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The afternoon sun beat at Lukas's face as it sizzled through his eyes, the rays directly in front of him. He loathed every pained step he took into the forest. Yevvi had been utterly silent the entire few hours they spent trekking as did Lukas. Either person too prideful to apologize or even speak.

Lukas sheathed the blade from its red coat, afraid that the sun would set too soon for him to observe it. The iron gleamed with dangerous sharpness, the point sharper than anything he had seen before. He caressed it, careful not to slice his hand. The hilt displayed a bright ruby gem with detailed carvings of Thordon's high council symbol, three triangles with a line in between. He wondered what the symbol meant and almost questioned Yevvi before realizing his promise. He gulped, gently swinging the sword. He hadn't killed nor hunted before. His mind raced to the beasts that may inhabit the forest and what may be following his every move at this moment.

The light sky flushed with deep blue as the sun descended, creating a swirl of pink and orange. Lukas paused, gazing upon the dancing colours in the sky. He had seen such a fine sunset before. A memory itched at him. A flash of open sky, blues, oranges, pinks and purples intertwining. His younger self awe-struck by the glamorous view. His mother hanging by his side, grasping his small hand. A tear slithered down his cheek and he smiled warmly.

The colours drifted into the dark blue of night. Lukas, finally snapping from his stupor, gazed around the forest now shaded and eerie. He noticed Yevvi's gaze from his side but ignored it as he wandered off.

"Where are you going? It will be too dark to continue." Yevvi tilted his head. His words boomed. Lukas blocked out sound until the conversation sunk in. Finally, he stumbled back a little dazed.

Yevvi reached for his oak bag, pulling out cotton sheets and laying them on the damp ground. Lukas gathered a few sticks, piling them and attempting to rub two stones together to create fire. He grumbled at his first measly attempts. He felt Yevvi's stare and knew that he would soon offer to help. Lukas quickly clashed the stones together, hoping it would ignite before Yevvi opened his mouth. A spark turned into a blazing fire and Lukas sighed in relief before plopping onto the ground. He pulled his knees to his chest as he watched the flames turn and twist.

The inferno whipped back and forth. Lukas admired its power. He prayed to some God wishing to one day possess the powers his heritage promised, knowing very well that he would never have a chance.

"What do you know of your father?" Yevvi coughed, breaking the silence again. Lukas groaned, unable to avoid conversation.

"Mother told me he was a no good scoundrel who left her upon my birth. That is all I know and all it will ever be." The words came out sharper than expected and a part of Lukas regretted being so cold.

"Are you entirely sure—"

"What about your parents, Yevvi?" Lukas cut him off, annoyed at the further explanation of his family. Yevvi paused, his face a mix of shock and annoyance.

"I was an orphan, but you—"

"Enough about me already!" Lukas growled, a shot of silver light sparking the ground. He stepped back, embarrassed and enraged remembering their encounter the day before last.

"I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you that day, Lukas. I don't have a problem with your powers. It's just—"

"Don't lie to me! I see your judgmental gaze. You're just like the rest of Sora."

"Really? I forget how damned childish you are," Yevvi hissed, throwing his hands up.

"I'm not childish!"

"Then get over your paranoia of other's opinions and listen to the words I'm saying."

Lukas boiled, unsure of what he was angry at anymore. He launched forward, slamming his fist into Yevvi's face. Yevvi groaned, pivoting to the side and driving his knee into Lukas's side. The night sky turned as if the very world was spinning. Lukas yelled, the sound drifting far. He flailed his hands at Yevvi, attempting to scratch or hit. He knew he was not yet strong enough to take down even a simple opponent let alone a warrior. Yevvi stood still, taking the hits whether to spite him or to give in. Lukas didn't care.

Lukas pulled away, breathing heavily. His eyes widened at the expression of pure pity upon Yevvi's face. He hated that look. He hated the way his feeble limbs held no force or power. He hated the way his mother was claimed to the sea. He hated his father for leaving him. He hated everything. Lukas turned, embracing the open forest. He needed to get away. The sound of Yevvi's calls was drowned out by the shuffle of small animals and whip of leaves in the breeze.


Lukas shivered, the night air like a barrier of ice around him. He already regretted wandering out as he already lost his direction. Weariness tugged at him, begging him to lie down. He refused to give in and continued mindlessly walking. His eyes puffed up with both exhaustion and dried tears.

He staggered, tripping over a loose root and pounding into the grass. Lukas yelled, frustrated at his own decisions. He couldn't just die out here in the cold. He had learn to struggle and get back up. He had to be strong. He had to—

Lukas tilted to the side, losing his balance before catching himself. His vison hazed as objects became a blur. A scuttle of leaves caught his attention. He darted his eyes around, trying to detect anything. He froze, recalling the beasts Yevvi mentioned before. Was that just a poor attempt to scare him or were there some hellish demon prowling the forest? He gulped as the ruffling neared.

He pat down his side and back, searching for the sword. Shit. He stood up, careful not to make any sound or fall prey to sleep. Silence covered the area and Lukas kept still, his veins rushing with fear and panic.

A breath and a whisper emitted behind his neck and he jumped forward, rushing into the forest. He stumbled and clawed at the ground, unaware of anything. A pair of hands dug into his flesh, heaving him backwards. He twisted violently as he observed the blurry figure. A glimmer of red and the shine of canines. He paused, forcing his memory back. He had seen this person before.

The person whispered something yet Lukas couldn't make out the words as his own heartbeat pounded in his mind. A booming hiss echoed around him. The figure released him, sliding into the forest trees in an instant. Lukas fell to the ground, lost and confused.

He slowly lifted his head and faced the beast before him. 

Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}Where stories live. Discover now