2.3 || the show-off

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        Lando and Dagmar flew home the next morning. They hadn't slept much because they decided to stay up the half of the night to chat about anything and they had fallen asleep around three, while their alarms rung just before seven. The short flight back to London didn't offer enough time to fall properly asleep and they were both listening to some music while leaning against each other. Dagmar was staying another night at Lando's apartment and then he was visiting his family in Glastonbury for the remaining of the weekend and Dagmar would get back to her own apartment to work on any assignments for the next week of classes. She already had a headache at the thought of preparing the work for Monday, but okay. She had gotten three days off from Uni so she figured she could think about that while working on her assignments. And then there were two small weeks left before Lando would travel to Australia.

The plane shakily touched down on the British airport and it caused them both to wake from either a small nap or their thoughts. Lando looked over at her and took his headphones from his head, making her do the same. "Back home". He said and then stretched his arms above his head with a yawn. "I was thinking that we could take away some lunch and then get home, unpack a bit and get back in bed". Dagmar said, looking at him with droopy eyes and he chuckled, his fingers caressing her face. "I agree especially with getting back to bed". He hummed. They remained seated till it was possible for them to get up and get their luggage from the upper racks and then follow other people out of the aircraft. Lando had tucked the hood of his hoodie over his head and his free hand was tangled with hers as they made their ways to the exit of the airport.

His car had been parked in the parking garage for a week and Lando got the keys from his backpack to unlock it. They stuffed their bags in the car and Dagmar curled up in the passenger's seat. Lando turned the car from the parking spot and drove towards the highway to get back to London's center. The radio was softly playing in the background and Dagmar leaned her head against the headrest while she watched the landscape pass by. Lando's fingers rested loosely on the underside of the steering wheel and they didn't speak much during the ride back, but they didn't feel the need to do so either. Lando turned into the center of London and the route towards one of the many Subway restaurants in the city. He halted the car on the side of the road. "What do you want me to order for you?". He asked as he unclicked his seatbelt and turned to her. "The same as you're having". She smiled and he nodded with a smile too.

Lando leaned forward and kissed her cheek, looking at her tired figure before he got out of the car. Dagmar yawned meanwhile and her cheeks turned slightly rosy with embarrassment. She had been only a spectator this weekend, Lando had done all the hard work and yet here she was, yawning every two seconds next to him. She hoped she wasn't annoying at the moment, although Lando had agreed to nap as soon as possible. It didn't take long before Lando came back to the car again, handing her the bag with two fresh sandwiches. "Let's go home". He smiled and she smiled back at him now. Lando started the car again and took the route to his apartment.

       Lando and Dagmar had lunch together and they decided they could turn on some kind of romantic comedy film on Netflix while dozing off in bed in the meantime. Dagmar put her glass of water back on his nightstand and he parted his legs so she could sit between them. Lando pulled the comforter over them two before his arms curled around her waist and tightly held her against his chest. Dagmar sighed contently, feeling comfortable in his arms and his embrace. He nuzzled his head against hers and she let out a soft giggle when he kissed her cheek. She rested her hands on his wrists and leaned her head against his shoulder while they were watching the movie. She had loved everything about the whole event, joining him to Barcelona as his girlfriend, meeting the team he's working with every day and to see how much the sport means to him. She had seen him with a smile on his face every simple second of the past few days. She felt honored that he wanted her to see that and let her be a part of a preparation for the big weeks that are coming right up for him. 

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