Chapter 41: "What turns you on?"

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"Justin!" I squealed as he walked into the living room and dropped his bags on the floor. "Hey babe." He smiled and picked me up, spinning me around as I buried my face into the crook of his neck. "You keep surprising me like this..." I giggled as he sat me down. "Because I love to see the look on your face when I show up out of the blue." He smiled.

"How was your girls weekend with mom?" He asked. "Good." I smiled and gently kissed his lips. "We talked about you a lot." I added. "What about me?" He chuckled. "About how much I loooooove you." I sang. He chuckled and kissed me once again. "How was the US?" I asked. "It was good. Boring, but good." He smiled. "Maybe next weekend I can come?" I suggested with a smile. "Mmmm... I'd rather you came right now." He smirked and picked me up by my thighs, which I instantly wrapped around his waist. I giggled as he carried us upstairs. "You're such a horny little shit." I smiled. "I can't help it when I'm with you, baby.

He smiled down at us as he laid us down on the bed. "What turns you on?" He whispered. "What do I do that makes you wet?" I bit my as I looked up at him. "I like when you talk... When your horny your voice gets all... Mmm." I moaned. "What else?" He smirked. "When tell me that you're cumming. That turns me on. Just knowing that it's so good for you that you have to tell me." I whispered. "Hmm... What else?"

I searched my mind for things that turned me on about him. "I don't know... Everything. The way you breathe when you're inside of me. How your head falls down and you can't say anything but somehow still manage to tell me you love me." I whispered. "What about you?" I asked quietly. "What turns me on?" He asked with a smile. I giggled and nodded. "I like when  you wear black lace stuff... Or red. But like a deep, sexy red." He whispered. "Mmm... When you say dirty words." I moaned and arched my back into his body.

"When you give me those eyes... Look up at me through those long lashes with those innocent eyes. But somehow they still hold so much lust." He whispered. "When you do that roll thing with your tongue." He groaned. "In your mouth or on your cock?" "Both." I smiled up at him before leaning up and gently kissing his lips. "I like when you say dirty stuff too. That shit's sexy as fuck." He groaned. I smiled and gently bit my lip. "Yeah?" I giggled. I slipped my shirt over my head and threw it on the floor. "What about these?" I whispered.

I let my hands travel up my waist to my bra, roughly squeezing my breasts through the thin material. Black lace, to be exact. "Do these turn you on?" I asked, my tongue slowly running over my top teeth. His eyes were practically glued to my breasts as I fondled them. "Oh... You said you like black lace right?" I giggled and hooked my thumb into the bra straps, slowly pulling them off my shoulders. I quickly flipped us around so that I was on top of Justin in only my jeans and my bra.

"You know that I want to make you feel good, right?" I asked, reaching behind me to unhook my bra. I did so, letting it slowly fall down my arms. I threw it off to the side, letting my eyes find Justin's. "You make me feel more than good." He replied, his hands slowly moving up my sides. I grabbed a hold of them and pressed them on my chest, squeezing Justin's hands which caused him to squeeze my chest. I leaned down and pressed my lips against his. "Be rough with me." I whispered, gently biting his lower lip as I pulled away.

Next thing I knew, Justin was on top of me and all of our clothes were on the floor. He pressed his lips against my jawline, leaving tiny, torturous kisses all the way down my neck. I let out a tiny whimper as he sucked on my collar bone, sure to leave a mark. "Ouch, fuck." I whined as he roughly bit into my skin. "Safe words." He whispered, his lips suddenly back on mine. "They're simple. Yellow if you want me to back off a bit. Red if you want me to stop all together. Okay?" He whispered. I quickly nodded against his lips. I felt his hand move up my body and roughly pinch my nipple. "Say it." He growled. "Fuck, yes." I groaned. He smirked before moving down a bit and taking my nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it to make up for the pinch. I never knew he could be so rough.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard, you won't be able to walk tomorrow. Do you hear me?" He asked. "Yes." I whimpered. "Stay." He growled and suddenly left my body. He was only gone for a minute before he walked out of the closet with a pair of hand cuffs. "On your stomach. Now." He commanded. I obeyed and flipped over on to my stomach, my hands instantly going behind my back. "Mmm... Good girl. Now you're going to have to stay still for me, okay?" He asked. "Yes." I whispered, feeling the cuffs tight around my wrists.

Justin ran his hands down my back and over my ass, giving it a rough squeeze before leaning down and biting it. I let out a loud moan, causing Justin to spank me. Hard. "No sounds unless I tell you to. Understand?" He asked. "Yes." I replied quickly. I felt Justin shuffle around until he was standing beside the bed. "Come ere'." I obeyed and did my best at crawling to the edge of the bed until I could get just my head to the edge. Justin's dick right in front of my mouth.

"Mm... Good girl." He whispered before grabbing his cock, bringing it up to my lips. I immediately opened my mouth, looking up into his eyes as I did so. "Suck it." He whispered. I obeyed and wrapped my lips around his tip, hearing a slight groan from him as he pumped himself into my mouth. I did my best at using my tongue on him, feeling slightly upset that I couldn't tease him how I usually did. I was so aroused though, that the sheets beneath me were most likely soaked.

Before I knew it, Justin pulled out of my mouth and walked his way to the other side of the bed. I felt him climb onto the bed and grab my hips, pulling me up so that I was on my knees, my face pressed into the sheets. "You can make noises. I want to know how good this makes you feel, understood?" I whimpered out a yes before Justin grabbed my hips and yanked me toward him. I waved my ass around in front of him a bit, causing him to let out a groan. I smiled to myself as Justin ran his hands over my ass and down my back.

"Ready?" He asked. Even when he's being rough he has to make sure I'm okay. That's my baby. "Yes." I replied. I felt him line himself up at my entrance before quickly shoving his entire length into me. I let out a loud moan, feeling my legs shake as I crashed down from my high. "Did you just cum?" Justin chuckled. I blushed and hid my face in the pillow. "No..." I replied. "Lie." He chuckled before pulling out and then thrusting into me again.

"I never knew how much you liked the rough stuff." He groaned. I bit my lip as he moved inside of me slowly, the feeling still extremely thrilling. "Harder." I moaned. I felt him smack my ass again, the sting sending glorious pleasure throughout my body. I let out a loud moan into the sheets as Justin sped up. "Oh, Justin." I moaned. "You like that, baby?" He whispered, already out of breath. "Fuck, yes." I whimpered.

He grabbed on to my hips, moving me back and forth on him. "I want you to cum so hard, Justin." He groaned, speeding up just a bit. "Fuck, Hannah." He moaned, his eyes falling shut. "Justin... Baby, I'm going to cum again." I moaned out, his eyes opening as he smirked down at me. "Yeah? Why don't you do that, babe? Cum again. Cum for me." He replied.

"Oh... Oh, Justin." I moaned, moving my hips just a bit. I felt Justin reach around to my clit, rubbing it fast and hard with his fingers. "No, no. T-Too much!" I whimpered, biting the sheets as I struggled to move my arms. "No, Justin stop." I moaned, the feeling making it hard to breathe. "Just cum, baby girl. It's okay." He replied. "No... No, N-ahhh!" I screamed as I felt myself cum for the second time, my whole body stiffening but somehow shaking at the same time. I could faintly hear Justin cuss and moan behind me as he came himself.

I felt him pull out of me before pulling my legs, letting me lay down. I felt him fall onto my back, his warm breath caressing my back. "You came so fucking hard." He whispered. I giggled and nodded. "Yeah... I'm tired." I replied quietly. I heard him chuckle before reaching onto the nightstand and grabbing the handcuff key. He unlocked them, letting my arms free. I let out a little moan and pulled myself up to the pillows, letting my head fall down on them as I began to fall asleep.

I felt Justin crawl in beside me, pulling the blankets over our bodies and placing gentle kisses on my back. "I love you so much, baby. Go to sleep." He whispered. I let out a content moan and nodded. "Goodnight, princess."

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