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Water bubbles splattered across objects as Lukas shifted and folded his clothing, damp and darker than on the surface. He grimaced at the slime substance tearing from his bed sheets and falling onto a thick black cloak, one of his finest that he received in Thordon. He wondered once he breached the water whether his clothing would slacken with the weight of dampness or remain pristine and dry. Lukas kept his hopes that the slime and sea grime would come off easily.

Coral lamps lit up the room, their bright shell encasing the glimmering pearl that projected the luminescence. He marvelled at the ability for clothing and objects to remain stationed yet for people to glide and lift and propel themselves through the water so effortlessly. He often awoke hovering over his bed having lost control of his body. It was sort of fun yet jarring. He'd miss that about Heht, the freedom and airiness. Something about the compact seclusion of water made him feel safe and warm, like a mother's embrace despite his terror of open depths.

This was the last day in Heht and Yevvi decided it was best to pack up and head for the surface as early as possible. There is not much left to do here anyways, besides eating rancid fish meat and watching the harmonious street dances. He folded and tucked away the last of his clothing and headed for the door, until a bouncy blue tail tumbled into his room.

"Oh, Lukas!" Iral gasped, running her hands through her blue hair and smiling widely. "The council battle will begin soon. Isn't that terrific?" She hummed enthusiastically before turning her head away from him and giggling shamefully. Her sudden outburst shocked Lukas, as he stood dumbfounded.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, it's thrilling," Iral scurried over, grasping Lukas's hand, "Every six years, the high council has a battle to establish the next highest in command."

"That sounds very fervent," Lukas tilted his head, distracted by her rapid bobbling and tight grip on his hand.

"You simply must come with me."

"I'm sorry, Iral. We'll be leaving soon."

Iral frowned, her shoulder slouching. "You can't leave me so soon," she sniffled, biting her lip. Lukas tensed awkwardly, attempting to subtly release her grasp. There was a painful silence before Iral lifted her head, her eyes lined with tears. "I already don't have a lot of friends down here. To make things worse, I long to be on the surface! I wish to have legs and lungs. To feel the softness of earthly ground and inhale the air. Oh, Lukas! What is it like on the surface?"

Lukas groaned at the frantic girl, feeling a mix of pity and uneasiness. "It's wonderful, I guess." The surface was rather magnificent, much better than the ocean, but he couldn't tell her such a thing. Not when she was desperately clutching to his hand on the verge of tears.

"Please see the battle with me."

Lukas sighed and before long, he was begging Arvin and Yevvi to take a short detour. Arvin had seen many a council battle during his time in Heht, so he was partial to a quick viewing. It seemed usual for a ruthless brute like him to be an advocate of bloodshed. Yevvi, however, was much harder to convince. But, with a heart wrenching speech from Iral and her struggles under water, he shamefully gave in to pity.

Lukas casually strolled along the Hehtan streets, following Arvin. Iral attached herself to his arm, looking up at him and giggling every now and then. He glanced at Yevvi, who raised his eyebrow. Lukas frowned, his cheeks reddening, before rolling his eyes in retort. He couldn't help it; she was glued to his arm with no way to pry himself free. It's not as if he could anyway. Not with that childish twinkle in her eye as if Lukas were a knight in shining armour. He'd feel far too guilty to reject her harmless endeavour.

Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}Where stories live. Discover now