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Four pitiful looking brutes strongly smelling of ale and filth stood before Evanora, blocking her only escape. Stopping her from grabbing that damned prophecy boy. A glint of his dark hair flashed under the dim tavern light before drunkenly dashing outside. She swore, sheathing a hidden dagger from the pocket in her cloak.

"So, you're the beasts? I expected much finer looking guards not," she paused flipping her braided hair to the side. "Not this pack of feral sorners." Evanora picked at her nails with the gloriously sharp dagger. So delicately designed yet so dangerously piercing. She licked her lips at the image of bloodshed.

"Watch your mouth, traitor." The words struck her heart so painfully that she stepped back. She had given everything to the high council as they had many years ago. A traitor felt rather bitter. Evanora chuckled, despite the cavern growing in her chest. A drop of blood trickled down her palm as she sliced it calmly.

"Such big words for such small men," Evanora purred as she scribbled symbols on her hand. The blood so warm around her skin, calming. It would be much more enticing if it were someone else's blood, not hers. "So, I suppose we should commence a mighty battle, shall we not?" She grinned wickedly, her immortal adrenaline racing and pounding in her body.

The largest man of the four jumped forward, his fists shooting out. Evanora threw her hand out, the symbol on her palm glowing. Instantly, a shot of magic flew at the man, freezing him in place. The others blinked, taken aback by the sudden movement. Before long, Evanora was slipping out the door and sprinting along the streets.

The cool night air brushed her face, invigorating her. The sound of crunching dirt barely audible as her feet glided across the surface effortlessly, courtesy of vigorous training in the council grounds. Her heart throbbed, remembering the battles her and her warlock counterpart furiously held every afternoon. The thrill of dancing across the earth, dodging blows and thrusting her trusted dagger—Estof, named after the ancient witch queen—onto her opponent.

She turned a corner, swiftly flicked her black hood up and blended with the alleyway walls. She pressed against it harder as if fusing with its very structure. She covered her mouth, blocking her furious breaths. For a moment, she pictured grasping Estof and smiling at the man who bestowed it upon her. The image of him embracing her lovingly. Evanora wrapped her arms around her waist, her sharp nails digging into her side as to distract her from the tears that swelled in her eyes.

Evanora scorched that building as retribution for the man the council took from her. Now, she had nothing left. Only the high council and that is all she will ever have. She lifted her head and gazed at the sky, the stars seemingly twisting and moving with the breeze. She would find that damned boy and capture him. Surely, the high council cannot turn away such a priceless gift.


A calm warmth blanketed Lukas, accompanied by a silky smooth cover. He turned taking in the irresistible softness. The warmth resembling the assuring embrace of his mother. The saccharine candy scent of her perfumes lingered in his nose, travelling upwards into his mind begging him to release the memories he suppressed for so long. Lukas's body sunk into the ocean of silk, floating so aimlessly. So still and free. Sea green waves draped over Lukas, compressing him. Suffocating. He jolted. Twisting in the roaring waves spinning around him. Pushing him with unbelievable power. The surface seemed so far yet so reachable. If only he could just swim up. He could make it. It would not too late. He could—

Lukas ripped the earthy green covers off his body before pummelling to the stone ground. He flailed his arms as if fighting an invisible evil. His desperate screams reverberated through the small room only to hit his own ears, the painful screech throbbing in his head. "No! I can save her!" he pleaded as tears raged out of his golden eyes. Water bubbled around him like lava in the process of explosion.

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