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Lukas braced his arms over the cotton blanket, picking at loose strings. The supple softness a delicate touch to his brittle arms. Mother enveloped her arms around him, occasionally giggling at childish actions or string of words barely forming a sentence. Lukas turned his attention to the glistening ring of topaz on her ring finger, the words 'N.Z' engraved around it. He switched to the glaring moonlight bleeding through the window, lighting up the dim room. He never liked the bold blue when the sun left the sky.

A brawny man barging through the front door interrupted the serene comfort of stillness. The glint of his immaculate golden crown, the design of twirls topped with calcite. He stared at the jewel, infatuated with its swirl of red and light pink. Mother showed him crystals before. He spent hours gazing upon the magnificent twirls of colour, the shape that varied from petite to large and jutted, and the feeling from soft to gritty.

The man removed his crown, placing it on the counter by the door. Mother hesitantly released her grip from Lukas and carefully placed him on the floor, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. She scurried over to the man, crossing her arms seemingly displeased.

"You cannot barge into my house."

"I am the ruler of Sora. I think I can do whatever I want," the man purred with a viciousness that even Lukas cowered when hearing. He reached his strong arms over to mother, holding her waist and pulling her close. She turned her head, scoffing.

"You disgust me."

"Don't be so cruel, love." He grabbed mother's chin, turning her head and forcing his lips against hers. She flicked her arms, releasing his grasp. She mumbled profanities before turning around to leave. The man snatched her wrist, that dazzling ring falling to the ground. Mother ripped her hand from his, backing up before hitting the wall.

Lukas eyed the orange ring, longing to observe it closer and discover the textures of its surface. The man bent down, picking up the ring and pocketing it. He flicked his eyes to her, a menacing grin spreading across his face. Instantly, he threw his body against hers begging for the ecstasy of a returned kiss. Mother yelled, digging her claws into his chest and thrusting him backwards. The man growled and swung his powerful hand across her face.

"I thought a harlot like you would enjoy such advances." Lukas squealed, afraid of the anger lingering in the tight room.

Mother screamed words unknown to him before flushing the room with crisp flames. The man stepped back, both enraged and shocked. She shot more fire furiously at the threatening man, warning him to leave the house. He snickered bitterly before grabbing the crown and storming out.

Mother scurried over to Lukas, cradling him tightly as tears flowed from her glowing golden eyes. Lukas's lip trembled, failing to understand the interaction that occurred. He buried his face into his mother's chest, picturing that dragon blood crystal atop the crown.


Lukas wobbled awaking from the unfamiliar location. His head throbbing along with the rhythm of his heartbeat. He lost all sense of stability as he lifted his heavy body off the dirt. He took a step forward only to face a thick prison of wood and vine. The vines slithered and intertwined with the large logs of wood, the knots so intricate and detailed.

He closed his eyes, taking a sharp breath. He swayed with the light breeze, disorientated. The dream came back into his mind. Lukas squirmed, uncomfortable with the image of his mother with his king. He pondered it, wondering why his mind would create such an awful event.

Finally, the dizziness disappeared and his body became grounded. He opened his eyes, the sunlight searing his face with that unbearably bright glow. Lukas peeked over the fortress through a small opening and spotted the witch he had met in the tavern. Her luscious red hair flowing freely as she brutally drove her blade through a salamander's skin. He gagged.

"Why the hell are you holding me in this prison?" Lukas grumbled, attempting to stretch his neck further up to observe his surroundings. Evanora chuckled, carefully placing the carcass aside and glaring at him with those blazing orange eyes.

"It doesn't matter. Soon, we will reach Thordon and my life will be perfect again. At least, almost perfect," she chuckled in spite, eyeing him with that conceited grin.

"I thought we had reached a mutual friendship, Evanora." Her ruthlessness terrified him but her enchanting beauty intrigued him. Such a strange contrast.

"Appearances can be deceiving. You surely would know that." She winked before returning to her fallen salamander no doubt a tasty breakfast.

Lukas paused at her snide remark, remembering the events that transpired before his capture. That damned prophecy stained his mind. He replayed the exact words over and over. For so long he refused to believe his life held a higher calling or a past different from the one he remembered. He shut off his memory, avoiding the pain that comes with it. Now, that had been the very thing that hindered his own truth from becoming known.

Lukas shook his head, clearing his racing thoughts. Right now, he needs to focus on the present and find a way to escape this cage. He picked at the vine, attempting to manoeuvre the knots to no avail. The structure held tight, indestructible even.

Lukas stretched his body again, surveying what little surroundings he could make out. Brown soil accompanied by rich amber grass and trees of deep orange. He was in the Soran forests. Not far from Maragnus. Lukas just needed to find an escape and sprint his way back to Yevvi. He hadn't realized his attachment and need for his strength. He felt somewhat ashamed of requiring such protection.

Lukas rolled his wrists, preparing his weak silver light that may finally be of use. He angled his hand to Evanora then the vine. Perhaps if the shock were enough to knock her unconscious, he could tear the vine and run away. He took a deep breath.

The screech of a firebird and the blaze of fire drifted through the air, swooping near Evanora. She bounced off the earth with that immortal strength and effortlessly snatched the firebird mid-air then pounding back down. Her dagger was out in an instant and soon the poor victim was hanging from her hands spewing blood. Lukas gulped, fearing his escape would be much harder than he initially thought.

Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}Where stories live. Discover now