1.4 || the breakfast

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Lando guessed an hour or so had passed since they went to bed. He was propped up on his elbow and he looked down at Dagmar who was curled up against his chest. They had a discussion about who was sleeping where. Lando was afraid he was might get too much in her personal sphere if they would sleep in one bed together already, however she had shaken her head and argued she didn't want him to sleep downstairs in the cold living room while his bed was obviously large enough for them both. Lando gave in eventually and he had let her take a shower in the middle of the night as she said she felt disgustingly sweaty. He smiled at the thought. He had laid out a shirt of his for her to sleep in, which was draped down to her thighs. Lando looked down at the silhouette of her makeup free face, tracing her cheek.

He felt her breath fanning softly over his chest, her hands leaning against him while they were folded together. Lando brushed his fingers through her long hair, knowing that it was time for him to sleep as well, but he didn't want the night to pass so quickly when he fell asleep. They hadn't kissed again after their first kiss in the hallway, however he longed for the feeling again. His swore his heart nearly exploded in his chest when his lips had touched hers and he had felt the warmth filling his stomach. And now this beautiful, young woman was sleeping in his bed, all cuddled up against his side. Lando had to pinch himself to remind him that this was real. He had met her on Tinder and they were the perfect match. It was all real. He hummed softly, his arm curling around her waist and he gave in to the sleep that wanted to consume his body. Lando closed his eyes with a sigh and fell asleep too.

Even though he had been the last one to fall asleep, he was the first one awake as well. Dagmar had turned around in her sleep, her head still leaning on his arm beneath it. It was still dark in the room, however the sides of the curtains let through some light. Lando was cautious to not lay down on her hair and he bundled it together to sprawl it out over the pillow instead. The shirt had ridden up her thighs during the night, exposing a slight bit of her stomach. A small smile curled his lips and he traced his fingertips over it, knowing it would tickle. Dagmar stirred in her sleep when she felt his touch and she soon woke up with a sleepy giggle. "Hey, stop it". She turned to her back and pushed the shirt further down. "Good morning". Lando smiled at her. "Good morning". She replied with a yawn, stretching her arms above her head and arching her back. "Did you sleep well?". Dagmar asked, her bright eyes peaking up at his. "You were still awake when I fell asleep". She said next.

"I slept fine". Lando nodded, one of his hands lifting to caress her face. "How did you sleep?". He asked next, gazing down at her. "Like a baby. Your bed is comfortable". Dagmar smiled again. "I'm glad it is". Lando's lips curled upwards once more. "Do you want to take another shower? I can make some breakfast meanwhile". Lando hummed. "Yeah, sure". Dagmar nodded and she sat up now. He followed her example, pushing the sheets away. "I'll ehm...". His sentence was interrupted by his own yawn as he stood in front of his closet. "You can keep the shirt". He said eventually, picking a sweater for himself. Dagmar watched him standing there, his hand raising to scratch the back of his head and her eyes briefly glided over his toned upper body and his flexing biceps. "If you don't mind". She kept her voice under control and he shook his head.

"I'll get it back eventually. Or not. I'll leave it up to you". Lando grinned and she chuckled. "There are towels in the bathroom cabinets". Dagmar nodded and got up too, moving her hair over her shoulder and collecting the shirt he had laid on his desk next to her other clothes. The shirt was probably too big for her, but she would tuck it into the skirt she had worn last night anyway. She got into the bathroom and locked the door behind her. Dagmar let the water run to get it lukewarm first, taking a towel from the cabinet as he told her. She hung it on the hook and stripped from her nightwear to get into the cubicle. She moved her fingers through her hair to wet it properly and then reached for the bottle of shower gel to wash her body. She briefly sniffed on it before pouring a small amount on her hand.

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