Chapter 23 || The Dream.. || FINALE

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-=Yashiro's POV=-

As I woke up gasping for air a little,with tears streaming on my face,I then looked at my left side of the bed,checking on Aoi.
Aoi was sound asleep,cuddling her blanket as she was dreaming,a soft sigh of relief would come out,and a small smile would form on my lips,glancing back at my bed,the smile soon faded away as I thought back to what just happened,rubbing my face from the tears that were stuck in my eyes.

Just what the hell was that? Why?

Usually my dreams wouldn't become nightmares like this,I would mostly dream about nice things,and rarely get bad dreams,but this must've been the most worst one yet.
As I kept thinking and thinking,I looked at the time on my phone,It was now five in the morning,placing my phone beside me on the bed,I must've woken up way to early,and the blame was because of the dream.
It wasn't even a dream,It was more of a heck of a nightmare.
I then stood up from my bed and decided to head outside my room for now to get some fresh air after that weird dream.
I then went towards the exit of my door and went outside closing it behind me as I did so,I was now in a hall as I usually would when I would get out of my room,and started walking inside the hallway towards the elevator to get to the main down floor and go outside for a little bit.
As I walked into the elevator waiting for it to bring me down,I then finally got to the last floor which was the first floor of the cabin,I stepped out of the elevator looking around if there was any sign of anyone outside.
While I went outside I went towards a small bench near the cabin,sitting down gently,I then glanced at the sky which would have stars dancing above in the sky as they shines like little hopes of light,waiting to be watched on like a show on a school stage.
It was quiet and peaceful at the same time,the wind would blow my creamy silver colored hair,brushing it as my ruby eyes stared deeply into the night sky.

Why did I have that dream?

And why...why was it so...gory...?

As I thought about that,I could feel a knot tying up in my stomach,remembering the bloody scene in what Aoi's dead corpse state it was in.
Why? And just when I thought that things would go smoothly if I went to bed.
Of course I get nightmare but most of them weren't this bad,they weren't bloody,more like teasingly about my daikon legs or usually about handsome boys.
But of course,I haven't changed even the slightest bit have I?
As I thought those thoughts and questions rushing in my mind,I then suddenly heard foot steps coming my way.I opened my eyes out of curiosity and looked around,there was nothing,no sign of anyone walking towards me,as the foot steps stopped as soon as I opened my eyes.

Nobody was here? I thought to myself as I was slightly confused.

I thought someone was here a few seconds ago just walking on the path walk..

As soon as I thought about that suddenly in an instant,a hand would grab my shoulder,making me jump out of shock and widen my eyes out of fear,I turned my head behind myself to see who it was.
While turning around I would see a familiar face smiling at me,it was Hanako-Kun,smiling at me gently as his hand was on my shoulder.

"Did I scare the little daikon?~ Oh I'm sorry." Hanako-Kun said,fooling around enjoying my reaction as he chuckled a bit.

"For the last time I am not a daikon." I crossed my arms as I pouted slightly at the ghost.

At this time I didn't really know what to think of him,ghost or not right now he was alive in this fake world,so would it really be okay to still think of him as a ghost?
Thinking about him being alive right now feels nice,it was like he wasn't dead to begin with.
It's just as if he never died...because of himself and because of his brother.

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