Chapter 5 || I have made up my mind ||

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-=Hanako's POV=-

It was getting night time as I'd be sitting on the school roof looking at Yashiro and Minamoto-Kun leaving the school,I would be staring at them until they got smaller,smaller and smaller,until I couldn't see them anymore.
I'd sigh and look up into the night sky,I forgot to ask Yashiro if she would go to the beach vacation,i guess I'll just ask her tomorrow about it..
I honestly doubt she would,thanks to since she swallowed that mermaid scale,if she has any contact with water she would get light pink scales on her body,and if she was completely wet,then she would turn into a fish.
I wanted her to be happy,i wanted her to have fun.
I'd let out a sigh again as I would look up into the gorgeous night sky,the stars would shine like million shattered glass pieces scattered around the sky,I could even see the group of white stars across the sky, "Milky way" it was called from what I've heard.
Those stars where here for a very long period of time,even years.There are red stars because some of them lasted longer than white ones,but that would also mean that they will disappear in a couple of years.
Now that i think about it,that sounds more like her..
Yashiro's lifespan is almost over in almost a year,but she has survived this long.
There must be a chance in saving her,since she survived this far.

"There has to be.." I whispered to myself.

There must be a way,I know that there is a chance for her to live.
But then again,what could it be?
I keep thinking how to save her,but nothing comes inside of my mind.

"If I wasn't dead,i would..i could of.." I stopped there,letting the gentle wind shake the trees leafs to dance on the air.

Rustling sounds could be heard coming from the trees.
I could hear sounds of cars on the street,making loud anger noises as it accelerates on the streets.
The gentle wind would brush my choppy black hair,I'd be down to the street with my amber eyes half closed.
The lights of the town were like stars lighting up the city that was infront of me.
I'd take off my hat and sit down while I'd hold my hat to my chest,starring down to the beautiful sight.
Then i made up my mind.
I'd smile to myself gently and giggle childishly with the smile plastered onto my face while my two pink and blue marked haku-joudais would be flying next to me.
"I guess that's it then.."

"I must protect her."

Hello reader!
Ooo what's this? some juicy stuff?
Hanako seems to have been falling for Yashiro,now that is quiet interesting..hmm,i wonder what chapter 6 (the next day) will be about..We will find out soon that is for sure!
I had other plans for this chapter but then i accidentally forgot that it was Hanako's POV turn so I didn't write much because I ran out of ideas,though in the next chapter it will be Yashiro's POV again! yayy!!
Well,See you guys later! uwu

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