Chapter 15 || Is Yashiro Okay?! ||

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-=Hanako-Kun's POV=-

"Senpai! Watch out!" I could hear Kou warning Yashiro as soon as the big wave was coming right behind her.

I could see Yashiro turning around to see what the exorcist was talking about,but it was too late as the big blue wave crashed onto her.
I was surprised,Kou would scream for Yashiro's name once more.
Yokoo had a calm expression on his face and sighed.

"It's okay guys,Yashiro can swim right? They will be fine." Yokoo said confidently.

1...2...3..Yashiro didn't come up. 4..5...

Suddenly Aoi would run up towards us with a worried expression on her face,after running towards our way,she would stop and sustain herself with her small hands on her knees while panting.

"Aoi-Chan,What's wrong?" Akane would jog towards her making sure Aoi was okay,gently helping her up from her tiered position.

"Nene..huff.she..." Aoi would pause for a bit to swallow her dry throat before talking.

"What's wrong with senpai?" Kou would ask Aoi with the worried expression not leaving his face.

"Nene-Chan can't swim!" Aoi exclaimed with her last breath.

I was shocked,Aoi's words echoed through my ears,my so called "heart" would stop pounding,and a cold shiver of fear would crawl on my back giving me goose bumps.
I then started to take my white T-shirt off making it fall onto the sand and run towards the sea to save the radish from drowning.
I dived into the blue sea water making a splash of water sound above the water.
The water wasn't to deep,surely Yashiro could of swam up,but something didn't feel right.
Swimming more into the blurry water,it then hit me,something would get my attention,and I would turn my head,finding Yashiro drowning with her head leaving a small trail of her dark red of blood.
The irony blood filled my nostrils as I began to get closer to my assistants body to take a better look at what happened.
There was a rock next to her,covered a bit in her blood,I then realized that Yashiro actually hit her head on the rock causing her to knock out.
But there wasn't the time to think,I would grab Yashiro's fragile figure and bring her up to the surface,gasping for breath until I got up with the unconscious assistant,I would swim back to shore with my feet back on the creamy dry sand while running with her in my arms to where Aoi's and Yashiro's towels and umbrella where.
The group would then run towards me and Yashiro's pale,fragile and mostly cold knocked out figure,Yokoo was feeling uneasy,the violet eyed hair and eyed girl,Aoi was worried.

We didn't know that this would happen.

"Nene-Chan! Is she okay?" Aoi dashed towards me and Yashiro,kneeling down and pulling her best friend in a warm embrace.

"Wait! Yashiro is knocked out,let me check if she's okay!" Yokoo insisted on helping,me and Aoi moved out of his way.

Yokoo kneeled down and placed his head on the girls chest to make sure her heart was beating.

"She's okay,she's just knocked out,somebody find me some bandages and a towel!" Yokoo sighed.

Everyone sighed in relief,Aoi went to grab a towel out of her backpack and Akane tries helping by running to a teacher to ask for where he could get bandages.
I tried helping as well,by bandaging Yashiro's head with the bandages while pursing my lips together that Akane got from the teacher.The purple haired girl,Aoi,covered Yashiro's cold fragile petite figure into a dry and warm white towel that she got from her red backpack.
Hours went by,the group gone back to playing volley ball,and me and Aoi stayed next to my assistant to make sure that she was okay.
I didn't say anything,I was still worried a bit for Yashiro,but what was odd was that rock that was there,how come the rock was there? We all were in Shijima's drawing after all..
I would put my white T-shirt back on since i was dried up and wasn't soaked anymore.
Surely Shijima wouldn't want to kill the fragile girl,no surely.
I squinted my eyes in deep thought.

Surely not..

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