Chapter 24: "Just break."

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I woke up, my body pressed against Justin's as we laid in his bed together. I could feel his chest moving with every breath he took. It was relaxing to say the least. I heard a knock on the door, but kept my eyes closed. "Come in." Justin told them quietly. I heard the door open. "Is she asleep?" Jaxon's little voice spoke. "Yeah, buddy. She had a long day yesterday." Justin replied. "How come?" Jaxon asked. "Just did." Justin replied with a little shrug. "Well mommy and daddy wanted to go for ice cream and told me to see if you and Hanny wanna go." I couldn't help but to smile a bit at the fact that he called me Hanny. "Nah, buddy. Maybe we can take you tomorrow though." Justin told him.

"Okay... Goodnight Bieber." He whispered. "Goodnight, little man." Justin replied. I heard the door shut. "So... Everyone's gone and I'm alone with my beautiful, sexy, girlfriend. What ever shall we do?" Justin asked out loud. I stuffled a giggle and hid my face in his chest. "We could... Have some breakfast. I'm sure we're both hungry. Maybe a shower then breakfast? Maybe I could just eat in the shower..." He continued. I picked my head up and raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh, good morning baby!" He smirked. I smiled and shook my head at him. "Get your dirty ass in the shower, Bieber." I growled. He smiled and bit his lip before running into the bathroom. My dirty boy. --

"So what do you guys want to do today?" Chaz asked asked the little group. Minus Caitlin, may I add. "We could go to the movies?" Ryan suggested. "Actually, I was going to take Hannah to uh... The place tonight." Justin replied with a little smirk. "The place? What's the place?" I asked. "Wait, dude! We should all go camp out there tonight! That'd be sick!" Alfredo replied. Justin nodded in agreement. "That would be pretty fun." He replied. "But knowing Hannah, you might want to plug your ears for 45 minutes to an hour after we go to bed." Justin mumbled with a smirk. "Me?!" I shreiked. "You're always the one that wants it!" I replied. "Pssshhh, come on. I have a little self control. You? None." He replied.

"That sounds like a bet." Chaz said. "You know what? It is. It's a bet." I replied. "No sex for two weeks. Whoever breaks first gets to do whatever they want to the other person. Whenever they want." I replied. "You're telling me that all I have to do, is get you to want sex within the next two weeks and I get to do whatever I want to you, whenever I want to?" Justin asked with a little smirk." I nodded. "This is going to be easy as fuck!" He replied with a chuckle. I shook my head. "Whatever you say Biebs." I shrugged. I was sitting on his lap, so I simply scooted over a bit and let my hand meet the crotch of his pants as Ryan started talking about the plans for tonight.

I sighed and grabbed Justin's cock through his pants, slowly stroking him as he bit the inside of his cheek. I laid my head back onto his shoulder and smirked, continuing to move my hand against him as I felt him grow hard. "Stop." He growled. "Stop what?" I whispered and squeezed him a bit harder. "Fuck." He growled. "Why're you so hard, huh?" I whispered. "We could always just go upstairs..." I added. "Just break." I added. He growled again and shook his head. "Fuck... No." He replied. "Fine." I sighed and released him.

"So, we're all camping out tonight?" I asked. They nodded. "Yeah. Justin, does your family have tents?" Ryan replied. Justin nodded. "Yeah." He replied with a gulp. I smiled to myself. "Well, I'm going to go get ready." I turned to Justin. "See you in a bit." I whispered before leaning down and pressing my lips against his. I gave him a kiss so hot that it made my toes curl. This really is going to be hard as fuck for me... Probably as hard as Justin, if you know what I mean. I pulled away a bit and smiled before standing up, and strutting out of the room.

*Justin's POV*

"Fuck." I whispered as Hannah walked out of the room. "You know, Justin we might not even have to borrow your parents tent. You've got one pretty big right there." Chaz spoke, reffering to the large tent in my sweats. "Very funny." I growled and adjusted myself in my pants. "Why did I make this bet?" I asked with a groan. "You think she'll win?" Ryan asked. I scoffed and nodded. "There's no doubt in my mind." I replied. "Have you ever seen her? She's like a goddess." I added. "Hey man..." Alfredo spoke. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. "I just... All of this isn't adding up for me." He chuckled. "Did you really take Hannah in because you felt bad for her? Because I know that there are a lot of girls in her situation where you live. So why her?" He asked.

I sighed and shook my head. "No, I didn't take her in because I felt bad for her." I replied. "I bought her from Joe." I added. "Why?" Ryan asked. "Because... Because I wanted a sex slave." I replied with a little chuckle. "And she was. Until I fell for her." I added with a shrug. "I was going to tell the truth, but Hannah didn't want me to look bad so she made up this story about how I found her on the street." I added. The boys nodded. "I mean... I guess I understand it." Christian spoke. The boys nodded once again. "She's beautiful and all. I don't blame you." Alfredo replied with a chuckle.

"Honestly?" I asked. "I hate myself for it now. Because there's no picking her up from her house on the first date. There's no asking her to move in with me. There's no sneaking in to her house late at night for a quickie. I never actually asked her out because she was already living with me." I mumbled. "I guess I just wish that I could start over." I shrugged. "Why?" Alfredo asked. "Why would you want to go through all of that? You already have the love of your life. You see her everyday, you never had to go through that awkward hand-holding stage." He added.

I shrugged. "I wouldn't mind going through it for her." I whispered.

I stood up and stretched, releasing a groan as I did so. "I'm going to go get my stuff packed. You guys should do the same." I told them. They nodded in agreement. "I'll meet you guys back here at say 8PM? I asked." "Sounds good." Ryan spoke. "Alright. see you in a bit." I waved before walking out into the hall way. I was instantly smashed against the wall, little hands holding my shoulders in place. "I love you. So much." Hannah whispered before leaning up and pressing her lips against mine. I was surprised, to say the least.

I of course kissed her back, letting my hands fall to her hips. "Never feel bad about the way that things happened. I love the way things happened. Look where we are now. I love you with all of my heart, Justin." She whispered. "I love you too, baby... But you have to stop eves dropping like that." I chuckled. She blushed and looked down at her feet. "Sorry." She replied innocently. "It's fine. Now go, get ready." I smiled and gently tapped her ass. She nodded and ran upstairs, the scent of her still lingering. Fuck, I love her. 

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