2.6 || the heartbreak

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          Kisses were peppered onto her skin when she slowly started to wake up. Dagmar felt his lips brushing over her neck and the goosebumps rose upon her body. A smile curled her lips, the feeling of waking up next to him again after two long weeks was amazing and warmed her chest from inside her heart. "Good morning, baby". Lando muttered in her ear, continuing to kiss her skin and his lips moved to the side of her face. Dagmar turned around in his embrace, gazing into his bright eyes and his face that was slightly lit up by the faint morning light the curtains let through. "Hi". Dagmar said, her arms wrapping around his neck and she gladly felt him pulling her even closer. She had been too tired last night to wake up fully and embrace him, however they had the day together and she was planning on enjoying it to the max. "Missed you so much". She had a gentle pout on her lips and he couldn't resist to leaned forward and kiss her. "I know, I missed you too". Lando replied to her.

"But I'm home for a week". He said next and she nodded. "Although you probably have to go to the MTC". She guessed and he nodded, a feeling gnawing at his insides. "When duty calls I have to be there, love". He softly said and she nodded. Dagmar understood, like she had done in the previous situations, she just couldn't ignore the same feeling she had when he told her he wouldn't be able to travel back home between the first two races of the season. "Come on, no sulking about it". Lando said next, his thumbs moving in comforting circles over her cheeks and the caressing caused her to lift her eyes to his again. She managed to pull the corners of her mouth upwards and he kissed her once more. "Are you hungry? Or do you want to stay in bed a little longer?". Lando asked. "Hmm, stay a little longer". Dagmar hummed, nuzzling her head more into his touch. He smiled at her. "Whatever you want". He nodded, his hand dropping from her face to twirl his fingers into her hair.

"Do you have work tonight?". Lando asked. "Yeah, I do". She informed him. "Just some studying before I leave for my evening shift". She said. Lando guessed it was good that she's working now. It could form a distraction for when she's missing him. "You're in your exam period?". He asked next, her eyebrows briefly rose. "Mhm, till next week. I told you about it". Dagmar softly said. "It's fine". She shook her head next, not wanting him to feel guilty about it as it wasn't a big deal. She didn't know why she had a hard time to swallow the lump in her throat. Maybe her time of the month was coming up, but the conversation with her boyfriend felt slightly stiff and uneasy. Maybe they just had to get back into it after not seeing each other for so long. "How's it going so far?". Lando asked, his eyes darting over her face every now and then. "Quite okay". She said. "I hope I don't have to do any resists. Then I have the resit period off and I can maybe come visit you at a race". Her cheeks coloured slightly rosy and she looked down at her bracelet.

"That would be great". Lando smiled, lifting her chin slightly and he kissed her forehead. "Is everything alright?". He decided to ask eventually and she nodded. "I'm fine, just tired, but it will be over when I'm done stressing about the exams". Dagmar giggled and he chuckled, delighted with the sound she let out. "Okay". He softly said. "I'll get some breakfast ready, alright? You can stay in bed a little longer if you want". Lando suggested and she nodded. "I'll shower". She said. He smiled at her before he pushed himself up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. Dagmar looked at him as he got into some sweats and a long sleeves shirt, making his way downstairs on his bare feet. Dagmar rested her head back against the pillows, looking up at the ceiling. This slight amount of tension between them wasn't what she wanted to be present. She didn't want to feel or be dramatic, but she felt her eyes getting slightly watery. Everything about his life and his busy schedule, that his relationship wasn't going to be ideal, was what she understood and kept in mind.

Yet at the same time it was biting at her heart and eating her from the inside. She felt her heart clench in her chest and she rolled to her side again, pulling the sheets in her fist and up to her chin. She didn't want to cry now and get downstairs with bloodshot eyes. Perhaps it was going to get easier when he leaves for China and then get's back before he has to go to Baku. Dagmar knew she had to get used to it, adjust to it and she told herself she couldn't expect herself to adapt in a week while their relationship was still so young. Yet she couldn't push herself to get over the longing feeling either. Dagmar took a deep breath and sat up. Maybe a cold shower would clear her head and push her in the right direction. She gathered some clothes and headed to the bathroom. She stripped from her clothing and got under the water, closing her eyes as she let it pour down on her, hoping it could wash away her current feelings.

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