Chapter 4 || The one who scared me and my other two friends ||

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-=Yashiro's POV=-

"Pfft,are you serious?!" The boy in front of me would start to laugh at me.

Now that I think of it,the voice actually sounded familiar,it sounded like..
I'd look up to see who was laughing at me,in front of me would be a short boy with black choppy hair and big amber eyes.
He wears a black gakuran with gold buttons, a white long-sleeved western shirt underneath, black shoes and red socks. The bottom of the gakuran shirt has red hems.He also wears a black hat with a gold emblem and red strings along the front seam to match his uniform. The underside of the hat is white.
The person in front of me was Hanako-Kun?!

"H-Hanako-Kun?!" I exclaimed,surprised that it was him who scared me.

Well it does make sense,he usually is childish and pulls out on pranks sometimes,not to mention that he was a pervert too.
But he is caring,one time I saw that he was helping the light pink Mokke find candy,to be honest it was kind of him.
After snapping out of my thoughts back to reality,I'd look at him with a angry look plastered on my face.

"You scared me!!" I shouted at him in annoyance.

He was my friend that would grand me wishes but for a price,and because I made two wishes I became his assistant in return as the price.

"You should of seen the priceless look on your face!" He laughed gesturing towards me.

Suddenly I'd hear some loud footsteps outside of the bathroom,they started to get louder and louder,it seemed like someone was running towards the girls bathroom.

"S-Someone's coming towards this way!" i stuttered

I'd look around to see if there was anywhere that I could hide,since the students from this school don't see Hanako-Kun from the fact that he is dead and he was a ghost,i and Kou-Kun were the only ones who could see him,aside from the fact that there is a mystery in disguise as a school teacher and Aoi's friend,who has been crushing on her but she turned him down.
The footsteps would be getting louder,then suddenly the footsteps would be entering the girls bathroom,i would panic a bit to find an excuse for my screaming,but that wasn't really needed,seeing how a familiar face came in.
It was a tall boy with short, spiky blond hair and blue eyes. He has two protruding canine teeth. He is not currently very popular because he gives off the feeling of a delinquent.

He wears a black shirt underneath his Kamome Middle School uniform, which is sometimes left unbuttoned and his tie hanging untied around his neck. He always wears a traffic safety amulet as a piercing on his right ear.
I know who this was,it was Kou Minamoto.
He had a worried expression on his face as if he heard my scream thinking that something happened.

"Senpai are you alright?!" He'd shout at me worried and out of breath.

Kou-Kun was one of my friends,we met on the rooftop when he tried to exorcise Hanako-Kun,but we all became friends in the end.

"Kou-Kun?" I'd mention his name concerned that he came this fast to see if anything happened to me.

"I heard you scream so i came as fast as i could,are you okay? What happened?" He'd pant since he was tired from running on the stairs.
The girl's bathroom where Hanako-Kun would be summoned is on the third floor,so it would be normal to get tired from running up the stairs.

"I'm okay." I'd glare at Hanako-Kun.

"I screamed because Hanako-Kun tried to scare me!" I'd gesture pointing at him.

"Oh c'mon it was funny." He'd smirk looking at me.

I'd groan in annoyance looking at the short ghost.

"Well I'm glad that nothing worse than that happened." Kou-Kun smilesat me.

"You should of seen her face." Hanako-Kun told Kou-Kun,giggling a bit.

"Anyway,Yashiro you wanted to tell me something?" Hanako-Kun would give me a childish smile looking at me.

"Well..." I'd clear my throat,getting ready for what to say,sweating a bit.

I'd put both of my hands together begging him to let me off the hook for tomorrow since i wanted to plant.

"Hanako-Kun...Hanako-Kun..Please let me not clean the bathroom tomorrow!!" I'd whimper closing my eyes and bending on my knees.

His two amber eyes would stare at me a bit concerned for a few seconds,until he finally opens his mouth about to say something.

"Hmm? Why?" He looked at me.
I'd open my eyes slowly to stand up and grab something from my backpack that was on my back.
He'd have a confused expression along with Kou-Kun's.

"What do you have in there?" Kou-Kun asked with a confused expression.

"Well,you see,tomorrow i want to do some planting." I'd take the flower seeds out of my backpack while answering Kou-Kun and show the seeds to Hanako-Kun and Kou-Kun.
There were two bags of two different types of flower seeds,one of them were Petunia flower seeds,and the other was Bonsai.
Hanako-Kun and Kou-Kun looked at the seeds,and then they looked at each other.

"You want to plant these seeds?" Hanako-Kun would look back at me with a blank face.

"Yes!" I'd smile at him gently.

"Hmm.." He'd think for a bit,putting one of his fingers onto his chin looking up into the ceiling.

"Alright then!" Hanako-Kun looks back at me. "I'll let you plant them tomorrow,but it comes with a price." He gestured,flying backwards towards a toilet and sitting on it holding his hat.

"What is it?" i pouted at him a bit.

"If you want to plant these seeds tomorrow,then you will have to clean the bathroom today!" He'd grin.

Kou-kun would let out a sigh with a sad smile,as if his expression is telling me "Looks like you aren't going to get off the hook with cleaning the bathroom."

"Oh come on!" I sighed.

After a few minutes of whining of not wanting to clean the girl's bathroom,it took about 18 minutes of tidying up the bathroom and cleaning,i was finally free to go home,i said my farewells to Hanako-Kun and Kou-Kun and parted ways going home with a smile on my face.
After i got home,i ate dinner and brushed my teeth and changed into my sleepwear to get ready for sleep,since we didn't have any homework for tomorrow.

Woo! here you go guys! the second part! this time it was longer!

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