1.1 || the lunch

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"Wow, I'm glad that's over". Sarah huffed when she pushed the door open of the exam hall. They were all allowed to leave after the two hours were over and Dagmar and Sarah made their ways to the stairs to get down to the main floor. "Me too". Dagmar replied with a smile, in her head, she was already with Lando. "I could ask if you want to do something relaxing, but I assume you're getting back to your studies right away". Sarah playfully rolled her eyes and Dagmar blushed slightly. "Don't attack me like that". She muttered. "It's fine, we'll celebrate when we get the grades back. Although I don't think I'll get to celebrate much". Sarah replied. "Resits!". Dagmar called over her shoulder with a laugh as she made her way through the university building to get out on the other side of the main floor. Dagmar didn't want to tell Sarah about Lando yet. She felt bad for lying to her friend like a few seconds ago. Dagmar wasn't getting back to her studies right away, Lando was picking her up for lunch.

Lando offered to pick her up from the university building or from her apartment if that was more comfortable for her, but Dagmar was okay with him picking her up from school. She just used another entrance the students didn't use very often and they wouldn't be spotted anyway. And even if they were, she'd ignore it. Nobody would believe her if she said she was dating Lando Norris. Besides, they weren't officially 'dating' yet. Dagmar pushed the heavy doors open and walked down the few stairs to get to the grey pavement. His papaya McLaren wasn't hard to miss as it was parked close to the pavement and he leaned against it while being on his phone. His eyes flickered up to hers when she came up to him and his phone was pushed into his pocket again. A smile curled his lips when she neared him and Dagmar felt her heartbeat quickening at the sparkling look in his eyes. "Hey, Dagmar". Lando smiled and he leaned towards her to kiss her cheek gently, a rosy pink covering his face when he pulled away.

"How did your exam go?". He asked while walked to the right side of the car to open the winged door for her. "It was fine. I'm hoping for a good grade, I studied well for it". Dagmar explained when sitting down. Lando walked around the car again to sit down behind the wheel. "Didn't expect something else". He smiled at her. "I see you're wearing the necklace". Lando pointed out then. "I am". Dagmar beamed, gently caressing the pendant with her fingertips. "It looks beautiful on you, you look beautiful". Lando complimented her, admiring the way her jeans fitted her legs and her warm sweater fell over the denim, the leather of her boots wrapping around her calves. "Thank you". Dagmar smiled at him, her eyes flickering over to the ring around his middle finger and the way his curls fell over his forehead. The car smoothly steered through the curves of the road. "I didn't choose anything special for the lunch by the way, it's not a fancy restaurant like the last time". Lando chuckled.

"Everything is fine with me". Dagmar smiled and watched him as he parked the car in one of the spots. The doors opened and she got out, swinging her shoulder bag over her arm when pulling the door down. She moved around the car to join him while walking to the entrance of the restaurant. Lando opened the door for her and his hand rested on her lower back when they got inside. There were enough tables empty and they sat down at the window table. "So, you had a nice holiday as well?". Dagmar asked, putting her bag down and looking up at him. "It was great, especially celebrating New Years in Dubai". Lando grinned. "A complete different city than Oslo". He said next and she nodded. "I can imagine. You were probably seated on a terrace with summer clothing while I was packed in winter clothing in the snow". They both laughed at the extreme contrasts. "And your training last weekend?". She asked, remembering he had told her about a different training location to do some cycling and such.

"It was raining the whole weekend". Lando rolled his eyes. "It was wet and cold and my hands were frozen around the bike handles. And I already don't like training". He sighed. "Do you work out?". Lando asked. "Absolutely not". Dagmar replied, which made him giggle. "I do yoga sometimes, but that's about it". She added, opening the menu card to see what they were selling for lunch. Lando looked at her as her eyes were directed to the card. "I deleted Tinder". He blurted out, definitely grasping her attention. "Because I want you to know that I'm not talking to other girls behind your back and that you're the only one on my mind". Lando continued. "God, that sounds so claiming and obsessive, but I wanted you to know that". He groaned and it made her lips curl upwards. "That's sweet of you. I appreciate it, Lando". Dagmar replied, looking into his bright eyes. He nodded and slightly gnawed at his bottom lip. "I started Tinder as a joke, but I absolutely don't think of this as a joke". Lando added. "That's why I deleted it as well". She let out a chuckle.

He beamed back at her, really happy they had this connection already and they were meeting up for just the second time. They broke their gaze when the waitress came to their table to take their orders and she came back not much later with their drinks. Dagmar closed her fingers around the mug of hot chocolate, happy to feel her fingers warming up finally. "Will it take long for your exams to be graded?". Lando asked. "It depends, but it normally takes about two to three weeks". Dagmar said. "Long enough to be honest". She laughed and he nodded. "I can imagine. But I'm sure you'll ace them". He gave her a grin next, taking his coffee cup in his hands as well to take a sip. "I ehm...". Dagmar's eyebrows furrowed together. "I didn't tell my friends about us meeting up yet". She explained. "Because you're not exactly someone you expect to meet up with over a weekend and I didn't want them to interfere anything". She said, not sure how to put it in words, however he seemed to understand.

"Yeah, no, it's totally fine". Lando sat back in the chair. "But I guess you have to tell them eventually?". He smiled, knowing they were going to meet up a lot more often. "I know". Dagmar sighed. "My best friend, Sarah, she's quite nosy and I'm honestly afraid it won't add anything good to...". Her hands moved along as she spoke. "Us". Lando finished for her and a gentle blush showed up on her face. "Yes". She smiled then. "I'll figure it out". Dagmar waved it away then, not wanting to talk about something this serious. "I talked to Carlos about a job for you at the burger restaurant". Lando changed the subject, seeming to notice she wanted to talk about something else. Dagmar's eyes lit up. "He's going there at the end of next week, so he'll see what he can do for you". Lando confirmed. "Oh, that's amazing". She thankfully said. "Please tell him I'm very grateful for his attempt already". Lando nodded. "Of course".

The waitress returned to their tables and put down their plates. Dagmar picked up her fork and knife and started to dig into her plate of pancakes, glad to eat something after the somewhat tense exam morning. "When is your last exam?". Lando asked. "The 21st of January". Dagmar replied, taking another sip of her hot chocolate again. "Some of my friends and I wanted to go out on the 24th, would you like to come? I could pick you up a little before so we can spend some time at my place and then head over to the party". Lando suggested. "That's a Thursday, right?". She asked and he hummed in response. "That's fine. If your friends are okay with me joining". "Yeah, of course". He smiled. "My brother is coming as well, he's taking his girlfriend. Maybe you'll get along". He said. "That would be nice". Dagmar said and she sparkled at the thought of meeting some new people. "And if you change your mind or anything, don't hesitate to let me know. I understand you're busy". He added, which made her chuckle.

"I thought I was supposed to say that to you?". She laughed and it made him laugh as well. "I'll make time for you, Dagmar". Lando said, looking at her as he cleaned his mouth and fingers with his napkin. Dagmar just smiled back and finished her plate of pancakes. They ordered another cup of coffee and another mug of hot chocolate next and they spend some more time at the restaurant before getting up to pay and to leave. Dagmar didn't want Lando to pay this time and after he protested many times, she had already drawn her card to pay for their lunch instead. Lando brought her back to his car and they got in. He didn't want to bring her home, but he had another training session in an hour or two and she probably wanted some time on her own as well, which he could understand. He barely dropped her off in front of her apartment and he already looked forward to seeing her again soon. It would be more than a week and a gentle pout showed up on his face at the thought.

"This way, right?". Lando asked as he hinted towards the road he wanted to head into and she nodded, smiling as he remember correctly. He managed to find a parking spot between other cars that were parked alongside the pavement. "Hey, stay seated, it's fine". Dagmar smiled as he wanted to unbuckle his seatbelt and get out as well. "I'll see you next week". She said, clicking her seatbelt loose. "Keep me updated if you get any result before hand, alright?". Lando asked and she nodded. "Will do". She grabbed her bag and she leaned over to kiss his cheek before getting out of the car. Lando looked at her as she stood on the pavement, her long hair gently blowing in her face because of the wind and he watched her moving it away before she waved at him. Lando waved back and hit his blinkers to get out of the spot and drive back to his flat. Dagmar sighed as she watched him drive away and she finally moved when he drove out of her street.

She took her keys out of her bag and she made her way into the building. Dagmar hit the button for the elevator and waited before the doors opened. She hit the button of her floor now and leaned back against the steel wall, a smile locked on her lips as she thought about Lando.

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