Chapter 22 || The Game And The Dream||

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-=Yashiro's POV=-

While falling down,I couldn't see anything but darkness because I would have my eyes shut.
Instead awaiting for my break fall,until I hit the floor,I could feel my falling suddenly stopping.
As I was a little bit confused of what happened,I then opened my eyes,peeking to see what happened.
I would be sitting with my knees of the pillows of everyone combined,creating a cushion for me to fall on.
Since when were those pillows here?
As I was somehow landed safely,I looked around more,everyone had a surprised,concerned,and even worried expression across their faces.
Yokoo and Satou would look at me in concern,Lemon would look shocked,Aoi,Kou and the others would look worried.
As I didn't know what to say about this,no words of how to describe how confused and how concerned I was,I sat there silent.

"Senpai! Are you alright?" Kou rushed towards me,to check if I was alright. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"I'm okay Kou-Kun!" I gave the blonde exorcist a bright and reassuring smile,showing him that I was alright.

Aoi rushed towards me and hugged me "Thank goodness you're okay." She said as she pulled me into a warm embrace.

"I think that's enough pillow fight for today.." Yokoo smiled awkwardly,never expected for this to happen at all.

"What do we do now?" Akane asked,seemingly out of breath.

"It should be enough for today,let's play again later!" Yokoo responded.

As Akane listened to Yokoo's answer he nodded understanding,he went to the patch of pillows,cleaning up after them selfs,stacking the pillows back onto the bed.
As the game ended,Aoi helped me up,by lending me a hand and pulling me up on my feet and then walk with her to the exit of Hanako-Kun's room.
As that was all finished we went inside of the hallway,going back to our rooms since it was midnight,and went to sleep.

"Good night Nene-Chan." Aoi said tired with a smile,as we were both already in our separate beds near each other.

"Good night Aoi." I said softly,as I would be closing my eyes.

Today was a fun and an eventful day,I didn't really expect for this to happen huh?
As I said my last thought in my mind,i then started to fall asleep,and started to fall in my dream.


"Nene-Chan? Are you okay?" Aoi would ask me in a worried tone as I was fallen down on the floor on my bum for some reason.
Looking closely,I wasn't in my pajamas anymore,but instead,I was in my usual cream colored school uniform that I would wear usually at school.

"Huh?" I glanced up at her with a confused expression across my face.

"Here,let me help you up." Aoi lend me her soft hand to pull me up.

As I held her hand,she pulled me up,making me stand back up on my feet.After that,I'd glance around to see where I was,for some reason I was in a school hallway,with students walking around as they usually would,walking to their next class.
But why was I in school? Wasn't I on vacation just a few seconds ago?

"Aoi..Where are we?" I'd glance back at Aoi,terribly confused by what was going on.

"We're at school remember?" The purple haired girl said with a smile.

"Yeah but still.." I paused,trailing of as I pondered to my thoughts inside of my mind.

What was I doing here? Wasn't I sleeping just now? And not only that,was this a dream? It feels like it isn't which concerned me.
As I thought about this,maybe this dream wont be so bad after all..until.

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