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Evanora slammed her hands onto the counter, the papers flying from it. "He is a prophecy to Maragnus. I'm telling you. I saw it. It will be a threat to us," she hissed facing the remaining council members with fierce determination. She recognized the black-headed boy from a prophecy she read in the ruins of Maragnus on a scouting mission.

"I ought to behead you right now, you filthy liar," leader Quinn bared her canines, licking them no doubt picturing Evanora's head on a spear.

"It is true. I've shared a crucial piece of information that can threaten entire kingdoms. If the boy is said to hold the powers the prophecy suggests..." Evanora shivered, putting on a show. She had no doubt that a small boy such as he could not even lay a hand on someone like herself. "Surely you can allow me into the council and call off the bounties, right?" Evanora pleaded. She had no choice. Without Aleks, she had no one. She had to return to the council.

"Of course that's what you want," Quinn chuckled dangerously, the long sword by her side dangling, beginning to run itself through Evanora's heart. Quinn stood up and walked over to her, her dress swaying elegantly. "I raise you into a fine warrior. I take you into the council. You didn't even have to fight for it! I gave you everything and this is how you repay me? Burning an entire building holding five, FIVE EVANORA, important council members. And now you want to return?" She brought her face close to Evanora, her eyes so murderous and bloodthirsty.

"You have to let me back in." Evanora's voice shook, a rare moment of weakness and desperation.

"You disgust me. That Aethran fool deserved the knife to his heart." Evanora snapped, grabbing Estof and swiping it in the air with such immortal force. Quinn stepped back, gurgling on blood. Her throat perfectly sliced and spewing rich red.

Evanora gulped, her hands trembling furiously. She faced the twitching body before her as guards and other members rushed over to her, attempting to save her life. A nobody witch had just murdered the oldest living council member, the worst possible crime one could ever commit. She stepped back, gravity becoming too forceful. Gods, her bounty would surely be raised to an unbelievable amount.

In a second, she was bracing the open streets. Thumping footsteps and growls close behind her. She swung around the corner, knocking over wooden crates of ale. A familiar brute yelled her name, the clank of silver sheathing from a cover. Her body quivered violently, shaken by the image of Leader Quinn's lifeless body. She had been in many savage battles and seen the cold pale faces of death but this...This was something different. She mindlessly killed the person who raised her, who took her in.

She wheezed, pushing through the ache in her chest and continued pounding through the back alleyways. She rounded another corner and skidded spying her warlock counterpart standing in front of her.

"God dammit, Nora! This is irredeemable," Kai sighed. She swore a tear swelled in his eye. "Aleks changed you and you know it."

"Don't," Evanora warned, gripping Estof tighter.

"He never loved you."


"Nora. You knew his plans and still chose to cuddle up to him as if he was some damn God! You betrayed us. I love you, I really do. But this," he paused, running his hand through his curly burgundy locks, "this is damn awful."

Kai lunged forward, his sword just barely missing her face. She swung her arms around his neck, twisting his body and throwing him forward. Kai skidded before whirling around. He lifted his sword high and plunged it forward, cutting deep into Evanora's side. She winced, tripping on the ground before catching herself. Blood gushed from her side. Instantly, she ploughed forward, driving her fist into Kai's strong jaw. The force so powerful she could have broken it.

Kai fell back, tumbling over. Evanora jumped forward, swiping the dagger at his cheek, the blood spurting out. He kicked her off, Estof clanking onto the cold earth. The sun descended slowly, darkness taking over. She stood up, clutching her side and breathing heavily.

"God dammit, Nora," Kai cursed, picking up Estof and throwing it to her, "Go."

"Kai, you—"

"I said, go!"

Evanora stared into his brown, almost black, eyes remembering the times she laughed at his humorous remarks or the joyous adventures they'd take in the Thordonian forests. A single tear fell from his cheek, something she never dreamed of seeing on Kai. A moment later, she disappeared into the lines of alleyways.

Every step thundered in her head, her heart beating wildly. Her side and face ached. She pushed through the air beating at her face, the tears streaming furiously. She sighed, spotting the hidden hut in a tree just on the edge of Thordon. She launched her legs onto a branch, grabbing the tree and swinging herself up. Evanora thrusted herself into the small hatch and immediately began gathering essential items into a burlap sack.

The grumble of peasants and beastly drunkards flushed near her, searching for Evanora. She threw the sack over her back and prepared Estof for yet another battle. The price for her life is much higher. She jumped out of the hut, soaring through the air like a majestic griffin. The dirt scattered as she boomed onto the ground, spinning and driving her dagger into a nearby witch.

She moved far too quickly for any simple person to comprehend and soon the small crowd twitched on the ground, gasping for life. Evanora dashed into the woods, no time to waste. She would find that damned prophecy boy and drag him to Thordon. She needed to be back into the council. It's all she has.

Night fell and Evanora ploughed deep into the woods, far from civilization. She scouted the area, definitely not prepared for another basilisk attack. She almost had the boy when a king basilisk interrupted her capture. The damned beasts are killable, just not easy. She laid back against a tree, gazing upon the sky. Her heart finally slowed and her limbs relaxed. The wound by her side still spurting blood, even under the cloth she pressed against it. Her immortal body would soon heal it. Her mind drifted away as she embraced sleep. 

Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}Where stories live. Discover now