1.7 || the intimacy

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Lando had a soft smile on his face as he watched her dig her spoon into some ice cream. He didn't want to pick a desert, but he had seen her eyes glancing over the post-dinner dishes and he assured her he absolutely didn't mind if she wanted to have some ice cream after. Lando looked at the way the dim lights of the restaurant fell onto her, onto her neck and her collarbones that were exposed by the off-shoulder shirt she was wearing, the lace of the edges gently resting against her skin. His fingertips tingled with the urge to trace the curve of her neck, down to her collarbones and her shoulder, to feel her delicate skin against his. Lando snapped out of the thoughts as he briefly looked away from her, yet his eyes eventually moved back to her straight away. A couple rings with rhinestones glistened around her fingers, the necklace he gifted her still decorating her neck. He really couldn't believe how beautiful she is.

Dagmar finished her desert, happily chewing on the strawberry she saved for last and she used the napkin to wipe her mouth and fingers. "Do you want something to drink? Or head home?". He asked, not minding whatever she wanted to do now. "I don't really mind". She said with a chuckle as he had the same thoughts. "I'll ask for the bill". He smiled and his hand rose to sign to the waiter. One of them came up to their table quite quickly and he was handed the bill not much later. Lando swiped his card through the holder, leaving a tip and then they were ready to leave. "I really enjoyed this dinner". Dagmar said as they got their jackets. "The restaurant is nice". She added and he smiled at her again. "Right? I take my family here some times as well". He explained. "A little bit less stiff than some other restaurants, however the food never disappoints me wherever I eat to be honest". Lando grinned, making her giggle.

His hand curled around her hip when they walked to the entrance, they were greeted friendly by the waiters at the doors. Lando's car was ready in front of the restaurant and he took the keys from the valet parking service again, unlocking the McLaren and he lifted the door for her. Dagmar was about to get into the car when his arm curled around her lower back and she was softly pushed up against the metal frame of the car. One of her hands rested against his firm chest when she looked up at him. Lando leaned down and captured her lips with his. Her eyes fluttered close and she nearly melted into the car behind her. There was something in the kiss that caused the goosebumps to rise upon her skin, all the way to her neck. Lando slowly let go of her. "I'll take you home". He muttered and she nodded, words stuck in her throat. The atmosphere in the car was different than before and this time she swallowed hard when his hand rested on her thigh.

They didn't say much during the ride back to her flat, however Dagmar didn't consider the silence uneasy. His touch caused the heat in the pit of her stomach to increase and her heart was still beating quite rapidly against her ribcage. Her mind started to wonder and imagine, thinking about what would happen if he touched her naked skin, and more intimately. They have been seeing each other for nearly three months, it wasn't weird if she was thinking about the next stage, right? She only noticed they had reached the flat she lived in when Lando halted the car, parking it in one of the assigned spots on the side of the flat. "Walk me to my door?". Dagmar asked, sucking her lower lip into her mouth. "Sure". He said, smiling at her and they got out of the car. Her hand rested on his bicep while they made their way to her floor.

Lando remained close to her when she took her keys from her purse and unlocked her door. Dagmar turned to him, already crossing the threshold. Her eyes sparkled briefly as neither of them said anything. Lando took a step forward and she stepped backwards, making him chuckle softly. The door fell closed behind him and he made no attempt to leave. A giggle slipped out of her mouth as she slipped her jacket off her shoulders and she threw it over her chair. He laughed softly as he followed her, bending his knees slightly to grab the back of her thighs and lift her up against himself. Laughter echoed through her room as he carried her to the bed, leaning down to gently let her onto the mattress. Dagmar's laughter died down when his face hovered over hers, his hands leaning next to her head. Her hands moved to his cheeks and their lips connected again. His body rested between her legs, one his hands slipping into her hair at the back of her neck.

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