Chapter 9 || Inside of Yashiro's Unconsciousness ||

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-=Yashiro's POV=-

Everything turned black since when my vision was blurry,what happened to me? Why can't I feel my arms or my legs? As soon as I found out,I clearly fainted.
I couldn't really react inside of my unconsciousness,like being scared,or worried,I couldn't really grasp these emotions inside of me,it was like I was sleeping,but I knew that I fainted,so I waited to wake up,I kept waiting and waiting..But nothing came up,no light,no sound,no feel,no nothing..
I wonder how I ended up like this..Ah I remember,I'm guessing it's because I forgot to eat breakfast and I couldn't sleep well,clumsy me.
I should of seen this coming..
I wonder how Hanako-Kun and Kou-Kun are doing,Kou-Kun should of been in front of me,so I'm guessing he catch me before i could hit the ground..Are they worried about me? Did Hanako-Kun come back in time? I wonder if he water the flowers.
The last thing I remember before fainting is Kou-Kun screaming my name,so I'm guessing that he was shocked since I fainted.
Suddenly I'd start to hear a faint voice.

"Do....n..t di.. on me,ple...ase ...ust st..ay a" A serious worried boy voice could be heard like an echo inside of the darkness that would be surrounding me.

Huh? Who's voice could that be? Hanako-Kun? Is that his voice? Wait no,it would of also of been Kou-Kun as well...

I'd slowly gather my consciousness back,all I could feel,was that it was a bit cold,I was in someone's hands,being carried.
Who could be carrying me?
I could hear weak and faint footsteps,someone is carrying me and going somewhere with me unconscious,who was this person and where was I being brought to?
I tried to open my eyes,but I still was almost unconscious,I still couldn't feel my body.
At least I am regaining my conscious back though..
I could hear myself being layed on a bed,where was I? I'm worried that nothing stupid is happening to me.
I would hear the voice talking to me again,but this time the voice was louder and clearer than last time.

"Yash..iro,don't me,please.." The voice would echo less than last time.

After that it felt like about 4 minutes of being fainted.

Suddenly I would regain back my consciousness back,and be able to wake up,seeing a white light appearing in front of me.

Hello reader!
I'm sorry that this chapter was much shorter,but it had to since i couldn't really write much at the time where Yashiro was fainted,but i hope you liked it! I'm writing chapter 10 right now,so keep an eye out!
Until next time! Cya on the next chapter!

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