Chapter 20 || My timer?! ||

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-=Yashiro's POV=-

These past two days have been very fun,we went on beach and me and Aoi would sometimes join the boys play a game volley ball on the sand,where most of times Hanako-Kun would also play with us.
Since after that moment,me and Hanako-Kun started to become more shy to each other,so we hardly spoke to each other to see how we both have been.
I have also talked with Kou-Kun and he has also noticed the weird behavior between us two,so he came to me to ask me what happened,and I couldn't really answer.
Kou explained to me that whenever he would mention to Hanako about me,Hanako would go silent and start getting embarrassed,not answering Kou if he was either okay or not.So he came to me to asked me what was going on between us.
Of course,I didn't tell him what happened,and instead I reassured him that there is nothing to worried about and that nothing bad happened between me and Hanako,and that we just suddenly started drifting apart from each other.But in the end of course Kou didn't give up about being suspicious that we both had a fight or something going on,and instead just left it be,while suspecting us on how we act with each other.
Pretty much a few things have changed after what happened back at the shrine,and I started sometimes to stay inside my and Aoi's room while she was away participating in the school activities and games that have been going on lately.
Oh that's right! Aoi has mentioned once that since after the shrine a lot of new games and activities have started spreading around,such as some times there would be a game of hide and seek,or a game of tag around the main cabin.
Me and Aoi have also started a pillow fight a few times,and then share with each other what we liked the most about each day we both spend time in the main cabin on our vacation.
Everything went very well! both of the two days were extremely fun and exiting!
Although,his soft words would never leave my mind,every time I would think about what he said that night while laying on my bed in my room,my heart would skip a beat.And when I would remember that kiss,I would would be stuffing my face inside on my pillow and scream inside out of embarrassment.

I couldn't believe what happened that night.

And even now I couldn't.Everything was like a fantasy,the glowing flowers were a perfect touch I could never forget.It was magical.
But now the tricky question is..Do I really have feelings for Hanako-Kun?
I would ask this myself every night,and I knew deep down inside that he isn't really my kind of type.
Actually,he wasn't my type at all now that I thought about it. Hanako is ---- maybe if he ever took the hat off he would look a bit more handsome,I thought.
And now,I would be laying in my comfortable bed,sleeping and dreaming about beautiful handsome boys.
I then jump at the noise of the timer on my phone,waking me up with a shocked expression across my face.
I then got up and stopped the timer ringing from my phone,looking at it suspiciously.
Since when did I place a timer for myself? I questioned my self,not remembering when have I ever decided to wake myself up with placing a timer on my phone.
looking at the time and unlocking my phone to check what the timer was for,it have a name,and it read "Check your messages with Aoi".
I then listened to what the timer read and checked my messages,seeing that I have gotten a notification in one of my contacts,I opened my private chat with Aoi to check out what the texted me.
It read:

Good morning Nene-Chan! I hope you slept well today! As you can see I'm currently out again early while you were asleep,some friends of ours wanted to meet up with me and told me to check out the newcomers who arrived today to spend their vacation here just like us!
You should come down and check it out sometime! Me and our friends with the boys are playing a game right now,so if you'd like to join come downstairs in the main lobby,we will be waiting for you there!

The same friendly and sweet Aoi.
A small smile found it's way on my lips.
I then closed my phone and started getting ready,I went quickly into the shower to take a nice warm bath,and after I was done I then wrapped myself around a fluffy white towel and left the bathroom,closing the door behind me,walking towards my backpack to see what kinds of clothes I had.
I didn't really know how much was packed onto that backpack of mine ever since the first day I woke up in that bus seat next to Hanako.
But since Shijima-San really drew this world,then it would make sense that there is all sorts of clothes inside.
I then began to look inside of my backpack,finding a bunch of cute and trending colored clothes packed away inside.
There were some skirts,shirts,jeans,hoodies and a lot of stuff inside!
I looked around in the pairs of clothes some more,until I'd miraculously find the one that I wanted to find.
Before dressing up,I left the set of clothes to wait for me until I was completely finished,I went back inside of the bathroom to dry my hair with a hair dryer for about two minutes,and then brushed it with a smooth hair brush untying the hair knots stuck in my hair.
After that was taken care of,I got out of the bathroom and went back to my and Aoi's room,walking towards the set of clothes I chose earlier that were now left on my comfy bed,and started to get dressed up.

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