Chapter 25: "You've never smoked?"

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WARNING: This chapter contains the use of drugs. Do not read if you are not comfortable with this.

"This place is nice..." I smiled as I spun around in a circle. It was a small place in the woods with absolutely no trees. Just grass, a little fire pit, and a giant waterfall off by the rocks with a pond right at the end of it. "Isn't it?" Ryan asked with a smile. "Justin and I found it when we were like... What, Justin? 13?" Justin nodded. "Yeah, somewhere around there." He smiled.

We had already got the tents and everything set up. Even had a little fire going. It was only like 8, so it was starting to get dark. "Come sit down, baby girl." Justin whispered and pecked the side of my neck. I nodded and followed him over to the fire. "Alright, who brought the weed?" Ryan asked as he took his seat beside the fire. "Weed?" I whispered to Justin. He nodded. "It's okay." He chuckled. "Just gets you fucked up for a bit. You don't have to if you don't want to." He replied. I shook my head. "No... It's fine." I replied with a little nod of my head.

"You've never smoked?" Alfredo asked. I shook my head. "Nope." I replied. He chuckled. "At first, it hurts your throat a lot. Then you'll start to feel a little buzz. It just gets better from there." He smiled. I nodded. "Really, baby... It's not bad at all." Justin added with a smile. I giggled and nodded. "It's fine, Justin. I'll be good." Alfredo passed me the blunt, which I calmly accepted and brought it up to my lips. Without a second thought, I took a nice long puff, which ended with me bending over coughing, my throat burning like a mother fucker. Justin chuckled and rubbed my back. "You good, baby?" He asked. I nodded and handed him the blunt. "Yeah." I whispered with a little laugh. Before I knew it, the blunt was passed back to me.

I gladly took another hit, this time not coughing and simply letting the smoke drift upward into the trees. Justin smiled proudly at me. "That's hot as fuck, babe." He mumbled. I blushed and handed the blunt back to him. I think it was only passed to me one or two more times, but by then I was already stoned. "Fuck, if we didn't have a bet going on right now I'd fuck you so hard." Justin whispered into my ear. I giggled and bit my lip. "Just break, Justin." I whispered. "We can go to the car right now. Get in the back seat, lock the doors, and fuck until we're passed out. Like in the limo the other day. Remember that? When you fucked me from behind?" I whispered in reply.

He let out a growl and dropped his head. "Come on." He groaned and stood up, pulling me over to the car with him. I heard the boys cheering for us as we ran to the car, which only made me laugh. I didn't care about anything at that point. I was stoned, Justin was stoned, and we were going to fuck.--

Justin and I walked back over to the fire, both of us with huge goofy grins on our faces as we did so. I wasn't even sure who broke, but I knew for a fact that high sex is great sex. "Damn, it's about time." Alfredo chuckled as we sat down. I let out a little faded laugh and leaned back against Justin. "Well... That bet lasted a whole 9 hours." Christian added. "Who broke?" Ryan asked. We both shrugged. "Both of us." I replied with a giggle. Justin nodded in agreement. "We should play truth or dare." Chaz spoke, to which everyone groaned. "Come on, guys. It'll be fun this time." He chuckled. "I'll play." I spoke with a shrug. "Thank fuck. Truth or dare?" He asked.

I looked around and sighed. "Dare." I replied. He smirked and raised his eyebrows. "I dare you to... Tell us your dirties fantasy." I blushed and looked up at Justin, who simply raised his eyebrows at me. "It's going to sound weird..." I giggled and hid my face in my hands. "You have to say it!" Ryan replied. I sighed and looked down at my hands. "Okay so... I always thought it would be sexy to have sex in the kitchen with like... Whipped cream and melted chocolate and such." I blushed. "Really?" Justin asked with wide eyes. I giggled and nodded. "Well, yeah. Like..." I leaned up closer to his ear. "Like you licking whipped cream off of me... Me doing the same to you." I whispered before pulling back and looking into his eyes, which now seemed to be a few shades darker.

I innocently smiled and turned back to the group. "Okay." I giggled. "Ryan, truth or dare?" I asked. "Truth." He replied. "How old were you when you lost your virginity?" I asked with my eyebrows raised. He chuckled and shook his head. "I'm waiting until marriage." He replied truthfully. My eyes widened, as well as the rest of the guys. "Really?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah." He replied with a smile. "Awh... That's so cute." I giggled. He blushed and shrugged a bit. "I just want my first to be my only. I know most of you here regret who you lost it to. I just don't want that to happen to me." He replied. I nodded in understanding.

"I felt Justin's body stiffen behind me. The boys continued to play the game as I looked back at Justin. "You okay?" I asked. He shrugged and nodded. "Yeah. I just wish that I could have been as smart as Ryan." He whispered. I shook my head. "Justin, we've talked about this before. Who you were with in the past doesn't matter to me." I replied. "That's not it though. I mean... On your wedding day, you're supposed to make love to the person that you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with but why does that matter if you've already done it a million times?" He asked.

"So what? You don't want to have sex anymore?" I asked. He shrugged. "I don't know..." He mumbled. "Oh." I mumbled before scooting my way out of his arms. "No, baby-" "Stop." I shook my head and stood up before walking off toward the little pond. I could hear Justin calling for me, but I simply ignored him.

I finally came to a stop when I reached this giant rock, placing myself on it as I looked over at the group of boys. I can't really explain why I was so mad. Maybe because that's what he had told Selena. He didn't want to have sex with her until the wedding. Really, he just didn't think she was any good in bed. Maybe that's what we were coming to.

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