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Four days of gruelling sailing left Lukas feeling exceptionally uneasy and rife with dread. Loura's sly grin afflicted him in every possible way, his body going limp and timorous with each encounter with those devious sapphire eyes. He was too riddled with panic to peacefully slumber in those silky sheets nor devour succulent beef meals nor speak to his still livid court let alone anyone in his vicinity. Lukas had time to ponder, however. To somewhat enrich his attitude towards the future, despite the lingering fear of a certain blonde beast. He gathered his thoughts, truly recognizing the threat of wandering Maragnian survivors and a prophecy that could save hundreds. Lukas had yet to atone for his mistakes and somehow it felt impossible. But it was a start. All he needed was to escape the damned circus trio and continue his initial quest, whatever that may be amongst the overwhelming introduction of constant new information.

As the ship pulled into the harbour, gulls greeting it with thrilled shrieks, Lukas was immediately beset by Loura's incessant menace. He sped through the clusters of hurried people, desperately ignoring the woman who trailed his every move like a slick basilisk stalking its prey. He was relieved to see the crystalline glow of Aethr's coasts reflecting off the mildew-crusted grass. He felt warm recalling a time where his oblivion was his reprieve, where curled locks of orange did not make him bristle, where the stares of strangers were just mere interest. Not only was he half Maragnian, but next of kin for a fallen throne. Everything had changed so drastically, his world flipped entirely. Lukas would make it right; cleanse this world of its prejudice. Restore the kingdom in his name, if only for the sake of his mother and father.

Finally, Loura caught up with him, tangling her arm in his. With that feline mischief, she purred, "Oh, can you not show me all of Aethr, my dear Lukas?"

Once, he would have growled and mustered fake interest in the woman, if not a hint of pity. Now, this falsely normal woman held his entire life in the palm of her hand. He was her puppet, threats of exposure fuelling his terror. He hadn't failed to notice the placeholder metal bracelet adorned by a thrumming purple crystal seated on her wrist, the growling evil within it stirring.

Lukas tensed, strolling gingerly as his court and the remaining circus trio found their way to him. "Maybe we can pay a visit to Rae," Lukas cringed as soon as he found his gaze matching Yevvi's. He needed something to tear his attention away from the woman clinging to his arm, and it just happened to slip out.

"She'll be glad to see us," he replied quietly with wistful eyes. Lukas's guilt festered with the withdrawal, adding it to a list of things he had yet to fix.

"Who's Rae? Is this your girlfriend?" Loura chimed in, pouting as she nuzzled the nook in his neck. Lukas groaned, on the cusp of sending those dark flames to surround himself forever.

Cesca's glare seared into the back of his head and he instinctively whirled around, eyes wide as he faced the seething girl. She flicked her brown eyes away, lips pursed in dissatisfaction. She couldn't possibly be jealous, not of Loura. Lukas forced a smile, carefully prying away the arm gripped to his. Loura shot him a nasty glare, full of warning. He risked a more forceful approach, finally ripping her away from him. She yielded, shrugging her shoulders and skipping towards where Rue serenely ambled through the radiant boulevard, no doubt to wreak havoc.

Lukas attempted to hide the urgency in his hurried steps towards Cesca, gesturing Theos to give them some privacy. Immediately, she sped her pace, head high and arms crossed.

"Cesca, please." Lukas managed to yank her arm back, her delicate body tripping and falling into his.

"I don't want to talk to you," she huffed, voice trembling.

Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}Where stories live. Discover now