraving designs. His Aethran blue skin glimmering with the soft glow of the fire.

Evanora grabbed one of his many hands, intertwining her fingers into his. She hummed, content with her lover by her side. She glanced upwards, gazing into his vibrant green eyes. His eyes fell onto her, that stern expression softening to a sweet smile that brought her to her knees.

She extended her hand, grabbing his chin and placing her lips onto his. Every kiss thrilling her. Aleks pulled away, grinning and then placing his head onto her shoulder this time. Evanora's heart thumped with that childish shyness despite their deep relationship. She wondered if the shyness were just the nervousness of having her lover by her side or the anxiety of knowing he had to leave the next day.

She pushed away the thought and tightened her grip around his hand. In this moment, she focused on the warmth of his body and his peaceful presence. Evanora loved him so dearly. Wishing to keep him next to her forever. Who thought such a simple male could turn her usual brutality into lust?


Evanora sighed, pushing away the memory as she neared the wide field of roses and orchids. Her heart immediately dropped, spying the block of stone in the centre. He never loved you. She growled, hearing Kai's words from before. Aleks had to have loved her. She saw it in his eyes. She kept convincing herself, ignoring the gut wrenching feeling that made her want to hurl.

She turned her head, looking at Lukas who opened his mouth to speak. She twisted around, glaring at him with that intense gaze. He tightened his mouth. She untangled the rope from her wrists and wrapped it around a thin tree, keeping the boy stationary.

She took a deep breath as she walked towards the stone. Her legs brushed past flowers and she admired them, wishing for Aleks to be here to offer her one. Evanora crouched, caressing the stone engraved with her dead lover's name. I miss you. She did not regret burning that building after the vicious murder of Aleks. She would do it all again if it meant avenging him.

A figure lingered in the distance, behind a few trees. Evanora tensed, slowly rising from the group. She eyed the figure, cautious of danger. The person came closer and the moonlight revealed his face.

"I thought you would be here," Kai chuckled, "Everyone is looking for you, Nora."

"Including you?"

"I could never."

"Disobeying the orders of the council? Very unlike you, Kai," Evanora tutted, emphasizing her fake disapproval. The pair shared a giggle, the tension lifting. She turned her head, embarrassed by the cold tear falling down her cheek. She never liked to cry nor have anyone see her in such a vulnerable state. Despite the tears, she felt calm as she was reunited with her two loves—her lover and her best friend.

Evanora stiffened, sensing the scuttle of something in nearby shrubs. A faint, manic laugh and then a feral hiss. She reached for her trusted dagger only to grab nothing. She furiously patted herself down, searching for Estof. She shot her eyes towards Lukas. He fumbled with something. Something glinting silver. Her veins rippled with anger. She turned back around only to face a beautiful pale woman, her eyes but a cavern of darkness with blood piling from the abyss. 

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