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Lukas tilted his head back, the strain of gravity elevated from his sleep-deprived weariness. He spent the rest of the afternoon avoiding Yevvi, far too ashamed to face him. Not after his seething words seared into his heart, burning it until it were but a small shell. You can't do that in public. The words replayed in his head all through the night as he glared at himself through a small hand mirror. Tears flowing down his cheeks as he scoffed at his unnatural appearance.

Lukas's life had been so miserable until a simple man with hair as bright as the summer sun bounced proudly towards him, teaching him so much more than suffering. Yevvi taught him how to fight, how to embrace the world with a child-like determination. Now that was all lost with one phrase. You can't do that in public. Of course Yevvi wouldn't accept his strange powers. Deep down Lukas knew the showcase of his pathetic magic would strike a powerful sense of embarrassment into Yevvi. The way he darted those wide brown eyes around the arena, searching for others hoping they weren't there to see such a pitiful sight. That dark pit called to him in that sombre tone once again, dragging him down into the emotionless abyss. All his strength trickled from his body as he fused with the silky sheets and closed his eyes, sleep claiming his mind.


The calm cracking of the fireplace peacefully joined with the soft whistle of morning breeze. A little boy with hair as dark as the night sky snuggled into his mother's chest. He glanced at her soft smile, her cheeks speckled with rose spots. Her hand gracefully caressed Lukas's face, the colour darker than his pale skin. He admired the golden glow it had under the sun, complimenting her bright gold eyes. The world stopped turning and Lukas felt at peace with his mother cradling him.

A strong male ran his fingers through the small boy's hair. A chuckle echoed through his mind, booming strangely loud. Lukas turned. Deep blue eyes struck him, like a piling wave building up and slamming against the ocean surface. Lukas tensed. Darkness consumed the figure before him like a haunting shadow. But those oceanic eyes remained piercing through him.

"The world will know of your greatness one day, Lukas. They will bow to your feet and beg for your greatness upon them," the figure hummed, the sound distant.

"Oh, stop. He is still a boy," mother tutted. She carefully placed Lukas on the ground, the wood ice cold against his legs. Lukas followed her movements, staring intently. She glided across the surface as if a cloud. Pure beauty. The walk of a noble. "But I suppose even a boy should know of the power he will hold."

"He will have fine ladies rushing to him, under his hypnotic gaze. Just as I drew you to be mine," he purred, grabbing her waist and pulling her towards him. Lukas stared at the couple, amazed at the pure joy stained on their faces. He had never seen such expressions or heard such words. He mumbled, gaining the attention of the dark figure.

Lukas froze as the dark silhouette towered him and lifted him up. He giggled as the world moved. He felt unstoppable being so high. He squealed, gasping for air only to laugh again. The air brushed his face, like a soft touch. Finally, the figure held him to his chest and nuzzled his nose.

"My boy, a king."


Lukas awoke slowly, his face stained with tears. He lifted himself up, groaning as his back cracked. The picture of those blue eyes struck him again. Something so pulling about them. He sighed, stretching out his legs. He had very few dreams of a theoretical father, but every time he woke up feeling like a part of him was ripped away. For so long, he wondered what his father might have been if he didn't abandon Lukas so long ago.

A king. He chuckled bitterly. Lukas admitted to often dreaming of taking the empty throne of Sora and raise it to prosperity once more. He reached for the hand mirror and jumped at the scruffy reflection looking back at him. His hair curled and knotted while his eyes puffed up. He looked god damned awful!

He jerked his chin back, staring at the plain white roof. Perhaps, Sora did need a king. Someone with an iron will and ruthless rule. Lukas entertained the thought, picturing mighty armies bowing to his command. There stood his mother, grinning at him, proud of the work he accomplished. Maybe he could rebuild the kingdom his mother loved so dearly. He could restore it at least for her.

Lukas's thoughts were interrupted by the bang of a door. That damn orange hair fluttered into his room. He immediately turned his head to his left, avoiding the villain before him. He had avoided him at dinner last night too and rather stomped straight to his quarters.

"Up, up, up. We are going to Aethr."

"What?" Lukas whirled his head around and glared at the man, who grinned as if he hadn't said such cruel words to him. "I am most certainly not."

"Come on. Don't you want to explore other kingdoms? Aethr is wonderful." Lukas shifted, his tense position loosening. He sighed, shaking his head. He couldn't let himself forgive Yevvi but that doesn't mean he couldn't join a small journey. Lukas grumbled as he brushed past Yevvi, knocking him against the doorway.

"Oh, Lukas." Yevvi tossed him a long sword covered by a deep red coating. "You'll need this. The journey to Aethr is a few days long and the beasts lurking in the woods aren't too kind." His wide grin glimmered under the morning sun as his brown eyes shot through him with mischief. He trotted down the hall whistling, leaving Lukas gaping at the weapon and the thought of some demon tearing him apart. 

Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}Where stories live. Discover now