3.3 || the champagne

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A/N: This Austrian Grand Prix has the result of the 2020 GP, for the Lando podium obv.

"Excited for your first race?". Lando asked when he turned their rental McLaren through the entrance of the circuit. "Very". Dagmar smiled and she gnawed down at her bottom lip. The weekend had been lovely so far and she had been very happy that she was allowed into the pit box of McLaren once again, the last time had been during the wintertest in Barcelona, however a real race weekend was just way more exciting. "You probably have a lot to prepare before the race, so if it's better for me to...". "To stay right by my side". Lando interupted her, before she could even start about being a burden or a distraction for him this morning. Dagmar cheeks blushed gentle pink and she let out a soft laugh. "Alright then". Lando nodded contently as he found his assigned parking spot, parking his car there and turning the engine off. Dagmar opened the door and got out, happy she was wearing flat sandals as she still felt the sole of her feet hurting from the heels she had been wearing last night.

Lando thought she looked absolutely stunning, wearing a loose shirt and a matching top, the earrings he gifted her looking gorgeous on her. He smiled at her and he got his backpack with him, his jacket left in the car and he was wearing shorts for once. The white McLaren polo shirt made him look even more tan and Dagmar admired the colour on him, especially the way it fitted his muscled upper body so perfectly. "Don't shy away from the camera's, okay?". Lando's hand gently brushed down her spine. "They'll find us anyway". He said and she let out a breathy laugh. "And if they do, we have some cute pictures of us two". Lando had a boyish smile on his lips and he kissed her cheek before they went into the paddock. Immediately, some of the paddock guests were waiting for him and they held their phones up for a picture, wanted him to sign some things. She had already seen it yesterday, but today was the most busy day in the paddock and she waited for him till they could continue their way to the McLaren hospitality.

Dagmar didn't know the way well enough and she didn't feel comfortable enough to walk around without Lando here. Lando's fingers slipped through hers when he met her again and the two smiled at each other briefly, lightly holding hands as Lando swung their entwined fingers between them. "First we're going to have something to eat". He mentioned, it was a little after eight in the morning, so she could use some breakfast as well. "It's going to be a busy PR moment, but after twelve we have a moment for ourselves. Jon will do some exercises with me in my driver's room and I'll prepare for the race. We start to roll the cars to the grid a little before and then we have the final moment at the front for the national anthem. Three 'o clock sounds far away, but the moment is there before you know it". Lando chuckled and Dagmar nodded. "I'll just be by your side the whole time". She said and he looked down at her for a second, feeling the warmth expanding through his chest. "Okay". He smiled, knowing he wouldn't be able to wipe it off his face.

They made their ways into the hospitality after some more fans came up to him for a picture or an autograph. They came across Max Verstappen and Lando had introduced her to the Dutch driver, and she knew Lando and Max were befriended off track too. He was the reason why Lando randomly shouted Dutch words through the room. Dagmar was happy to sit down and enjoy the well prepared breakfast the McLaren facility offered and she gladly dug her teeth into a blueberry muffin and sipped on her cappuccino. Dagmar felt happy and she knew that she felt like that when she looked at Lando when he spoke to some of his mechanics, when he was giggling and smiling and they were both so relaxed. This is what she wanted, with him, together.

Dagmar watched Lando zip up his suit. She had rather admired the view of him in the tight fireproof shit, however she reminded herself that she was going to see him like that many more times from now on. Jon handed him his helmet, but before he put his balaclava on and then his helmet, he leaned towards her. Dagmar smiled at him when he tucked some of her hair behind her ear and he kissed her tenderly. "I love you". He spoke. "I love you too. Be safe and I'll see you after the race". Dagmar muttered, which made him hum against her lips before he kissed her again. The mechanics grinned and some of them whistled to tease their driver. Lando let go of her and she gave him the space, stepping away and remaining at the back of the pit box. She felt excited and nervous at the same time when Lando drove out of the pit box next, he was going to line up on the grid and then the national anthem would be sung, like he had told her earlier and then it was only a matter of time before the race would start. The TV screen in the pit box showed her that the cars moved over the track for their formation lap.

The whole crew had the pre-race nerves and it was visible with the media team who slowly settled to watch the race. The crew came back with all of their materials and the deck chairs were placed where the cars were parked before. Dagmar fiddled with her necklace as she took a deep breath, her heart beating faster. A smile curled her lips, even though she was nervous for him and because of the atmosphere here with the team, she felt extremely happy. The cars aligned on the grid again and the lights went out not much later. Everyone was tense and she watched with eager eyes to see if Lando made it through the first corner. Dagmar was relieved to see that he did. A couple laps later Alex Albon overtook him, but Lando was driving amazingly nevertheless. She knew Lando had hopes for a podium. His qualifying sessions had been terrific and he was rewarded with a P4. This morning he heard he could start on P3, as Hamilton had received a penalty. The crew had been realistic about it, they didn't keep their hopes up too high, however Lando hadn't responded much to that.

Lando told Dagmar that she was his lucky charm, as she was here this weekend and he scored his highed qualifying grid position ever in Formula 1. She hoped the bit of good luck would rewards him today as well. She didn't even notice she was biting her nails when Charlotte offered her some water and she finally managed to take her nails away from her teeth. The race continued with various incidents, some drivers out with a crash and others because of technical problems. Dagmar really kept her fingers crossed that Lando at least would be able to bring the car home. He was currently still driving on P4. Sounds erupted from the garage when Albon spun out after contact with Hamilton, and not much later Lando managed to overtake Perez, which brought him to P3. There were 2 laps left and he held the podium in his grasp right now. Mechanics stood up with nerves and Dagmar reminded herself to keep breathing. Her heart was hammering right now and she wished the flag to indicate the end of the race would wave already. Lando was racing his ass off to get to the finish line within the time penalty of Lewis.

"Oh my god". Helen next to her squealed when he finished in P3. "It's a podium!". Dagmar smiled brightly as she looked at Helen. "Come! Let's secure us a spot at parc ferme!". She took Dagmar by her arm and they sprinted from the pit box to parc ferme at the beginning of the pitlane. Lando's crew were cheering happily, also their hard work was rewarded this weekend. They had to wait before the cars would arrive as they were still in their outlap. Dagmar leaned against the fence, bouncing slightly on her feet. She felt her eyes becoming watery, she didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help feeling so immensly proud of her boyfriend. Bottas came into Parc Ferme first, Leclerc following and finally there was her Lando. He rushed to hop out of his seat as soon as he had turned the car off. He jumped into the arms of his crew and he took his helmet off as he reached Dagmar. "Love...". He gave her a toothy grin. Dagmar laughed at the same time as she started to cry, his warm hand cupping her face and he leaned down to kiss her. "My lucky charm". He muttered against her lips. "You did this all yourself". She chuckled and he wiped her tears away.

Lando leaned his forehead against hers before pecking her lips a last time, needing to get to the interviews. Dagmar's eyes kept filling with new tears of pride, of love and happiness after all they've been through. And this weekend confirmed to her heart once again that they belonged together, no matter what.


A/N: Hi everyone, this is the last chapter of Tinder. I felt like this would be a nice moment to end the story. I really loved writing for this book and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I want to thank you for your never ending support on this book, with either just reading, leaving a vote or leaving those lovely comments. I'll be busy to write a nice epilogue for Dagmar and Lando and then their story really ends.

Once again, thank you all so much.

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