Chapter 17 || A Heart Chasing Moment || (Part 3)

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-=Hanako's POV=-

We would all be walking around the forest with out teacher,voices of our classmates would rise with cheerful and happy tones as we explored further into the woods as the welcoming breeze of the wind coming from between the green emerald leaves and smell of flowers tickles our noses.
I would follow behind both Yashiro and Kou staring at them with a neutral expression while they would be smiling while chatting with each other.
My jealousy then would start to hit me,starting my staring to turn into a glare,seeing Kou getting closer next to Yashiro,while reaching for her hand.
I would then interrupt the two by forcing myself to walk in between them,nudging Kou away from the silver haired girl as i intruded.

"Hey,What was that for?!" Kou growled a bit,trying to keep his cool.

"Nothing,boy." I smirked at him keeping my cool. "Just keep your distance." I added.

Yashiro would watch me and Kou having a small argument with a confused and slightly blushing expression on her face.
After two minutes of having a burning up argument with Kou,we eventually both calmed down in the end,and explored further with the teacher into the woods.

"Nene Chan~ Look! a cat!" As the purple haired girl caught our attention,Aoi chirped as she walked gently towards the cat and crouched down to it,placing her hands on her knees while looking down at the cat.

The cat was white with black spots and orange spots over her fur,with beautiful big emerald eyes staring into Aoi's kind and caring eyes.
Yashiro would run and crouch down next to Aoi's frame awing while looking at the cat with big eyes.

"So cuteeee!!" Said Yashiro with the cutest expression ever.

Me and Kou couldn't just help but smile at the two friends cuddling the small emerald green eyed cat,Yashiro's smile was cute and welcoming,it made my heart feel warm.
Akane,one of Aoi's friends and the vice president of the Yashiro's school,would walk towards the two girls and stand next to his beloved Aoi.

"That a cute little cat you found is very cute,Aoi." Akane said with a gentle smile on his lips.

"It is indeed very cute!" Aoi chirped,turning her head sweetly towards him,glancing at Akane with that cheerful and happy smile.

"What's my score now?" Akane would not stop smiling and look at the violet haired girl in awe while asking.

"Hmm.." Aoi would then pause from smiling and cup her own cheek resting on her hand,glancing somewhere between the emerald trees while thinking.

"One point!~" The purple violet haired girl said delicately,a clear tease could be seen on her face.

Akane would then fall into despair,he began to have an awkward smile and move his face up in the air glancing at the sky between the trees in the middle of the path,the raze reflecting onto his glass lenses making them shine,covering his eyes,not saying anything anymore,just standing there out of disappointment.

"Akane,are you okay?" Yashiro asked,a slight worried tone could be spotted in her soft and sweet,high pitched voice.

"I wont give up!" Akane then started smiling all confident,looking back down towards the girls with a spark of determination in his eyes.

I would look at them neutrally,slightly confused by this strong determination of his right after he was just rejected a few seconds ago by his crush.

"That's Akane for ya." Lemon sighed slightly,not surprised by this side of Akane.

I would then look past Kou's frame glancing at Lemon with my eyes.

"Hey! Come on you guys are falling behind! You've got to see this!" Yokoo would call us from the other side of the path while waving at us with an excited and surprised smile formed on his face,while Satou would be standing next to him looking between the trees.

We all then glanced at Yokoo and then looked around,It was just Me,Kou,Nene,Aoi,Akane and Lemon who were left around,no one else was with us,not even a classmate of ours.

"I guess we got sidetracked with the cat" Kou said,calling Yokoo back from the other side of the path,telling him the excuse of why we were falling behind.

"Well we all found something! come on! We will wait for you there!" Yokoo called,turning around and running forward in the distance between the trees,with Satou running right after behind him.

They both disappeared between the trees.

"Hey! wait for us!" Kou shouted into the distance,started to run after them,leaving us behind,Lemon ran with him while looking into his phone.

"Boy- wait!-" I tried making my voice reach to Kou,but he just kept on running after Yokoo and Satou.

I then let out a small sigh,the curiosity got the best of him I guess.
Yashiro would have a blank look plastered on her face,she would look either confused,or either she didn't know how to react.
Akane would then help Aoi up by lending his hand at her and the violet girl grabbing it,pulling her up to make her stand. Yashiro stood up,forming her hands in a circle near her mouth,and started shouting after Kou and still,no answer.

"We should go run after them and see what it's about." Akane suggested,while looking into the direction they went into.

"We should go look what it's about then." I glanced at Akane with agreement in my expression.

At least for once we get along,for once..

We all then ran along the path they went,reaching the other side on a small hill.
At the other side of the path,there was a Japanese gate way,leading to a Japanese shrine,surrounded by more trees,and a few light pink cherry trees next to it.
I blinked neutrally at the shrine,I wasn't really surprised by the nice scenery,although,Aoi would look with a concerned expression across her face,staring towards the shrine,and Nene would have her mouth wide open,completely in shock.

"Hey guys,look over here." Akane pointed to something while making us turn our attention towards him.

Looking at what Akane was pointing at,was a wooden broken sign with something written on it.
Akane then would crouch down to the sign,finding the other half of the wooden plate on the ground,grabbing it,and placing it together where the other plate was broken.
I would walk beside him,leaving the two girls with their glance focused,and confused at the shrine,looking at the pieced puzzle Akane made.
On the wooden sign plates pieced together,it would read "Kiseki Shrine" which would mean "Miracle Shrine".

"Kiseki shrine huh?" I'd read out loud,questioning myself,a bit impressed of the name chosen for the shrine.

"Looks like it." Akane responded,agreeing.

"Oh! I see Kou and the other classmates!" Yashiro chirped with an excited smile on her face.

I'd turn my glance to Yashiro,seeing her wave down the hill at someone with her lively smile,as always.
Akane then stood back up,cleaning his hands off the dirty and old sign plate.Then turn towards the girls,walking back at them.

"Alright guys,lets go!~" I chirped childishly,running past them down the hill.

"Ah- Hanako wait!-" Yashiro tried warning me,but it was already too late as I already ran past them.

"The last one who gets there is a rotten daikon!" I said playfully.

"Daikon?!?" Yashiro pouted,closing her fists with an annoyed look,then started running after me.
"Hey! get back here!" Yashiro called.

Aoi and Akane exchanged glances and started joining them in the race,running down the hill together.

Hello reader! I'm sorry this took so long,as you see,I kind of kept getting in and out of the fandom repeatedly since I have gotten distracted with online school classes,homework and other anime and non anime fandoms.
I hope you liked this chapter! I am currently working on the next chapter right about now!
Good bye my uwus!~

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