Okay,Lets Talk! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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Hello readers!

Do not worry nothing bad happened,I am still working on the chapter! Though it is going a bit slower as I thought since I have encountered some problems along the way with the story line,but everything is okay now! The next chapter will probably released today,or tomorrow so no worries!
I have thought about this fanfic for a very long time,and it makes me smile seeing that all of you are enjoying my fanfiction,even though it's written kind of crappy,it makes me smile that all of you are exited and comforting me,which motivates me to write.
Although,I must ask a particular question,since I am not still quiet sure or not,

Do you guys enjoy reading my fanfic?

Do you guys want me to continue writing?

Thank you for reading,also,if you have any questions about the fanfic you may also ask on this page,I am ready to answer them!

See you on the next chapter! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

(I will not try to spoil anything for the future chapters)

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