Chapter 30: "I don't scream."

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*Baby... u still up? I'm only like 10 minutes away.*

I lightly smiled at the text message from Justin.

*Yes, love. Just waiting for you in bed. I miss your cuddles :(*

Justin's "quick trip" to the US ended up turning into a two day long afair, meanwhile I was stuck completely alone in the hotel room. Now, to a normal person this probably wouldn't seem so bad, but for the last 2 and a half years the only time I was ever alone was when I was driving to go see someone else. I heard my phone make a little ding noise, letting me know that Justin had texted me back.

*Stay awake for me?*

I smiled although he couldn't see me.

*Of course babes... :)*

I sat my phone on the night stand before running over and grabbing my robe. I slipped it on and tied the silk ribbon around my waist, not wanting to be completely naked when Justin arrived. Within minutes I heard a slight knock on the door making me squeal with excitement. I ran over and opened it, almost immediately being picked up by Justin as he walked us into the hotel room. I smiled and buried my face into his neck as he walked into the room, closing the door with his foot.

"Oh, I missed you." I whispered into his shoulder. "I missed you too, baby." He mumbled as he sat me on the ground. "But guess what?" He asked. "Hmm?" I moaned as I leaned up to press my lips against his. "All of our stuff is in our new house." He replied with a smile. "And we can go to it whenever we'd like. It's ours." He smiled and held up the key. "Woo hoo!" I shouted and began bouncing up and down. He chuckled and grabbed my waist, calming me down just a bit. "I'm so excited!" I screamed and wrapped my arms around his neck. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me. "Jump, baby." He mumbled.

I obeyed and jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He took the key and sat it on the end table before walking up back into the bedroom and laying me down on the bed. "I missed you." He whispered before yanking the tie on my robe, causing it to come undone. The robe puddled around me on the bed as Justin looked at me laying naked on top of it. "Fuck, I missed you." He repeated, slightly shaking his head as he looked down at my body. "Show me." I whispered. He lifted his eyes to mine, his suddenly darker. Filled with lust.

He leaned down and crashed his lips against mine, allowing me to slip off his pants and boxers as he caressed my lips with his own. "Fuck." I whimpered as he moved his hips against mine, but didn't penetrate me. "Your shirt." I whispered. He nodded and pulled it over his head, throwing it on the floor with the rest of our clothes.

"Beg me." He growled. "Jesus Christ Justin, please just..." I groaned and lifted my hips toward his. He smirked and shook his head. "Come on, baby." He whispered against my neck, slowly placing kisses against it. "I need you to beg me." "Please, Justin. I need it so bad baby. I need you." I whimpered. "Mmm. That's better." He whispered before quickly shoving his entire length into me, hard and fast. I groaned as he gasped, holding me tight to his body. "God, Justin." I whispered. "I know." He replied quietly, his face buried in my neck. I grabbed hold of his head and brought his lips to mine, smothering them as he focused on thrusting into me.

His hands roamed my body, from my breasts down to my ass where he finally let them rest. Meanwhile I focused on not scratching up his back, although it wasn't going too well. I let a loud moan escape my lips, followed by a little giggle as I heard a pounding on the wall. "Fuck off, asshole!" Justin called out. I smiled up at him, simply enjoying having him back in my arms.

Justin lightly smiled down at me before leaning down and gently kissing my lips. "I love you so much, baby. I love being inside of you." He whispered. I nodded, my mouth falling open as he thrusted into me particularly hard. "Oh, Justin." I moaned, my back arching off of the bed. "That's right, baby. Moan for me." He whispered. "I... Oh, shit I'm gonna-" "Cum, baby. Just cum." He whispered. I obeyed, screaming and cussing my way through my orgasm. "Oh Hannah, baby." He moaned and held me close to his body as he came, my name falling from his lips multiple times as he finished us off. I let out a content little moan as he pulled out of me and laid his head on my chest. Too too many times we had been like this, and I don't think I'll ever get over how good it feels.

I slowly opened my eyes which at some point had fallen shut, looking at his back which was now scratched and bleeding. "Oh... Baby, your back." I whispered, my hand slowly running over the scratches. He let out a little laugh against my chest. "It's okay." He whispered. I smiled down at him, pushing the hair out of his face as his eyes fell shut. "I love you, Justin. I missed you so much." I whispered. "I missed you too Hannah, baby.' He replied quietly. I heard a knock on the door followed by a quiet groan from Justin. "I'll get it, baby." I mumbled and slowly slipped out from under him.

I slipped my robe back on and tied it as I made my way over to the door. I opened it to find one of the people who worked at the hotel. "There was a noise complaint from the neighbors." He told me, making me roll my eyes. "My apologies. Won't happen again." I smiled and closed the door in his face before walking back into the bedroom. Justin was now laying on his back right in the middle of the bed. I smiled and pulled off the robe before climbing back into bed with him. I laid with my stomach down, my chin resting on his chest. He leaned down and pecked my lips. "Who was it?" "One of the guys that work here. There was a noise complaint." I replied he smiled down at me. "I told you that you scream." He teased. I felt my cheeks turn a pinkish color. "I don't scream." I replied. "Do too!" He chuckled.

I smiled up at him. "I love you. And I missed you so much." I whispered. "I love you too, baby girl. And I can't wait to move in with you." He replied. "We already live together." I replied with a giggle. "I know, but this is like... Our house." He mumbled. I nodded and smiled. "I know." I whispered. "I'm really excited too." I added. "We can go there tomorrow... Or right now." He replied. "Can we go tomorrow? I'm tired." I whined and gave him my best pouty face. He smiled and nodded. Yes, baby girl. Go to sleep." He whispered.

"Goodnight, princess." "Goodnight, Justin."

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