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"I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to startle you," the woman tutted, holding out her hand. Theos shifted on the ground, weary of the new presence. "My name is Cesca Kristex."

He slowly lifted himself up, surveying her appearance. Thick, elflock strands of deep brown hair cascaded down around the middle of her back. A messy fringe, a lighter brown, sat atop her forehead bobbling in the slight breeze. Eyes gleamed a honey brown. Theos marvelled at her vastly different composition, a complete opposite.

"I've never seen an angel before. I thought—" she breathed, running those chocolate eyes over his body and to his wings. Angel felt weird on the tongue, stranger. He tucked and compressed his wings, feeling more secure as if it were armour.

"I'm Theos Trof. I came from over there." Theos gestured towards the endless lines of trees and to the hut just barely visible in the distance.

"How. You. I must know more about," she paused, her mind flushing with questions, "Tell me more about you."

Theos's eyes widened, suddenly giddy with the enthusiasm of the foreigner before him. He trailed off, explaining his life in solitary and the distant relationship with his father. A voice begged him to hold back the demons and Lin and the lies, so he clamped his mouth shut abiding by the mysterious voice. Cesca's marvelled grin slowly downturned into a frown and her eyes glazed over as if in thought.

"So, you don't have a home anymore?" she mumbled, still indulging in her own mind. Theos nodded weakly, biting his lip at the thought of his father desperately wishing for the return of his son. He quickly reminded himself that he was but a liar and nothing else. "You can stay with me in Donveil then."


"The kingdom of mortals. We have no magic here, unlike other kingdoms. Some silly curse or legend. I don't know," she sighed, pointing her delicate hands to the line of trees opposite to his hut. He jumped up, gaping at the faint outline of an entire civilization. How could it be so close?

"There are beings with powers?"

"Well," Cesca coughed, rolling her neck awkwardly, "Donveil is the only kingdom to possess no magic."

"I want to see the world." Theos kept his gaze locked onto the misty kingdom, dreaming of strolling the bustling streets. Cesca stared at him sternly, the glare burning causing Theos to advert his dreamy gaze.

"Angels are rare nowadays. They," she squirmed, "They aren't particularly favoured among, among the population."

Theos tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

She opened her mouth but pursed her lips instead, retracting whatever thoughts she initially had. "I'll explain it later."

Cesca glanced at Cress who lowered her head and grumbled, an adorably cute ball of fluff against a towering woman. She smiled warmly at the protective hound, carefully stroking its back. Cress seemed reluctant to her presence, perhaps she too hadn't seen someone so different before.

"She looks like something from the depths of the underworld," she hummed, clicking her tongue as she eyed the dog. Cress growled, prancing from left to right in annoyance. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone that you escaped her grasp." Cesca winked, the dog stilling in observance. Theos bit his tongue, fearful to ask too many questions. He had much to learn and discover, but now he had to find a place to stay.

"So, Donveil—"

"Yes, yes. You must wear this with the hood over you," Cesca ruffled in her satchel and handed Theos a thick brown cloak, "And Cress must hide in here." She pointed at the spacious satchel, giggling at the dog's huff. Theos obliged, draping the cloak over his small body and trotting after Cesca. He'd decide how to ask for Evanora later.


That familiar dark shroud encompassed the bright sky into a deep navy blue. Theos perched outside the small house, surveying the empty streets. After they had travelled to Donveil, Theos strode through the streets gasping at the dazzling merchants and street performances. Some woman kicked their legs and fluffed their puffy gowns to a sprightly tune. Others urged in earnest of the wondrous and spectacular objects they sell. He found himself bobbling his head to the rhythm and longing to buy everything he saw. Cesca soon reminded him to keep his head down.

Theos felt somewhat out of place wandering around the town in an intimidating coat. Some residents trembled as he passed or blatantly avoided his path as if he were some cruel brute. He supposed a thick cover did no mercy in appearing kind, but he still felt displeased. Were angels really this feared? If so, what happened to cause such a terror?

When they finally reached Cesca's cosy little house, she immediately ran to the kitchen and prepared a lavish hot meal unlike the tasteless rice and bread from his own house. The boiling herbal tea had him almost fall to his knees, utterly shocked to indulge in something so delectable. Cress scurried around the house, basking in human luxuries such as a velvety sofa. Theos and Cesca spoke for hours on end, mostly about Cesca's recent journey to a place called Notra. He noticed that Lin or the unrelenting beasts hadn't bothered him in quite some time, making him feel truly free and content.

Theos stood up, bouncing down the sturdy steps and hurrying onto the streets. The faint tap of boots, which felt strange to have leather covering his feet instead of the bare earth, and bustle of wind were the only gentle sounds. Cesca stressed that he only leave the house upon nightfall when the streets were entirely uninhabited. Part of him hated escaping his confined hut only to be trapped once again. She still hasn't explained much about the angels and why they are feared but he felt not to push her.

Theos risked a whistle as he turned a corner and casually ambled down the alleyway. He breathed in the brisk night air and admired the sky, the scattered specks of stars and half-moon. There was something so powerful about having a set of wings to take flight at any moment. He shot out those magnificent feathers and prepared his stance to shoot up. In an instant, his body struck the tough concrete. Blood trickled from his nose as he stared upwards in a daze, his vision blurred. A group of masked figures staggered into view, waving their hands and floating. A sharp stake pierced his wings, dragging across and then down. He screeched before darkness claimed his mind. 

Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}Where stories live. Discover now