Chapter 20: "Candy?"

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"This plane is amazing!" I cooed as I ran back out into the main part of the plane. "Isn't it?" Justin chuckled as he sat on the couch. I bit my lip and ran over to him before plopping down on his lap. "Lets have sex on it." I wiggled my eyebrows at him. He chuckled and shook his head. "On the way home, baby. I want to look nice when I see everyone." "Oh, good point!" I replied. "Baby?.." He asked quietly. "What?" I whispered. "Are you okay?..." I giggled and nodded. "I'm so good!" I yelled as I hopped off of his lap. "Pretty soon I'm going to know your friends and family and we'll all be best friends and I'm so excited!" I yelled and ran over to the mini fridge. "I wonder if they have any soda?"

"You don't need any more sugar." He chuckled and walked over to grab my waist. I turned around in his arms and smiled up at him. "Am I acting crazy? I had a lot of coffee..." I whispered. He smiled and took me over to the couch with him. "Just lay down, baby." He chuckled and sat down before pulling me down with him. I sighed and laid my head on his lap. "I am kinda tired.." I mumbled. "Go to sleep. I'll wake you when we get there." He whispered. I let out a simple "Mhm" as he ran his fingers through my hair. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.--

"Hannah?" I heard from above me. I groaned and rolled around a bit. "Shit.. Hannah, get up." I opened my eyes, realizing that I was still asleep on Justin's lap. "Hmm?" I asked as I sat up. "You can't just roll around on my dick like that.." He chuckled. "Sorry, was I hurting you?" I asked in my sleepy voice. "Nope. Just putting your mouth right on my crotch." He chuckled. I blushed and fixed my hair a bit. "My bad." I giggled and stood up. "Are we here?" I asked. "Yep. You slept through the whole flight." He smiled and stood up with me. "My mom's so close.." He chuckled. I smiled up at him. "Excited?" I asked. He nodded. "Extremely. I miss her a lot." "Then lets go!"

We walked off the jet together, hand in hand as one of Justin's men carried our bags behind us. We walked into the air port and instantly started to look around for his mom and everyone. "Over there?" I asked, as I saw two women, a man, and a little boy and girl. If it wasn't Justin's family, then that would be sort of strange. "Yeah... That's them." He smiled. "Well, go! Run to them!" I replied. He chuckled before running off toward his family. I smiled and followed a bit far behind, watching him as he picked up his mom and spun her around as she cried into his shoulder. I walked up to them as he sat her down. "Oh, I missed you guys!" Justin coo'ed as he scooped up the small children into his arms. "We missed you too Bieber!" Jazzy replied. "Candy?" Jaxon asked. "Oh, that would be me." I smiled and pulled a lolly pop from my purse. "Me too?" Jazzy asked with big eyes. I smiled and nodded. "Well of course." I giggled and handed a lolly pop to her. They instantly went to work on the lollies as Justin sat them down. "Dad, how're you?" Justin smiled and did his little bro hug with his dad. "I'm good. We all are, really." He smiled and hooked his arm around Erin.

"Erin, it's nice to see you again." Justin smiled and hugged his stepmom. "We've all missed you, Justin." She replied as he pulled away. I saw Jazzy look up at me as she sucked on her lollypop. "Who's this, Justin?" She asked. "Oh, jeez. Forgot there for a second..." He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist. "This is Hannah, my girlfriend." He proudly smiled. I couldn't help but to blush as all attention was on me. "Oh, I've heard so much about you." Pattie spoke before pulling me into her arms. I smiled and hugged her back, of course. "It's nice to finally see Justin in a committed relationship." Jeremy replied with a smile. "Dad." Justin groaned. "I'm just happy for you, let me be happy." Jeremy chuckled.

"Are you guys gonna get married?" Jaxon asked. I blushed as I looked down at my feet. "Maybe, little man. She's pretty ain't she?" Justin asked. "She looks like a princess!" Jazzy replied. "Awh, thank you. But I think that you look like the princess." I smiled down at her. "I have a princess dress at home! Daddy, can I show her pleeeeeeeease?" Jazzy whined. "If she wants to see it." Jeremy replied. "I'd love to see it!" I replied with a smile. "Yay! Let's go!" Jazzy cheered and started tugging on Erin's arm. "Yeah, lets get going. I miss Ryan and all of them." Justin chuckled. "Would you guys bring the bags to the car? Thanks." Justin said to his men. They simply nodded and followed behind us.

Before I knew it, we were at a small house that looked like something out of the movies. Like grandma's house. I looked over and saw an older man and woman sitting on the porch. They stood up and everyone started exiting the car. I followed close behind Justin, loosely holding his hand as we walked up to the porch. "Hey, pap.." He smiled and wrapped his arms around his grandfather. They all said hello before Justin turned to me. "Gram, pap, this is my girlfriend Hannah." He smiled and wrapped his arm around me. "Oh, you're the girlfriend? Come with me, I have so many stories to tell you!" She coo'ed and pulled me inside with her. We walked out into the living room where I saw what I assumed to be Justin's friends. I politely smiled at all of them before sitting down with Justin's grandma.

"You just sit here, let me go get the photo albums." I smiled and nodded, suddenly feeling awkward as I sat alone with Justin's friends. "Uh.. Hi." I smiled. "Hey, you're Hannah, right?" One of the guys asked. I nodded. "That would be me.." I smiled. "I'm Chaz. He smiled. "That's Ryan, Christian, Alfredo, and Caitlin." I smiled at all of them. "Justin should be in soon. He's probably just bringing in the bags." I replied. They nodded. "How long have you known Justin?" Ryan asked. "Oh, just a few months." I replied. "Are you guys in loooooove?" Alfredo sang. I blushed and giggled a bit. "Yeah..." I mumbled, still blushing like an idiot. "You guys harassing my girlfriend already?" Justin asked as he walked into the room. "Ayeee!" The guys cheered before jumping up and running over to hug Justin. "Don't worry, they'll loosen up a bit once they get to know you." Caitlin said. I smiled and nodded.

Justin hugged all of the guys before smiling over at Caitlin. "Hey, how've you been?" He asked before hugging her. "I'm good." She replied with a little smile. He walked over and sat beside me. "My gram left you alone with these fuckers?" Justin asked. I nodded. "Yeah. She went to go get photo albums." I replied. "Oh, jeez." He groaned. "She never stops." He chuckled and shook his head. "Justin, do you want tos how me where the bedroom is so that I can unpack?" I asked. He nodded and stood up before pulling me up with him. "Yeah, I can do that." He smiled. "We'll be back in a bit."

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