Chapter 16 || A Heart Chasing Moment || (Part 2)

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-=Hanako's POV=-

As soon as I sat down next to Kou,almost the whole group except for Lemon who would be distracted on his phone with answering messages,would have small concerned looks on their face while looking at me.

"What? What's going on?" I would feel a bit uneasy with those whole staring looks at me.

"Are you okay Amane? You have been spacing out." Yokoo had a slightly worried tone in his voice,asking me while he would join the stare with the others.

"Yeah,you have been acting kind of odd today." Satou would give me a small glare making sure if I was okay,suspicious of the way I acted today.

"Don't worry guys,I just got distracted is all." I try to excuse myself out of the intense tight stare situation.

"If you say so." Kou let out a small sigh.

We all would start to eat our delicious ordered food and chat while we would be eating,chuckles and laughing could be heard settling a comfortable and friendly mood around us.

"Hey have you guys heard about the upcoming event that is coming up tomorrow?" Kou would ask the rest of us that would be eating,or laughing while chatting around.

"Hm? An event?" Lemon would look up from his phone while eating,glancing up to Kou.

"What event?" I would turn to Kou while I was done finishing my bite from my steak,glancing up at him.

"Oh you guys don't know?" the brown haired boy with glasses,Akane would look at both me and Lemon with a concerned look across his face.

"Guess i should tell you." Akane sighed at the both of us about to explain the event.

"There is this small event where everyone gathers around at the beach and dance around a camp fire at night,It's mostly like a party and people just relaxing to look at the stars." Akane started to explain in a chill tone.

That actually sounds pretty fun.

"Oh,that's kind of lame." Lemon would let out a soft yawn.

"I just hope that Aoi-Senpai would come to the party,then we could both stay together~" The in love Akane would start to fantasize into his sweet daydreams.

"Your going to bring someone with you,right?" Satou would stare at me with an interested look on his face.

"Bring someone? Do we have to bring someone?" Yokoo asked Satou.

"I mean,it would be much more fun if you brought someone along with you right?" Lemon would ask while he would be playing with his food.

Ask someone? Who should I ask?

Mabye I should ask Yashiro one day..

I would then start to concentrate back onto eating my delicious hot wings thinking about today.
A few minutes later,me and the group would finish eating our food and give back our trays to the staff that would take care of the leftovers for us,until we all hear someone call everyone out of the cafeteria room.
In between the exit back to the hallway and also the entrance of the canteen,there would stand our english teacher about to make an announcement.

"Everyone may I have your attention please?!" The teacher called towards us and our classmates,making us glance towards him,giving him our attention.

"Alright," The teacher would pause for a small second to regain some air before talking again "I have an announcement to make." He added.

A few of us would exchange glances with each other confused and curious of what announcement our teacher will make,knowing that we are on vacation,it would obviously be something fun.

|| Hanako x Yashiro Fanfiction! || I Would Do Anything For You || (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now