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The room draped itself in gloom and its usual eldritch atmosphere, indicating the time being night. Theos paced back and forth, his bare feet barely a whisper across the surface. He nervously ran his hand through the pale wisps of hair, the strands unknotting and puffing up. Prayers shifted through the room as he turned his gaze away from the dismantled figure beckoning him to release his sinister bloodthirsty soul.

Theos almost jumped into Lin's arms as she flushed into view. His shoulders sagged with relief and he darted his eyes from Lin to the howling beast. Sensing his fear, Lin turned around and grumbled in a demonic tone. The beast backed away, hissing and gurgling, until its body blended with the wall. Theos shivered, his bones tight and stiff from wrapping around himself in the corner for hours on end.

Lin waved her hand over the door, the clatter of a lock echoing through the hall. Theos tensed, his heart pounding. He cautiously opened the door, cursing at the too loud screech. Lin gestured him into the hallway, hurriedly drifting past and growling at the nearby demons. Theos trailed close behind her, marvelled at her ability to intimidate evil incarnates.

He spied the door, which seemed to vibrate and call to him. One flick and that door would be open, freedom hitting him. His heart strained, a feeling that brought his father's face into his mind. Guilt, sorrow or fear of the gods. He did not know. All he knew was that freedom was one tantalizing step away as he raised his shaky hand.

A familiar gruff voice grumbled from behind Theos. His father dangerously lingered, a beast waiting to attack. Theos trembled at the sight of the pure, unrelenting rage splattered on his father's face. Lin pranced around the opening between them with feline grace, buying him time.

"You have kept him in long enough, Maer," Lin hissed and spat at the name.

His father lunged forward, arms out and ready to pull Theos away. The air rippled, forcing his father back. A shield glimmered, as if winking at him, between Theos and his father. He dug his heels into the ground, a shrill screech emitted from the wood.

"You cannot take my son."

"Too late." Nothing remotely heroic or kind glistened in those hollow eyes, just pure malice. Theos considered escaping them both.

His father flicked his silver eyes to Theos, that desperation and pain glimmering. "Would you rather choose a deceiving demon over your own father? She, it is lying to you."

Theos felt a fat tear trickle down his cheek and he bit his lip, attempting to stifle another downpour. "You have lied to me my entire life. I will never forgive you."

He swore he saw a tear dribble down his father's cheek before he swung around and flung open the stupid oak door. Brisk wind slapped his face and the light of the sky hit him, the sight so bright his eyes squinted. A roar of his father had him sprinting through the forest. He couldn't help but observe the bright star flecked sky and the beaming full moon. The deep blue sky flushed as if dancing in victory along with Theos.

A rumble of footsteps and a hiss from Lin. Theos willed his stationary wings into flight as angels were said to do in that book he read. At first, he jumped and staggered. The footsteps closing in. He whimpered, forcing the muscles in his body to contract until those mighty wings shot out majestically and caught the night breeze. He soared high into the ether, cooing with unyielding joy. Theos twisted around the towering trees, dipping into a shrub and shooting up again. His body ached and shivered but he kept pace. Sometimes he would lose control and slip, but he assumed he needed more practice anyways. For once in his life, he yelled through the thick wind with undeniable jubilance.


Theos jolted awake, covered in rich brown soil and bright emerald leaves. He weaved his hands through the grass, basking in the damp softness. He spent almost the entire night embracing the skies before settling into the earth and slipping into a calm slumber. Theos caressed the earth, the smooth, the soft, the gritty. The colours far more rich and enchanting than the droll garden in his little hut. A part of him already felt homesick, but he pushed that aside and made his decision. He was going to explore the entire world.

Theos jumped out, heading towards the stagnant river. He dipped his head, gulping down fresh, pristine water. The sun blazed high up in the sky, the heat slightly simmering on his skin. The perfect temperature, the perfect day. Theos choked back a tear as he dreamed of the adventures awaiting him. His mind drifted back to Lin and his promise. Find Evanora Gannon. He hadn't the slightest idea of who this person was or how he'd find her, but somehow he'd have to.

A snore rumbled and he gazed at the black hound nestling into his foot. He almost squealed in joy at the sight of his window friend finding his way to him. As if sensing his silent excitement, the dog yelped and circled around himself. Its tail flickered as he jumped and mumbled. He ran his hand over the hound's rugged fur. Theos delicately pressed his finger against the spiked tail, the point unbelievably sharp. The dog winced and flicked it away as if a warning.

Theos scooped up the dog and looked into its crimson eyes. "What shall I call you? You are a girl, right?" The hound hummed in agreement as he observed her features. Theos's smiled tremulously. "I think I'll call you Cress." After the mother he never had and could have been.

"That's a wonderful name," a meek voice hummed behind him. Theos twisted around and faced the woman smiling before him. 

Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}Where stories live. Discover now