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Yevvi checked for his hidden dagger in his boots before rushing into the forest. The night grew silent and cold. He knew these forests well and somewhere out there was a king basilisk waiting for his next meal. He slowed his steps, the crunch of leaves too much sound.

The fierce rage on Lukas's mind stained his memory, haunting him. He hadn't thought such a small, clumsy boy was even capable of such raging emotions. It's true; he pitied the boy and could tell that such a feeling irritated him. But, Lukas needed to learn to control his childish anger and listen. When did he suddenly become a father to a stranger child from Sora?

He shook his head, eliminating the thoughts and scouting the forest with a predators ease. He sheathed his dagger and held it close, prepared for an attack from any angle. Finally, he spotted Lukas. A hooded figure gripped the collar of his shirt as he dangled there helplessly. Yevvi froze, careful not to reach for the stranger and rip apart their very flesh for even considering holding Lukas that way.

He flipped his dagger and prepared a quick plan in his mind before taking a step forward. A hiss. A dangerous hiss. He glanced behind the pair at the shadow lurking across the ground. The figure dashed into the forest and before long the king basilisk emerged from the trees and stared at Lukas with predatory intent.

Yevvi jumped out in front of Lukas as he swayed and drooped his head. He stared down the beast. Its orange scales lit up under the moonlight. Its long body slithering back and forth, waiting for Yevvi's first move. The ripple of flesh echoed before spikes tore its way out of the basilisk's back. He shot his gaze into the beast's red eyes, daring it to step forth.

Yevvi tilted his head slightly, keeping one eye on the beast and one on Lukas. He whispered, "Run," to Lukas before whirling around and blocking the beast's swift attack. Its jaw snapped savagely, its mouth salivating at the thought of fresh meat. Yevvi jumped to the left, driving his dagger into its side. He sighed at the faint sound of footsteps rushing behind him.

The basilisk groaned before whipping its spiked tail, plunging it into Yevvi. He yelped before clawing at the tail, ripping apart some spikes. Its flesh unbreakable, making it impossible to kill. Yevvi knew he stood no chance against a king basilisk with such petty weapons. He sliced the dagger across its thick skin, only tearing a thin layer, before sprinting forward.

The basilisk rose, its body two times bigger than Yevvi's. He cursed before dashing through the forest, spotting Lukas as he teetered. He gripped his arm and pulled him aggressively as the furious scatter of forest greenery thrashed behind him. The blazing fire grew near and Yevvi threw Lukas behind a tree before facing the basilisk once again.

He dropped his dagger, breathing calmly. The basilisk hissed with such deep outrage, even Yevvi flinched. You sure are pissed off, Yevvi gulped. He lifted his hands, feeling the surge of power rush through his veins. Gods, he hoped he remembered what he was doing.

Yevvi threw his hands forward, the power burning his skin. A flash of obsidian mist plunged forward, covering the basilisk. It twirled and groaned in pain. He kept his hands up as he let the power drain his energy. Somehow, the aching burn was invigorating. It had been too many years since he was able to express such raging magic.

The beast flopped around the ground, slowly dragging itself towards Yevvi with that warrior's determination. Yevvi eyed the beast, its expression of pride to have gone out a fighter. He commended the beast for its strength and determination but Yevvi was not about to let any danger come near the son of Daris, if that was what Lukas truly was.

In an instant, the beast's body disintegrated. Bits of it wasted away into nothing but ashes that fluttered in the wind. Yevvi dropped to the ground, breathing hard. It felt as if the air rushed from his throat as his body scorched with burning pain. He dug his nails into the dirt, fighting back the agony. He had gone too far. The night seemed to grow darker as Yevvi allowed his body to shut down.


Lukas watched as the man shifted in his sleep, fearful of every moment he was too still. The events were still hazy from the night before. He recalled a vicious beast, locks of red and a raging black mist. Yevvi couldn't have used such powers. Impossible.

Lukas frowned, replaying the event. He was sure he saw black mist but Yevvi stated he was from Donveil, the mortal kingdom. They had no magic there. But this black mist was from Maragnus. It couldn't be, he reminded himself. Maragnus was an awful kingdom of thieves and deceivers that was rightfully scorched down by King Andel. If Yevvi is a survivor...

Yevvi lifted himself up, groaning. Lukas swiftly walked over, handing him a cup of water. "Are you alright?"

"Fine," Yevvi croaked, too weak to talk. He gulped down the water instantly and rolled his bones, the cracking making Lukas cringe.

He stood back, watching Yevvi stretch and sort out his belongings. He thought of the conversation he'd have with him and they each ended with 'Don't be ridiculous, Lukas. How could I be from Maragnus?' He took a deep breath, afraid of what he might discover.

"What the hell happened last night?" Lukas sighed, realizing he forgot the calm conversation he recited in his head just before. "That power was Maragnian. Was it just some fever dream? Am I mad?" Yevvi stared at the ground as Lukas frantically blurted out words.

A moment of silence passed before Yevvi suddenly burst out in laughter. Lukas crossed his arms, annoyed. "Oh, Lukas. You'll understand when you're older."

"What? You can't just avoid my questions like that. I just want to know if you are from that wretched kingdom," Lukas growled, confused at everything. Yevvi frowned.

"Wretched kingdom? Is that what you think of it?"

"Of course! Everyone knows of its evil ways and destructive plans for other kingdoms. It's a blessing they burnt it to the ground." Yevvi glared at him dangerously. He glided toward him and brought his face close to Lukas.

"You are going to receive some big news once we get to Aethr. The kind of news that will change everything. So, wipe that prideful my-king-is-superior expression off your face and start looking back at your own life. Maybe you'll find out something important." Yevvi stared into his eyes with an expression Lukas hadn't seen before. The sheer disappointment almost brought him to his knees. Yevvi brushed past Lukas and gathered his things in silence.

Lukas stood dumbfounded, trying to process the conversation. Start looking back at your own life. What does that mean? What is so important in Aethr? Was Yevvi's power real? He groaned, burying his face into his hands. Gods, what is my life becoming? 

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