Chapter 19: "I hate saying goodbye to you..."

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"So what did your parents say?" I asked Justin as we cuddled up together on the couch. "They said that we can go visit whenever we want, really. They'd all be more than happy to meet you." He smiled. "And Max?" "He said that all the girls have homes. They should all be leaving today." He smiled. "So I'll be taking all of them home, just to check out where they'll be staying. Do you want to start packing up while I'm gone?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah, sure." I smiled. "When're you taking them?" "About now. I'm just waiting for them to pack up all of their stuff." He mumbled. "Noooo. Don't leave me." I whined and pecked his lips. He chucked. "You want to come?" He asked. I smirked a bit. "You want me to come in the limo with you?" I whispered. He chuckled and shook his head. "You're bad." He mumbled before kissing me once again.

I smiled up at him. "You can go alone. I need to stay here and pack." I mumbled. He nodded. "I shouldn't be too long. Then I can come home and help you." He replied. "Okay." "Justin?" I looked over and saw one of the girls standing in the door way. "We're ready." I stood up and ran over to her, pulling her into my arms. She was only about 14, so I could imagine that it was scary for her. "You'll be okay?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I've got Jess with me." She smiled and looked over at her sister. "Good." I smiled and walked over to Sarah. "I hate saying goodbye to you." I whined. She giggled and nodded. "I know... But we'll say hello again soon. Promise." She smiled. I nodded and wrapped my arms around her, laying my head on her shoulder as her arms wrapped around me. "I'll miss you Hanny." She whispered. I nodded. "I'll miss you too." I whispered.

I took a deep breath before pulling away and smiling at her. "You better call me." I mumbled. She nodded. "Promise." "Alright, you guys ready?" Justin asked as he walked into the room. They all nodded. "Alright. Get packing, baby. I'll see you in a bit." He mumbled before leaning down and gently kissing me. "Good luck." I smiled. "Thank you." He chuckled and walked out of the house with all of them. I sighed and turned to Max, who still refused to look at me because of the limo thing. "Max.." I giggled. "Yes, Ms.Jones?" "Oh, I'm Ms.Jones now?" I asked with a giggle. "Max, everyone has sex. It's okay to look at me." I added. I saw his cheeks redden. "Sorry, Ms." He replied. "Stop that!" I giggled and smacked his chest. "Ouch!" He groaned and finally looked at me. "I'm not Ms.Jones. My name's Hannah and I enjoy having sex with your boss when and wherever we crave it. So suck it up, be a man, and look at me when I talk to you."

He sighed and shook his head. "It's just.. Weird. I never saw this side of Mr.Bieber until you came along. For all I knew, he was a virgin. He only ever brought one girl into the house and that was Selena and they certainly never had sex." He shrugged. "It's just strange..." He added. I nodded in understanding. "Well, I'll try to tame him when you're around but... He's a very persuasive man. He chuckled and shook his head. "Go, pack." I nodded and walked off toward the stair case. "Did I just take orders from the butler?" I asked him with a little giggle. "Oh, my bad. Please Hannah, go pack for Mr.Bieber?" He asked. I nodded. "Better." I smiled and walked upstairs.

I walked into me and Justin's room and pulled out all of our suitcases. I decided to simply fill all of them, because I wasn't sure of exactly how long we would be there. I ended up walking into the closet and pack to the suit cases with arms full of clothes about 7 times before all but one suit case was filled. I zipped up the others before running into the bathroom and grabbing everything else we would need. Shampoo, conditioner, tooth brushes, tooth paste... All of that stuff. Once I was finally done, I sat up all of the suit cases against the wall and fell back onto the bed.

"Baby?" I looked over at the door way and saw Justin. I smiled and sat up. "Hey. I just finished packing." I mumbled. He nodded. "I can see that..." He chuckled and walked into the room. He pulled me up off the bed and into his arms. "I talked to Max. He's looking at us now." I giggled. "We didn't permanently scar him?" Justin asked with a smile. I shook my head. "Nope. Not yet anyways." I replied with a giggle. "Eh, we've got time." He smirked and gently kissed me. "I'm scared." I admitted. "For what?" "Your parents.. What if they don't like me? What if they don't believe our story?" I asked. "I already told them the story and they believed me. You went to go live with your uncle after the fire. Your uncle works at one of our firms in Wisconsin and that's how I met you. At a dinner party." He shurgged. I nodded. "Still. What if they don't like me?" I whined and wrapped my arms around his neck. "They're going to love you, baby. And if they don't, I always will." He replied. I nodded hesitantly.

"When we get there, they're going to pick us up at the airport. Just my mom, my dad, Erin, Jazzy, and Jaxo. Then we're going to go home and you can meet my grandparents and my friends Ryan, Chaz, Alredo, Christian, and Caitlin." I nodded. "That's a lot of people.." I mumbled. He chuckled and nodded. "Yeah. But Jazzy and Jaxo are just little. They'll like you as long as you give them candy and my friends.. Well, basically same thing goes for them." I laughed and nodded. "I'll have to stock up on my candy." I winked. He smiled. "They're going to love you, okay? Not as much as I do, I hope but.. They will. I promise." He smiled. I nodded. "I'm just not used to this, you know? Being in love, being someone's girlfriend, meeting someone's family and friends, I just.. I don't know.." "You're not backing out, are you?.." He asked hesitantly. "No! No, I never would. I'm just scared. Of course I still want to meet them and everything. I'm so excited to meet them. But there's still the nerves.." I giggled.

Justin sat on the bed before pulling me down on his lap so that I was straddling him. "There's no reason to be scared. We'll fly there in my jet, meet my family at the airport, go to my grams where we'll meet everyone else, then sit down and eat dinner. Okay?.." I nodded before leaning down and kissing him. "I love yooooou." He sang with a little smile. I giggled and shook my head. "I love you too, Bieber.

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