Chapter 40: "I love you, Mrs.Bieber to be."

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"Hi!" I greeted Pattie with a smile. "Hey, sweetheart." She smiled and walked into the house. "I will never get over how big this house is..." She whispered and shook her head. I smiled and closed the door. "It's lonely without Justin here." I replied quietly. She nodded. "I can imagine." She mumbled and turned back to me.

"So, there's a lot we could do. There's the games room, the pool, the music hall, the theater room, we have like two living rooms or something like that. There's the library, the upstairs and downstairs kitchen... So what would you like to do?" I smiled. Her eyes widened. "Uh... We could make cookies? Justin could have something to munch on when he comes home." She smiled. I nodded in agreement.

We walked out into the kitchen and instantly grabbed the bowls, spoons, everything we needed. "Have you baked at all?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I usually cooked supper at Joes. Well, when we had hot meals. One time he let us make a pizza but that was Christmas. My mom and I always used to bake together. I don't think we ever had the same thing for dinner twice." I smiled at the memory. "She sounds lovely." Pattie smiled. I nodded. "She was."

"We don't have to talk about her if it's hard for you..." Pattie replied. I shook my head. "No, I love talking about my mom. She was beautiful, and fun, and loving, and kind. Just a wonderful person to be around." I smiled and started measuring the ingredients. "What was her name?" Pattie asked. "Sarah." I replied, pouring the flower into the bowl. "I couldn't imagine, I mean... Losing one parent let alone both at the same time." She shook her head.

I sighed and nodded. "It wasn't easy to say the least." I mumbled. "But I'm okay. I have Justin and Max and Ryan and Alfredo and you and Jeremy and just... So many people." I smiled. "I remember the first day I met you, you said the same exact thing except for it was only Justin and Max." She replied. I nodded. "I'm really lucky to have so many great people in my life. People that care about me." I smiled.

"My son... He treats you good, right?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. "He treats me better than good. He treats me like royalty." I replied. "I was always afraid that he'd never find a good girl to settle down with." Pattie giggled and shook her head. "When he was younger, it was hard. His dad wasn't around or anything and I was afraid that he'd grow up and follow in his father's footsteps." She mumbled. "Not that Jeremy wasn't good to me... He was amazing at first. I don't really blame him for leaving. It was scary and we were young." She shrugged. I nodded in understanding.

"But Justin... He grew up to be so much more than I ever expected him to be." She smiled proudly. "He really is amazing, Pattie. I mean, he does everything he can to keep me happy." I smiled. "I can't wait to marry him." I added in a whisper. She smiled. "I really am happy for you both. It was sudden, but I saw it coming. Justin looks at you like you're his entire world... You are his entire world." She giggled. I smiled and glanced over at her. "He's my entire world." I replied.

"I really really hope he doesn't mess this up." She shook her head. "He won't. We've been through so much, and I know deep down in my heart that I could never ever leave him. He could sleep with someone else and I would be afraid of him leaving me. It actually really scares me..." I replied truthfully. She nodded. "I get it. It's a scary thing, being in love. Putting all of your trust into another person." She said. I nodded. "It's terrifying, but... So so good at the same time." I mumbled.

"You know that he loves you, right? He's not going to cheat on you." She replied. I nodded. "Yeah, I know." I smiled. "I just get scared sometimes that I'm not enough for him. You know, he's sort of a giant billionaire business owner and I'm just... An ex prostitute." I shrugged. "No, don't do that." She replied and shook her head. "You didn't have a choice in that, Hannah. You need to stop judging yourself so hard on the past and focus on the future. Marriage and babies and... more babies." She smiled. I couldn't help but to laugh.

"I promise you Pattie, we'll have plenty of kids after we're married." I smiled. "Well, you sure do get enough practice." She mumbled. I felt my face heat up as I looked over at her. "We don't... I just... He's so hot..." I whispered. She laughed and nodded. "He's a very attractive young man." She smiled. "And by the way, it's your son that doesn't know how to control himself. Not me." I giggled. "He's a boy. What do you expect?"

Just then I heard my phone buzz in my pocket. "Speaking of the devil." I smiled and pulled out my phone. "Hey, baby." I answered. "Hey, love. Whatchya doing?" He asked. "Making a cake with you mom." I smiled. "How's it going?" "It's going good. We were just talking about you." He chuckled. "What about me?" "All good things, babe. How was work?" I asked. "It was... work. Boring. I wish you were here, baby girl. I'm going to need to start bringing you with me. We could squeeze in a quicky at lunch time." I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Sounds great, babe." I smiled. "Is my mom beside you?" He asked with a chuckle. "Yup." I replied, popping the P. "Well, I'll let you ladies go bake your cake. Save some for me?" "Of course, baby." I mumbled. "Alright. I miss yooooou." He sang, making me smile. "I miss you too." "I love you, Mrs.Bieber to be." I giggled, and I could practically feel my face go red. "I love you too, husband to be." I whispered before handing up the phone and slipping it into my back pocket, a big goofy grin still on my face. "Yup... You got it bad." Pattie smiled.

I blushed and poured the milk into the bowl. "He knows exactly what to say to make me smile." I giggled. "Well, enough about Justin. What about you?" She asked. "What about me?" "I mean... Tell me about yourself. I mean, I know your past and all, but what about now?" She asked. "Well, there's not really much to me. I like to swim. I like to watch horror movies as long as Justin is there to protect me. I like... Justin." I smiled. "I know, I talk about him a lot but... He's sorta my life now. I live with him, so everything I do is with him." I shrugged. She nodded.

"Well, you know that you can come over any time you want. With or without Justin." She smiled. I nodded. "I know... Thank you."

{Sorry that this chapter was basically all just a giant conversation. I'm just trying to build up a relationship between Pattie and Hannah. But, Hannah's birthday is coming up... Maybe the next chapter. Birthday sexxxxxx! ;) Anywho, thank you guys for reading and voting and commenting. It means a bunch!}

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