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"Follow the stars of the flaring Soran skies for you will find where the truth hides," mother hummed a soothing tune as she cradled the small black-headed child. Lukas gurgled a string of partially comprehendible sentences as he moved his hands through the air. "My sweet son. My warrior child. Soon, you will rule kingdoms and everyone will look to you as the kindest and most powerful king in Maragnus. Your father says so," she chuckled sweetly.

"That is very correct. One day, we will rule side by side," father caressed the young boy's face, swaying along with the melody. His bright blue eyes combining nicely with his dark silver hair. His facial features so strong that anyone would feel greatly intimidated. But not Lukas. No. Lukas feels a sense of security knowing that fierce face is standing beside him. "For now, we must take a small journey through the Soran woods." Lukas squealed childishly as he gripped the man's neck, pulling himself up.

The dark abyss of a sky struck Lukas, instantly sending him into a fit of tears. The skies seemed to open up as if waiting to rip Lukas from his father and gobble him whole. Father held tight onto the boy as he bounced through the quiet streets of the slums. Deathly silent. Deathly empty. The calm pitter-patter of rain droplets drowned out the soft taps of boots against soil. A new adventure seemed to sound nice at first. If only it were in the bright day sky.

"You must think very highly of yourselves in order to attempt escaping the eyes of my guards," a man chuckled from the shadows of the streets. Father stopped immediately and swiftly passed Lukas into mother's arms. She gently held her hand over his mouth, blocking out the faint whimpers and pleads for his father.

"You're a disgusting man. Not worthy to be king," father hissed.

"You're a foolish man thinking you can cross my gates and kidnap two of my innocent residents," the man, the king, put a hand on his hip and gazed into the shadows dramatically. "My, the punishment for kidnapping in Sora is death."

"Death? You monster. I'll kill you!" The man held out a hand and grinned manically.

"You wouldn't want to do that. After all, he who kills a king will suffer the consequences. Along with the rest of his loved ones." The king glared into Lukas's eyes, the amber flaring with malice. "Unless you wish to take up that offer, then I suggest you leave. Now."

Father whipped around and embraced Lukas and mother, tighter than usual. Lukas yelled desperately for his father to hold him. To finish the adventure they started. To beg for the aged man in the shadows to disappear.

"I love you. Keep him safe. Don't let him forget me." In an instant, father disappeared into the shadows leaving Lukas facing the man. His bright gold crown gleaming even in the darkness of the shadows.

"Get back into your pathetic house, whore," the king snarled as he strolled into the streets. Mother shifted, slightly releasing Lukas but not enough to drop him, as tears fell from her eyes down onto Lukas's cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Lukas. I'm sorry, Lukas." The midnight air twisted and turned into a lighter, yet still dark, blue. He felt his body ripped from his mother. He reached for her but a strong wave pushed him back. His lungs crushed under the weight and he suffocated as something enveloped his body. Mother gurgled and convulsed in the water, screaming. The sound travelled through the waves as did Lukas's own cries.


Lukas gasped, throwing his body up from the familiar feeling of silk. Rae hurried with a platter in hand before delicately placing a cup of tea by the counter at his side. Yevvi leaned against the wall, biting his nails. His face slackened, deep in thought it seemed.

"Oh my, oh my. Relax, Lukas. Your body didn't react too well with the analysis. But, it's okay now," Rae tutted, swiftly scurrying around the room. Lukas grumbled, rolling his neck. His mind felt as if a force pressed against it, crushing his very brain. "We did found out some very interesting things. Very interesting, indeed," Rae spoke quick and scattered.

"Can we sit down for a second?" Yevvi chimed in, breaking his brooding before plopping onto the small bed. Lukas's stomach churned, his vision hazy and mind strained. His thoughts swirled switching from his dream to reality.

"Yes, well. Lukas." The name sent his body into shock, shivers thundering through his body. Something seemed off. Yevvi pursed his lips, half in thought. Rae paused every now and then to gather her thoughts then continue. "You are a very unique young man. A half breed. Maragnian, respectively from your father's side, and Soran from your dear mother's side." She trailed off, speaking of the war and her condolences. Lukas stiffened, speechless.

"Half breed?" Lukas breathed. "That's utter shit!"

"Lukas!" Yevvi scolded, placing a hand onto Rae's shoulder as she trembled with the sudden yelling. "You need to listen to me. Your father, Daris, was a warrior prince of Maragnus. Gods, he loved you with all his heart. Once Krest Andel declared war, he promised his people that his son would rise and restore Maragnus if it shall fall. You are the prophecy, Lukas."

"I don't believe it."

"Well you have to believe it! The remaining survivors are forced into hiding. You are our only chance to seek the truth and take vengeance on the fallen."

"I said I don't believe it," Lukas growled, the sound booming through the room. Rae quickly excused herself, tears dripping from her cheek. He didn't care how loud his voice were or who heard it. He needed to scream and throw his fists into the ground.

"I'll show you. Come to the ruins of Maragnus and see for yourself." Lukas boiled with pure rage, conflicted at the new information. He couldn't believe these words. They couldn't be true. Yevvi sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Each Maragnian born possess silver light. They must train young and prove to be strong enough to ignite their powerful black mist."

"No," Lukas snivelled, his hands shaking.

"Just come with me to Maragnus. Please. You'll understand," Yevvi pleaded desperately, his eyes shining on the verge of tears.

Lukas fell back into the bed, fusing with the soft sheets. He stared at the glittering ceiling, transporting his mind to somewhere else. A different world. For a moment, he saw a flash of that woman in the lonely realm. Her pentagram eye striking. She drifted towards him and whispered softly "I need you." Just this once, he'd drift away to that dark tunnel and forget everything.

Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}Where stories live. Discover now