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Lukas closed his eyes, basking in the crystal glow of Aethr. Houses perfectly lined shone pink and blue, the material otherworldly and somewhat metallic. Footpaths of diamond lined the streets. Street vendors of amethyst glittering under the sun while the owners gleamed even brighter. Everyone seemed to be made of crystal. Lukas gaped at the magnificent sight, its appearance so enchanting as if the very kingdom struck him with a spell.

Lukas and Yevvi spent the remaining two days travelling in silence or speaking only when needed. The journey was torturous and tedious with that damned awkwardness that ate Lukas up inside. Gods, he regretted lashing out at Yevvi and spent the nights turning around wondering if he lost the closest friend he ever had. He had never seen such anger and shame in Yevvi before nor seen him so quiet. Start looking back at your own life. Lukas refused to reflect on his life. All he would ever find is pain and suffering. He wouldn't start now.

Lukas is yet to question why they are actually in Aethr. How can he start a conversation after what happened? Yevvi strode through the streets, Lukas following close behind. He couldn't help but stare at the residents. Their four arms and eyes intriguing and so vastly different from his own. Their immortal energy felt different from Thordon, calmer as if they possessed great knowledge. If he recalled correctly, Aethrans were one of the first species to exist on Earth.

He noticed the primarily female population, only few males wandering the streets. Yevvi had told him that Aethr ran solely on a female council, a high mistress conducting most of the duties whilst a band of high ladies assist her. Lukas felt intrigued with the female presence, his young hormones running rampant.

A flicker of chalky white hair passed him. A lady with pastel pink scales winked one of her many eyes at Lukas. Her dark purple dress fitting her hips perfectly, embracing each womanly curve. Lukas's eyes trailed the lady, infatuated with her strange beauty. Her hips swayed so elegantly. She turned her head and eyed Lukas, who was drooling over her. She giggled and twirled before wandering off.

"Oh god," Yevvi scoffed, alerting Lukas. He flinched with the sudden annoyance. "Eyes forward, you wild animal." Lukas reddened but a smile tugged his lips, relived to feel that friendly connection with Yevvi return.

After some time walking along the streets (and observing the fine woman of Aethr), Yevvi stopped at a small house. The bottom half displaying a sign in unknown symbols whilst the top seemed to be some sort of living quarters. Lukas followed into the building, the room immediately lit up by crystals scattered on the walls. Strange to see crystal light over lanterns.

"Oh my! Dearie, you're finally here. I was worried you hadn't received my message." A bubbly old woman scurried from a small bench and over to Yevvi. Her curly shoulder length hair bobbling as she moved. "I have many boxes of supplies you'll find quite useful in Thordon." Her skin was a dull pink, less shiny than the people on the street.

"Rae, you are too kind," Yevvi purred as he wrapped his arms around the woman.

"Oh, and who is this?" Rae looked Lukas up and down. "What a fine young man he is. From Donveil, perhaps? No, no. That's a Soran elf if I've ever seen one. Strange looking, although."

"Enough, Rae," Yevvi rolled his eyes placing a hand on the woman's shoulder. "Lukas, this is Rae Tiffel. My adoptive mother one could say. She cared for me when I was alone and weak." Lukas shifted, unable to find the right introduction. He hadn't properly introduced himself to anyone in his life.

"Lukas Zelth. I like your eyes," Lukas sighed, looking at the ground. Why did I say that? Her eyes were something beautiful. Its honey colour a weird mix with her pink skin and white hair. Rae and Yevvi trotted off, conversing about life and whatnot. Lukas took the chance to explore the room.

He brushed his hand against the walls, the crystals dimming in response. It felt smooth and polished. He rubbed his Onyx bracelet in comparison. He breathed in air, taking a moment to relax. Start looking back at your own life. Lukas sighed, closing his eyes and allowing himself to reflect. The faintness of his childhood. A faceless figure. A mother so sweet. Waves that reached high. The Soran tavern and stale ale. Then, Yevvi. Something tugged at his heart, pain. He didn't think too far. He couldn't think too far. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. So, why did Yevvi say that?

Lukas twirled around at the sound of murmurs. Yevvi and Rae returned, tea in hand. The smell drifted through the air, he breathed it in. The scent different. Sweet yet sour. Fresh yet aged. Yevvi shot a glance at Lukas before turning his back and whispering to Rae. Lukas crossed his arms, annoyed at the sudden secrecy.

He casually edged closer, acting distracted, to hear their conversation. He could only make out his name, which made him feel even more insecure. He felt his blood boil. Could he be expressing his disdain with Lukas's powers? Lukas opened his mouth to scream and shout but Rae cut him off.

"Lukas, dear. I've heard some interesting stories about your powers. I was wondering if you'd like to endure a simple magic analysis. Aethr is well known for potions and magic modifications, you know. My, I remember a few years back—"

"Rae," Yevvi coughed, stopping her banter.

"Well, yes. Anyways, I'm sure I can find some intriguing things about your power. Care to try?" Lukas kept quiet, suspicious of the pair before him. Was this some trap? No. Yevvi wouldn't do such a thing.

"I suppose so," Lukas agreed hesitantly.

"Oh, yes! It will feel strange as if you are weightless. Do not be afraid. You'll be able to hear us." Lukas tensed as Rae lifted a few crystals into the air. They travelled towards him, circling him. Light flashed and he felt his body lifting upwards. Rae's voice grew quieter and more distant. The colours around him too bright to see.

He heard a shatter and his body drifted through an abyss of nothing. No words. No sounds. No thoughts. No ground. He felt...peaceful as he was enveloped with a realm unlike his own. In a second, the world flashed back and his body carefully dropped. He placed his feet on the ground. Ground in which only lit up blue with touch. Crystals of varying sizes floated in the strange dimension. He took a step, the sound echoing.

"Don't be afraid, dear. We are analyzing you now," Rae hummed, her voice still distant. Lukas drooped his shoulders, relieved to hear her voice.

He sauntered through the ethereal realm, studying the fine jewels. He jumped up at the sight of a large onyx and observed it, marvelled at its identical appearance to his bracelet.

Lukas paused, spotting an opening. A grey portal-like opening. It seemed like a rip in the very realm. He ambled closer, observing its structure. It was another portal! He reached his hand through it, only to be sent back as if a force prevented him from doing so. A single person crouched over in the centre. The sound of faint cries in the distance.

"Hello? Are you okay?" The person shifted quickly, shocked at his calls. She hurried over, stumbling every now and then. He gazed at the other dimension, it being completely empty and dark.

"Who are you?" the girl questioned. She seemed young, perhaps close to Lukas's age. Her hair a dusty blonde and short similar to that of Rae's. One eye was a deep midnight blue while the other was a bright purple, the symbol of a pentagram as a pupil.

"My name is Lukas. What—what are you doing here?" She looked down, her eyes watery.

"I can't leave. I want to leave. I don't want to be stuck here for eternity. Please. Get me out," she pleaded desperately as tears raged from her eyes.

"I can't. I'm sorry. I don't—" Lukas struggled for words, confused at what exactly he was seeing. "What is this place?"

"Hell," she growled, "Its awful. Please, get me out." Lukas felt a stabbing pain in his heart, sympathizing with the poor girl before him. His mind raced with theories and questions yet he couldn't seem to get them out. His gaze drew back to her eyes. The violet pentagram drawing his attention the most. Is she human?

Suddenly, a strong force dragged Lukas's body back. The girl cried and threw herself at the portal, only to be thrusted back. He fought back the force furiously to no avail.

"Wait! What's your name?"

"Khandi," she called and that was all he heard before flying backwards. 

Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}Where stories live. Discover now