Chapter 21 || The Games || (Part 1)

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-=Yashiro's POV=-

Later after getting finally ready,I then walked out of my room with my new style of clothes and my hair tied into a neat braid with a hair band,and my broach attacked to the side of my hair,turning it to look like a hair accessory.
I had a big-sized light blue fluffy hoodie with while long sleeves,and a light pink skirt with white stockings and some purple sneakers on my feet.
Walking out in the hallway,I looked around for any sign of anyone familiar around,apparently there was no one outside of their rooms.As soon as I was finished checking I then walked in the hallway towards the elevator that would be waiting in the end of the hallway.
I went inside of the elevator,pressing the last floor button and waited until the doors were closed,to get down on to the last floor,which was the lobby.
The doors then closed,and as it was bringing me down,It then stopped of the next floor under us.
As the elevator opened its doors,It would reveal a familiar person standing in front of it.
It was Hanako-Kun,standing in front of me outside of the elevator,he then moved his gaze off the ground and then looked up at me with surprise,taking a few seconds until one of us decided to speak up.

"O-Oh! Good morning Hanako-Kun!" I tried giving him a small smile,but failed awkwardly.

"G-Good morning.." His amber eyes then looked back at the floor,trying avoiding mine.

After greeting and staring at each other for a few seconds after that,he then joined me in the elevator,not dare saying another single word to each other from the shyness between us.
After he came in the doors of the elevator then would close behind him,and lower us down to the final floor.
As we waited I tried to start a conversation with him since we haven't really talked as much.

"So..How did you sleep last night?" I tried starting a conversation to get somewhere.

"Good.." He replied blankly,his face not showing as we both looked at the exit of the elevator standing next to eachother in silence.

After that we didn't really get to say anything really,and just like Kou told me,he was acting pretty odd and differently then after he used to be.
Without saying another word and just wait until we got on the last floor,we would finally arrive and I'd head out looking around,Until Hanako started avoiding me and ran through me to somewhere.

"Wait-" I tried reaching out to him but hesitated not to,so then I stopped calling out for him,leaving him alone.

Maybe he just wants to be alone.. I thought as I silently looked down upon my feet,feeling a little sad,starting to think that it was probably my fault for running away in that forest,even though the fault wasn't actually mine,a small sense of guilt found its way on my back.
I then sighed it off and went to look around for a sign of my friend Aoi and the group she was talking about she was with.
Nothing,no sign left of her anywhere,I then looked in the cafeteria,no single trace of her either.
Having but nothing else to do,I went to Hanako's direction and ran.
I thought that maybe if I couldn't find Aoi,mabye I could hang out a bit with Hanako-Kun instead.
Running inside another hallway that I've never explored yet,I see Hanako hanging out with Kou,Aoi,Akane,Yokoo,Lemon,Satou and another familiar person which I couldn't really describe because they would be standing behind Kou,while Kou's frame would cover them with his back facing me.They all seemed to be sitting down in a circle and some of them would be standing up.

Ah,so this is where they were.. I thought to myself as I then started to approach them by walking towards the group and say hello.

"Good morning!" I'd give them a bright smile.

As they heard me,they would all turn around and glance at me,Aoi who would be sitting down would not stand up and jump on me with open arms,surprising me with a warm hug.

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