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Lukas held his balance as he bobbled in the open sea. He surveyed the phantom whales that stifled its playful movements as a man attached a satchel to its fin, presumably filled with mining materials. Its body seemed hollow as it mystically glimmered, its size rather small but still rideable. He had never ridden a wyvern or griffin let alone a phantom whale in the ocean.

"Could you tell me about the whales?" he questioned with that child-like inquisitiveness, clouding his creeping fear of open waters.

One of the two miners flipped around, Aem. His skin radiated a vibrant green, while his eyes were a dull oak. "Well. Centuries ago, the phantom whales were a gift from a mysterious divine power. A sort of reward for the customs and practices Heht partook in," he paused to tighten the satchel around the whale before continuing, "At first, some thought it was a dastard trap. However, later they found the whales were kind and susceptible to training." Aem ran his hands across the shimmering whale, it leaning into his touch.

Lukas nodded, satisfied with his new information. He pondered the motives of such gods and why they chose an animal over newfound magic or skills. He kept thoughts flushing his mind as he mounted the whale and descended into the deep pit. The slight brightness of the water faded darker the more they neared the caves. The whales glowing as if illuminating a path. Lukas's heart thumped wildly but he kept his composure. He may have conquered a section of his fear but the intimidating depths still sent shivers down his spine regardless.

The rocky structures multiplied and split into a variety of jumbled caves and towering spikes. They fluttered into a wide cave opening, the edges bumpy and spiked. Lukas's stomach churned as he darted his eyes across the cave, its colour a dark and ominous grey. The whales shot through the entrance leading into a wider space scattered with minerals, jewels and materials of varying sizes and colours.

The phantom whales halted, bringing themselves closer to the ground as Lukas slid off it. He found it strange to caress its body as if touching air; he could see Arvin's broad body through the whale like a window. Sull, the duller blue of the pair, reached into his pocket and threw a small fish outwards. The whales playfully nudged each other away to eat it first.

The miners detached their pouches and rustled through it, pulling out thick picks of matte blue and grey steel. Lukas edged his way to Arvin, keeping the strong muscles close in case of emergency. He had yet to train his body to its full potential. He couldn't risk another capture or vicious beast attack.

"Usually there is iron, gold, copper and diamond down here. Iron and diamond are a fine material to craft into a battle sword," Sull chattered enthusiastically, pleased with his knowledge on minerals.

"Isn't diamond fragile?" Lukas stepped forward, abandoning his human shield and gazed upon the vast wall of materials. Some were rich gold dusted by black and others a glittering white.

Sull chuckled, "This is Hehtan diamond. Its composition is much different from ones on the surface. Our diamond is indestructible. Well, almost." He trailed off into the creation of diamond, mere drivel to Lukas. He wandered off, avoiding the tedious miner talk. Lukas always hated the way people would run off on a tangent when he questioned them; he preferred a specific answer only.

Lukas turned to another opening, a smaller hallway. Its entrance draped in shadows making it impossible to inspect beyond it. Something about that eerie darkness weakened his knees. It seemed to observe him like he were merely prey.

Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}Where stories live. Discover now