Chapter 18 || A Heart Chasing Moment || (Part 4)

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-=Hanako's POV=-

"Oh..hey would you look at that!" I'd huff exhausted out of breath,with a annoying childish smile never leaving my face while I would glance behind myself at Yashiro.

"Looks like your not a rotten daikon after all!" I teased,breathing in the last but of oxygen I needed left,licking my dry lips from the wind that kept embracing me while I was running down on that small hill.

The hill wasn't really that small,looking back at it,it was quiet kind of a little bigger then before actually.

"Of course I'm not a rotten daikon!" Yashiro crossed her hands,out of breath,kneeling down sustaining her wrists on her knees to regain her lost breath.

"Hmm,are you sure?" I joked,smirking at the silver haired girl to annoy her even more,leaning towards her face closer.

"S-stop trying to annoy me.." She muttered,glancing away with a slight tint of blush on her cheeks when I got closer.

"Hmm? What was that? Sorry,I didn't quiet heard that~" I teased like a small child who only knows how to play around in the playground.

"I said..." She paused a bit before continuing,raising her hand a bit before saying the last few words before that sentence. "Stop trying to annoy me!" She raised her voice,slapping me on the left cheek,making my head turn to the side.

"Owch.." I'd glance back at her,holding my left swollen red cheek with my left hand. "For a daikon,you sure hit pretty hard." I added,the smile never leaving my face.

"Nene-Chan!~ Are you okay?" Aoi called across the field,making me and Yashiro turn our heads towards the violet haired girl,she would be running beside the breathless Akane while trying to get towards us as fast as they could.

"Yeah! I'm okay!" Yashiro responded to Aoi's question with an innocent and sweet smile.

Akane looked around,seeing only our classmates chasing each other,chatting and a few investigating about the new found place which was a shrine.
Aoi looked up to the Kiseki shrine and thought for a few seconds,thoughts seemed to enter her mind.
Yashiro looked behind her looking back at the shrine in awe.

"So what's this place called again?" Yashiro asked,her glance still focused on the shrine that everyone has found.

"It seems that it is called the Kiseki shrine." Akane said,repeating what he said earlier to me,looking back in front where Yashiro would stand.

"Kiseki shrine..." Aoi whispered to herself in awe.

I looked around for myself,investigating the area to see if there was any harm to cause to any of my classmates,but there seemed to have not been any sign or danger anywhere,since the trees would only surround us in the middle of this big forest we are in.

"Senpai! Hanako!" I turned around to see Kou calling for us running in our way.

"Kou-Kun! There you are!" Yashiro smiled gently at the young exorcist,walking in front of him a little bit,while he would be panting out of breath.

"Come with me! You guys have to see this!" Kou smiled brightly and exited at us,then leaded us to what he found with Yokoo and Satou.

Kou leaded us to the back of the japanese shrine,there we saw a Ninetails statue in perfect condition and shape,sitting on a stone pedestal with writing written on it.

"Whoa.." I opened my mouth a bit out of shock,I never saw a statue like this before,and in a perfect condition as well since this shrine is an old one,not to mention abandoned.

I'd crouch down and look at the writing scratched on the pedestal that the stone statue Ninetails was sitting on.

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