Thank you!

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Dear readers, 

So, I know that I left on a sort of unexpected note. I honestly just felt like the story was being dragged on and I'd rather end on a high note than a low one. I hope you all understand. I've just hit ONE THOUSAND views on this story and I'm honesty amazed! 

For those of you that liked the story, I have another story up called "Destiny". I am still currently writing chapters for this fanfic. If you haven't read it already, it would mean the world if you did! I'm also considering starting a new story, but I'm not 100% positive yet. If I do, I will be sure to let you know.

So, thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed the story. And again, it would mean the world to me if you guys would read Destiny. :)

Thank you all!

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