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A maelstrom of chatter beset Yevvi, just as he took one mere step inside the Soran palace. Lines of tattered crimson carpet, marred by overuse, spiralled across the vast foyer. He passed the entrance columns, inscriptions of twirls and shapes peppered through it, and ventured towards the lavish crowds exchanging pleasantries. In one corner stood the estranged and alone bordering a bulky bar littered with leftover beverages, whilst adjacent stood an implacable pair whom furiously wrangled. The palace had declined since his last visit—the time where his king slipped his grasp—looking rather dusty and old, a blatant stranger to palace care. The insufferable feigned luxury and clear oblivion to the state of their poverty-stricken streets, rather forced ignorance, remained.

Yevvi tried to keep a calm face as he strode through the hall, head high and posture staunch. He changed his clothes prior, from a leathery warrior's armour to an elegant white, ruffled shirt with accompanying silk pants. He took it upon himself to curl and part his orange hair, only to receive gasps of admiration from the beautiful women talking amongst themselves on fine sofas. It was difficult to maintain the regal ruse of a foreign tradesman, especially with the lingering resent towards the kingdom whom scorched his own all those years ago.

It did not take long for Theos to mingle with the nobles, eyes sparkling with earnest interest at their stories of attending grand balls through their ample riches. Yevvi pinched the bridge of his nose, quietly jostling through the crowd and grabbing the angel's arm to pry him away. With a savage hush, Theos did not bother to object as he trailed along. He had initially opted the angel stay in Donveil, however his incessant begging proved to be unwavering. It was becoming troublesome to take care of him, considering he shared many qualities with a small, pestiferous child. Yevvi flinched, glaring at the small boy who leeched to his side, squeezing a portion of his shirt as to keep his direction through the almost blundering crowds. He swatted him away, muttering curses. Theos pouted his lips, those silver eyes going wide like a puppy with pleads of comfort. Unlike the devilish hound he had strung along, with searing eyes and a void coat. Luckily for Yevvi, the dog was content with lounging on a small cushion in a cosy cabin across an entire sea from this very place. He couldn't have that wretched thing snarling at him constantly.

Spotting another pair of decorated columns upholding the tunnel-like entrance into a forking hallway, and then stone stairs lined with velvety red carpet, Yevvi silently gestured to the lingering court. Arvin halted his stalwart discussion with likeminded warriors, casually sauntering to the hallway. Cesca, prim and proper with years of royal experience, delicately excused herself and glided over with demure grace. Finally, upon all reaching the hallway, the court exchanged simple banter and ambled through the oak walls. Nothing more than a tradesman with a beaming acolyte and the company of a fine woman and daring warrior.

Yevvi had been correct for this strenuous staircase opened into the king's quarters, just as he suspected, dusty and placid in a way. Although peace was not something he saw littered in this sumptuous room, but rather ardent flames flushing throughout it and flickering with wicked power. Dangerous, dangerous man. A part of him thanked the gods the flame king was hidden away in some unknown location. Yevvi concealed his shudder and cautiously surveyed his surroundings, checking for any unwanted company, before signalling the beginning of their sweep. There had been nothing special at first, only ornate coats and paintings, and the empty shelves in which a queen once inhabited. A small bookcase had caught his attention, strangely plain and peculiar for an otherwise jewel-adorned room. It had not been until Yevvi spied a slight jar in the back of it had he pressed against it, revealing an extensive room containing a plethora of magical items. With walls of black, only the objects within it served as illumination.

Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}Where stories live. Discover now