Chapter 3: "I'm not the prostitute."

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"Hannah?" I heard in a faint whisper. "Hmm?" I groaned and stuffed my face into the pillow. "It's time to wake up. You must have your measurements taken for your clothing then you have an appointment with the gyno." I turned my head to face Justin. "What?" I whispered. "The gynecologist will be stopping over today to get you set up on birth control and inspect you to make sure that you don't have any.. illnesses."

I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair, looking over at Justin as I did so. "And measurements? What's that for?" I asked. "That is for your clothing. You just have to get your measurements done and your clothing should be here by tomorrow." "What about my clothes?" "We will be throwing those out." "Have you already?" He shook his head no. "I have a shirt from my father and a necklace of my mothers that I would like to keep.." I said. "That will be fine." He nodded and stood up out of bed.

I turned my gaze to the window as he stood naked beside the bed. "Don't want to look at me?" He asked with a chuckle. "Just didn't want to be disrespectful.." I mumbled, still avoiding looking at him. "Well, I can assure you that I will be looking at you so, you might as well enjoy the show, right?" He asked. I looked over at his face to find a cocky little grin. He knew he had the body of a God and he wanted me to look at it.

"I'm hungry." I replied quietly, trying hard to change the subject. "Would you like your breakfast in bed or would you prefer eating downstairs?" "Downstairs." I mumbled. He nodded. "I'll get you one of my shirts." I watched his ass muscles flex as he walked off into the closet. I took the time to look around the room, noticing the pictures of him and what I assumed was his family and close friends.

"This should be big enough to cover everything. Max should be downstairs in the kitchen. Tell him what you would like and he will get it for you." I nodded in understanding as he tossed the shirt to me. I quickly slipped it on before standing up out of bed, letting the shirt fall to about my mid-thigh.

"I like my clothing on you." He smiled. I blushed and pulled my hair up into a bun. "Now, get going." I obeyed and walked out of the room, trying my bed to remember the way from the night before. I found the large staircase and walked downstairs, finding myself in the kitchen once I got to the bottom.

"Good morning, Ms.." "Please, just call me Hannah." I smiled. He nodded. "My name is Max. Can I get you anything?" He asked. "Uh.. some eggs would be nice? Maybe dippy eggs and toast?" I asked. He nodded. "Coming right up, madam." He smiled before walking over to the stove. "So you're like the.. chef?" I asked. "That's one of my jobs. I cook for Mr.Bieber, but I do several other things too. Answer the door, do laundry, clean, all of it basically." He smiled.

"So what does Justin do?" I asked. "He works. Usually he has dinner somewhere outside of the house then comes home and goes to sleep." I nodded. "Do you like it here?" I asked. He nodded. "It's very nice here." He smiled. I nodded in agreement. "What about you? Do you like it here?" He asked. I nodded. "I think I'm going to." I smiled.

"I'm truly hoping that you do. Mr.Bieber has been talking about you for months." He replied. "Really? What did he say?.." I asked. "Well, I helped him find you. Mr.Bieber believes that to have the perfect woman, he has to make her. When he came across you, he decided to watch you. Get some information about you. He considered some other women, but he decided that you were the best choice."

I slowly nodded. "So he knew what I looked like and everything before I came here?" I asked. Max nodded. "He did. It was really not a hard choice for him once he saw you. He sort of automatically told me that you would be perfect for the job." "Oh.." "Please, go sit. This should be done very soon." Max smiled. I obeyed and walked over to the table. I plopped myself down in one of the chairs before watching Justin make his way downstairs.

"Max, I'll take the usual." He called out before walking over to sit with me. He sat across from me, having put on pants but no shirt. "You requested food?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah, he's making it right now." I replied. Justin nodded. "After breakfast, we'll shower and by then the tailor should be here." I nodded. "When does the doctor get here?" I asked. "Five."

"Hannah, your eggs." Max said before setting my plate in front of me. "Thank you." I smiled. I quickly dug in, that being the only hot meal that I had in over half a year. "Hungry?" Justin chuckled. I nodded. "Very." I replied before taking a sip of my orange juice. Soon enough Max came back with Justin's plate and sat it in front of him. "Thank you, Max." He mumbled before taking a bite of his pancakes.

"So.." I said before wiping off my mouth with my napkin. "Why did you choose me?" I asked. He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Choose you? I didn't choose you. I simply called and asked for a girl." He shrugged. "But you knew my name before I got here.." I replied. "Well of course I asked for your name." He mumbled. I let my eyes drift over to Max who was giving me a "dont rat me out" sort of look.

"Oh.." I whispered before taking another bite of my eggs. Why would he lie about something like that? "Anyways, how did you sleep?" He asked. "Very nice, actually. Sleeping with only one other person is nice." "You had to share a bed at Joes?" I nodded. "I slept on a twin bed with three of my sisters." I replied. His eyes widened. "Well, I assume that a king bed with only one other person must be nice." I nodded. "Very. I slept like a baby."

He chuckled. "Now we just have to do something about that snoring of yours." He said. A blush washed over my cheeks as I looked up at him. "I- I don't s-snore.." I replied, suddenly feeling nervous. He chuckled and shook his head. "No, you don't. I was joking." He smiled. I lightly smiled back at him. "Well thanks for that.." I giggled.

"Now tell me.. what experience do you have with sex.. sexual things?" He asked. "Not much.. I've given blow jobs, as you know.." I blushed as he smirked and took a sip of his juice. "But other than that, nothing really." I shrugged. "What about you?" I asked, his eyes widening as I did so. "Well, that's for me to know." "So you can ask me but I can't ask you?" He shrugged. "I'm not the prostitute."

My mouth fell open as he said the words. He quickly caught what he said and awkwardly coughed. "I didn't uhm-" "I think I should go shower now." I interrupted him before standing up out of my chair and walking upstairs. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me before stripping out of Justin's clothes.

I walked over to the tub and turned the nobs until I was satisfied with the temperature of the water. I stepped over the tub wall before pulling the curtain closed and turning on the shower. I let the warm water cascade over my body as my eyes fell shut.

I heard the bathroom door open and shut making me roll my eyes. I knew it was Justin. After a couple of seconds, I felt his arms wrap around my waist but I stayed facing the shower head. "I'm sorry.." He whispered before kissing the side of my neck. I suddenly got flustered, but still acted as if I was mad at him. I was deep down, but his lips on the side of my neck almost made me forget why.

"I know that you didn't want to do all of that stuff. I was being insensitive. We should be open with each other from now on. Both of us." He added. I sighed and turned around in his arms. "I hated that life.." I whispered. "I still hate life but.. the least you could do is understand that it wasn't my choice.." He nodded. "I know. I'm sorry, Hannah. We've all made mistakes and this is one that I won't make again." He promised. I nodded.

"If we're being honest from now on then.. Can you tell me why I'm here? The real reason." He nodded. "Honestly?.." He shook his head. "I'm so alone.. I've never had someone that just had to be there. Someone that would listen and act like they cared.." He replied. "I know that this isn't what you want. I'm some random man that you barely know and now you're mine to use whenever I'd like but.. I'm going to try to be fair to you too." I nodded.

"And I'll try to listen to you and be there for you like you were for me last night." I replied quietly. "If I'm here for the next 8 months then we might as well make them good." I smiled. He nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

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