1.2 || the admiration

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"Table for two, please!". Sarah nearly yelled at the waitress who was greeting them so friendly at the door. Dagmar shook her head with a smile. Their exams were over for now, after finishing their law exam this morning. Sarah had texted Dagmar if she wanted to go to their usual spot in their usual restaurant to celebrate and relax a little, she didn't have time to go out their weekend as she was spending a couple days with her new flame, some kind of guy she had met the previous time she went out. Dagmar had waved it away, it was in her favour anyway as she had plans with Lando this Thursdaynight. "I'm sure they know us here by now". Dagmar laughed when one of the waitres gave them a wave when they walked past. "Duh, during normal school periods we come her nearly every Friday". Sarah giggled and threw her jacket over the back of the chair. "I feel like we haven't seen each other in ages". She sighed dramatically next and Dagmar sat down too, swinging her legs over each other.

"Well, it was exam season". Dagmar rose an eyebrows at her friend. "I just can't cage myself and study like you do. But that's visible in the grades too". Sarah said and leaned her cheeks on her hands. "As long as you get your credits, I wouldn't worry about your grades". Dagmar chuckled and Sarah hummed in response. "So, how are Tinder dates going?". Her eyes lit up at cutting the subject while Dagmar was crumbling on the inside, it was the subject she wanted to avoid, however of course Sarah wanted to speak about it, she was the one who urged the dating app on Dagmar. "It's fine". Dagmar choked out and she felt relieved when the waitress returned to their table to note their orders. The two ordered some cocktails and while Sarah spoke to the waitress, Dagmar could think of answers to tackle more of her questions. "It's going just fine?". Sarah gasped next. "The boys who match up with my just want to hook up". Dagmar shrugged. "What's wrong with that?". She giggled.

"Look, y'all be having sex and then a second time and before you know you're staying for breakfast and then it's settled, darling". Sarah continued, causing Dagmar to snort. "Sounds like you have some experience". She teased her friend and the blonde laughed. "I might be having a job soon though, so maybe I'll meet some cute guys then". Dagmar said, gently turning the subject. "A job? Where will you be working?". Sarah asked. "The burger place close to Marylebone, Patty & Bun". Dagmar told her, sitting back a little when the waitress returned and put their drinks in front of them. "In the weekends, I guess?". Sarah continued and Dagmar nodded while wrapping her lips around the straw of her drink. "That's really nice. I admire you that you have the will to work and to study". Sarah said, rolling her eyes at herself. They both knew Sarah just studied to get a degree and couldn't wait to get out. "But you're not texting that F1 driver guy lookalike, impostor or whatever he was". She stated next, taking a sip of her drink as well.

"No, not really". Dagmar lied, well, she didn't completely lie. She wasn't texting the fake one, she was texing the real one and that not on Tinder anymore. "It's better anyway. What would I want with a person who isn't even himself on a dating app". She frowned with an awkward laugh, but Sarah bought it and laughed too. "But how is it going with you and...". Dagmar gnawed at her lip, not knowing the name of the guy she was with this week. "Noah". Sarah finished with a grin. "It's fine, girl. You know I might be with someone else in two weeks". She waved it away and it made Dagmar laugh at her friend. They were so different from each other, yet they were friends for such a long time already. "We're doing great. He's really sweet. He's already speaking about maybe going away for a weekend, Edinburgh or maybe Amsterdam, Paris". Sarah sighed, the heart eyes visible on her face. "I mean it, Dagmar! Don't give me that look". She laughed next, her eyes falling on the necklace that sparkled in the dimmed lights.

"Oh my, is that new?". She leaned further forward. "Y-yeah". Dagmar stuttered. "Christmas present". She said, again not lying. "It's really pretty". Sarah smiled and she leaned back in her chair when her their plates arrived to their table. "I need to use the bathroom really quickly, but don't start before I come back! I need to take a boomerang of the food". She giggled and Dagmar sighed at her friend, leaning her elbows on the table when she looked at Sarah speeding off to the restroom. Dagmar took her Phone out of her bag, tapping on the screen and seeing a text message of Lando from half an hour ago.

Hey, love. Hope you're having fun with Sarah tonight. I'm looking forward to see you again this Thursday.

Dagmar felt her heart flutter at the gentle and loving words he had send her. It was a perfect example of just a small textmessage that was enough to let someone know that they were thought of and in someone else's mind. She unlocked her screen fully and went to their chat, looking up to make sure Sarah wasn't coming back yet and would question her if she was secretly texting a boy. Her nails tapped against the screen when she texted him back and she hit send before putting her Phone back in her bag. Lando had been busy after they had lunch a little over a week ago. Of course they had been texting and he called her as well, but he spend more and more hours training and getting to the McLaren Technology Center to be with his crew and the engineers. She knew they had scheduled a day for their car-launch as well and that event took time too, even though Lando probably just had to be there and do nothing special. Sarah came back and let herself fall in the big chair again, shoving a bit closer to the table.

"Thanks". She smiled when she saw that Dagmar hadn't touched her food yet, like she requested. "Can you take the picture now, I'm starving". She complained, making Sarah laugh and she finally took her Phone in her hand and unlocked it, tapping on the Instagram app to create the story. She moved her Phone from left to right briefly and then contently looked at the boomerang. "Aw this is cute". Sarah muttered and drew a heart before tagging Dagmar. "So, any plans for the rest of the week?". Sarah asked as she put her Phone down. "Not really". Dagmar put her fork in her mouth.

Dagmar pulled her black skirt over her hips, zipping it on the side. It reached a few inches above her knees and she wore black tights underneath it, thigh-high boots combined with it so only a small part of her legs were exposed, the rest left off to imagination. The day between the dinner with Sarah and waiting for Thursday had been awfully long, especially because she had no classes for the rest of the week. She had been at home and in bed, watching RuPaul's Drag Race to kill the time. Dagmar reached for the burgundy shirt she had laid out and she pulled it over her head, tucking the hem into her skirt. She turned slightly in the mirror to see her full outfit and she was content with her appearance. Dagmar moved her fingers through her hair, brushing it over her shoulders and watching it cascade down her back. She felt pretty and if she was honest, she was a little dressed to impress. It had been a while since she went clubbing for a night, however she hadn't forgotten that it was hot and sweaty everywhere.

Her face was practically bare from any makeup besides her brows that were gently filled, some mascara on her lashes and a semi-glossy lipbalm swepped over her lips. Her skirt had pockets, so she only needed to put some money in her bra and behind her phone case and she would be fine. Dagmar let Lando know that he could come up to her floor if she wasn't ready yet. She didn't want him to wait for her in his car. They were going to his place and then take an uber to the club to meet with his friends. She was tidying up her place a little bit, making sure it wasn't a mess when he would come in. She quickly closed her closet properly, folded her other clothes and went to grab a piece of gum. There was a knock on her door meanwhile and she yelled through her apartment that he could come in, the door was opened anyway. Lando pushed the door handle down, walking through the hall and peeking around the corner. "Hey". She smiled, approaching him. His eyes briefly widened and his lips parted with a soft sigh at her beautiful appearance.

"H-hi, Dagmar. You look absolutely, yeah, absolutely stunning". Lando fixed his speech meanwhile, fiddling with his car keys in his hands. "Thank you". She replied, grabbing her coat from the rack. "Shall we go?". He asked and she nodded. Lando got out of her apartment again, waiting for her as she locked her door. "Did you have a good time with Sarah?". He asked now while they took the elevator downstairs. "It was good". Dagmar said, looking up at him meanwhile. "But I looked forward to tonight a little more". She smiled and a boyish grin curled Lando's lips. "So did I, darling". He replied. The cold breeze outside made her tighten her jacket around her body and Lando unlocked his car that was parked next to the pavement. He waited on her side to open the winged door for her. Dagmar was about to step in when he gently pulled on her wrist to stop her. "I forgot something". Lando said, his eyes gazing into his. Her eyebrows furrowed together, had he left something in her apartment? Yet Lando leaned forward and kissed her cheek, his hand resting on her lower back and holding her close.

"What are you waiting for?". He asked her then, making his way around the car as she was frozen on the pavement. Dagmar's cheeks heated up and she sat down with a smile, looking at him when he looked back at her. It was going to be a great night.

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