Chapter 23: "Hey sleeping beauty."

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I stood in front of Pattie, Jeremy, Erin, and Justin's grandparents with shaky hands. Justin was right beside me.

"Listen... We have something important to tell all of you." Justin mumbled before taking my hand in his. "I didn't really meet Hannah at a business meeting." He added. "Justin, stop." Pattie replied and stood up. "We all know. We've known since last night. After dinner while you guys were upstairs, Caitlin told all of us." She added. My eyes widened. "I guess we were just waiting to hear it from you." Jeremy added. "So.. you know everything?" Justin asked. They all nodded. "Yes. Justin, how did you think that we could be mad at you for taking this poor girl in?" Pattie asked.

"No, mom. I-" "He was amazing to me." I interrupted him. "He found me one day on the street. Tired, hungry, and alone. He had no problem with taking me back to his house and letting me rest and eat. That relaxation, the love that we have... That's something that I never thought I would feel again. There was never a second with Justin that I wasn't happy." I said, looking up at Justin the entire time. "I hope that you can accept me for who I am now, and not who I was in the past. I didn't want to do the things I did and I refuse to let them define me or my relationship with Justin. So... If you can't accept me... Accept us, then we will pack up right now and go back home." I stated, turning toward Pattie.

"I understand that it's sometimes hard to make decisions. People mess up, Hannah. You had no control over what happened to you, and I in no way shape or form believe that you should let yourself be defined by it." She walked over and grabbed my hands. "You are beautiful. You are smart, and kind, and you make my son the happiest I've ever seen him. I have absolutely no reason to not accept your love. If Justin can turn a blind eye to your past, then so can we. Your past, never happened." She replied. I couldn't help but to tear up as she talked to me. Knowing that for once in my life I was completely accepted. "Hannah?" I looked behind me and saw the boys. "What Caitlin did... It was messed up." Christian spoke. "Yeah. But... You're a cool girl. You keep Justin happy and that's all that we really want for him. We want to get to know the real Hannah. The cool girl that Justin fell in love with." Ryan added.

I smiled over at all of them. "Really?" I asked. They nodded. "Of course." Alfredo replied with a smile. "You guys honestly have no clue how much that means to me..." I smiled. "Keep Justin happy, and you'll keep us happy." Chaz replied. I smiled and nodded before hugging my arms around Justin's waist. "That's all I want." I whispered. "So then... Everything's good?" Justin asked. Everyone nodded. "Well then... Let's all go out and play some hockey!" Justin cheered. "Baby, you go play with the boys. I'm tired." I whined. "You sure?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah. I just want to stay home and watch The Notebook. But you go. I want you to have fun." I smiled and leaned up to peck his lips.

"When I get home I expect cuddles." He replied quietly. I smiled and nodded. "Of course." I giggled. "Alright, come on boys." Justin waved his hand, and before I knew it they were all gone. "I'm going to go lay down in Justin's room." I mumbled. "Do you mind if I come with you? I'd like to talk to you." Pattie replied. I nodded. "Yeah, yeah. That's fine." I smiled. We both walked upstairs to Justin's room before sitting on the bed together.

"Listen... I know that it must have been hard to lose your mother and father like that. But then to be put into the type of environment that you were? You're a strong young lady, Hannah. I know that no one could ever in a million years take the place of your mom, but... I'm always here. Always. Even if you're in the US, I'm only a phone call away." She said. I smiled and nodded. "I know. I just... I feel so good here, you know? I never thought that you guys would just accept the truth like that." I replied. Pattie nodded. "Trust me, it took us a while. Lots of very long talks." She replied. "But we just had to look at what was best for Justin in the long run." She added. I nodded in agreement.

"I just want you to know, I never had sex with anyone when I was doing that. Justin is and always will be the only boy that I ever slept with. When I was at Joe's house, I would preform oral. I'd make them wear a condom and I wouldn't let them touch me or anything. I just don't want you to think I'm dirty..." I admitted. She nodded in understanding. "I know you aren't sweetheart. I don't judge you for your past. I know that it wasn't your decision. As long as you and Justin are happy, you will always be loved in this house. Never forget that." She replied. I smiled and nodded. "Thank you so much." I whispered as I pulled her into a hug. "Would you like to watch The Notebook with me?" I asked with a smile. "I would love to!" She replied.

*Justin's POV*

"Hannah? I whispered as I walked into the bedroom. I couldn't help but to instantly smile as I saw Hannah and my mom, rolled up next to each other fast asleep. I walked over and picked up my mom before carrying her to her bed. I left her with a kiss on the forehead and walked back to my room to find Hannah somewhat awake. "Hey sleeping beauty." I whispered as I crawled into bed with her. "How was hockey? She asked in her cute little sleepy voice. "It was good." I replied before reaching over and turning out the light. "I think I fell asleep with your mom." She whispered. I chuckled and nodded. "You did. I took her back to her room." I replied she nodded.

"I love it here." She whispered. "Well everyone loves you here. Just like I told you." She lightly smiled up at me. "You know what I love?" She asked. "What's that?" I asked with a smile. "Youuuuu." She sang. I chuckled. "I love you too baby girl. You make me the happiest man alive." I whispered and pecked her lips. "Now go to bed. I'm taking you out tomorrow." She simply nodded before laying her head down on my chest. "Love you." She whispered. "Love you too."

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